Post 3 - transcript continued...
then we failed. But we're looking at the law of large numbers because we have been totally shut out of the leadership. So we're looking at the law of large numbers to win this thing.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right, so we're looking at, so we need large numbers to get out, right? So you're saying don't stay home.
COURTNEY BROWN: No, you need large numbers to circumvent the control of the people who are pulling the strings, both the negative extraterrestrials as well as the politicians that are under their control. And what you mean, it's like a tidal wave. When you have a tidal wave, the surfers get knocked over. You know, when the waves are nice, the surfers, I just came back from a weekend of surfing. When the waves are nice, the surfers look like they're controlling everything. They're dominating everything. But if the waves get out of hand, the surfers are wiped out. That's what we're trying to do. We're trying to actually get rid of the controllers, their ability to control the narrative, and then for disclosure to actually happen.
And so when you see all these things happen, we did not start these things. We did not start the war in Ukraine. We did not start the Middle East stuff. We did not start the polarization. But... When these things got started, we did organize things behind the scenes so that they all crescendo at the same time. And that's what Bashar was actually warning about. He doesn't want this level of disorganization. He doesn't want some stuff. He doesn't want that to happen. They don't want all of these crises to happen at the same time. That's why he said, well, we're not allowed to talk about political information, but I can say this one small thing. If the woman wins, you'll get stability and it'll move towards open conflict - sounds great - and if the man wins world war three and the end of the united states. what do you mean. he's not allowed to talk about anything political and then he told everybody who to vote for. so uh that's it. now look I know there's a lot of people…
CONFLICT RADIO: so who do we vote for the man or the woman
COURTNEY BROWN: oh I'm not getting involved in that I'm just saying what Bashar said. That's a good question though. The law of large numbers means it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if Kamala Harris or Donald Trump wins. That's the whole point. If an individual mattered, then we could be defeated. We engineered this thing so that the individuals who are manipulated and controlled by negative forces don't matter. They can't control it. This is the law of large numbers. You get probabilities that are associated with major movements in the masses. If you haven't read the foundation trilogy by Isaac Asimov, now's a good time to do that. Then you get the idea of what the psychohistory is all about.
By the way, I can also say that in the galaxy, you know we on earth are very concerned about technology we like technology and thinking develop new technology is really important in most of the south of the advanced societies and the galaxy they have all invented everything that can be invented the technology is not the key it's not the thing. the cutting edge the most advanced elements of science is not technological, it's social science. It's understanding the movement and flow of people, of information. And that's why this is a huge experiment on the level of social science. It's way more complicated than anything dealing with transistors or computer chips or that type of technology. That's why Isaac Asimov's ‘The Foundation Trilogy’ is a set of novels of social science, not technological science. That's where the real cutting edge is. And I'm a social scientist. I work at a university. I teach mathematical modelling courses and I teach, you know, I also teach elections and voting, but I do not teach anything related to what I've been talking about today.
But nonetheless, I am expecting that our plan, our preparations will yield fruit and you will see the proverbial blankety blank hit the fan. And you'll really see, you'll see international things happening in the Middle East and Europe as we get closer to the election more and more, especially like before the two weeks before, like middle of October. And then after the election is when the crises happen in the United States. And we'll see how It's going to be a struggle. The bad forces, the bad ETs, the negative ETs, they're going to be trying to contain everything as much as possible. They want a continuation of whatever happens. They don't want the house of cards to collapse. And we want the house of cards to collapse. So we'll have to wait to see. We're basing our science on the law of large numbers, waves that can't be controlled by single individuals acting at the top.
CONFLICT RADIO: ‘A little twist’ says that ‘we don't need any of them. We decide. It's up to us’.
COURTNEY BROWN: But you have to have the information in order to decide. That's why everything that we're doing is so important. The only thing we're trying to do is to get disclosure. We're trying to get you to know what's actually been happening. You have to know who killed John F. Kennedy and you have to know what really happened in 911. And then with that In the background, you have to then know about the UAPs and the UFOs. And after that, the House of Cards will collapse.
CONFLICT RADIO: So, do you think that the truth of UAPs that's going to come out is that we actually have our own?
COURTNEY BROWN: Oh, we definitely have a secret space program, if that's what you're asking.
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah, yeah. So is that what's going to be the disclosure?
COURTNEY BROWN: There's a cold war between the good ETs and the bad ETs. And they can't shoot each other without that war starting into a hot war. So, what's happening is the bad ETs that collaborate with the U.S. government have been giving technology to help reverse engineer some of the technology in the craft ships that have been shot down. And with that information, the U.S. has been building a small fleet of advanced crafts. You would call UAPs or UFOs. Now, they're not strong enough to actually defeat the reptilians or anything like that, but they're good enough to be able to shoot down some of my ships, some of the ships on my side that get tricked into being in a vulnerable position. And they shoot those down, and then they quickly send in the troops and gather those people. They take the ship off the underground levels of Area-Fifty-One and other places. And they take the survivors and they give them off. They interview the survivors and they give the rest of them. And then they give them to the bad ETs to interrogate. And they torture like you wouldn't believe. I mean, they do terrible things.
So my people are... are suffering a lot in order to help this planet. It's no joke. A lot of people are giving up enormous stuff in order to help this planet. It's not an easy situation. And anyone who knows anything about the extraterrestrial situation, if you've been following stuff like David Grush, his testimonies in Congress, just add two and two together. If there is a crash retrieval program, okay, who's shooting down the craft? So obviously it has to be American ships because the American ships can shoot down those crafts and those crafts cannot defend themselves against the American ships. Because then it would look like we are, that my side is attacking the American ships. And that would throw the Americans further into the hands of the bad ETs. So the good ETs are actually sacrificing themselves when they actually get this stuff. And then once they sacrifice themselves, they get tortured in ways that you have no idea. It's really bad.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right, let me ask you this. A lot of people are commenting on the fact that you mentioned that you were working with people in the entertainment industry and being that the whole Diddy thing happened. And it seems like a lot in the music and even in the entertainment industry are going to be taken down by everything that's been going on with Diddy…
COURTNEY BROWN: oh no, no, no. I'm not talking about that. I'm just saying if you work in a club or you're a waitress or something like that, customer is going to stop showing up once the once the terrible stuff starts happening. people are going to stop spending money and they're going to not go to shows the people that work in the entertainment industry are going to start running out of customers And so I'm just telling you, I'm just telling friends that work in clubs and things like that, you know, just don't waste your money. Don't spend like everything's going to be the same tomorrow as today. If everything is OK four months from now, just write off everything I've said. I'm telling you, if it's OK, if everything's the same and nothing's changed four months from now, that I'm telling you, we lost everything. And if we lost, just go back to, you know, all you've done is you've saved a little extra money and you have a little extra money in your bank account and you go on a vacation. So what's the harm in that?
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah, yeah, no, I agree with you. But, you know, maybe the bank's not the best place to keep that money, right?
COURTNEY BROWN: Just don't spend it. If you spend it, it's gone.
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah, spend it on silver or something and bury it in your yard. You know, I worry a lot about... You know, all these people that say buy gold, buy gold, buy gold. You know, when we know when we know the
government can go door to door and take everybody's gold if it's if it's a national emergency. So, well, I'm not getting into the specific sort of strategies for, you know, for saving things or I'm not getting into doomsday prepper stuff. Yeah. What I am saying is that we have been planning on this to happen, and we helped cause this to happen. If you have one crisis after the next in a sequential form, nothing really collapses. My side is the one who's responsible for all these things happening at the same time. We tried to do it. We're doing that now. We built it up. So, if you're asking who did it, it's my people. We did it and we did it on purpose because we have no influence with the powers that be. We have no influence with the major governmental leaders. This is our shot. This is our shot at trying to free you guys. And so, you know, that's it. So, yeah.
CONFLICT RADIO: So, so, what good comes of it if everything goes to crap and nobody has electricity, nobody can charge their phones and nobody has the capability to get any of this disclosure information?
COURTNEY BROWN: No, we timed this at a point where the technology for information transfer is well established. We couldn't do this a hundred years ago because we couldn't do it five hundred years ago. We had to do it at a point where the internet and Starlink is up. So, we are assuming that there will be no, and we couldn't wait also.
You might say, well, why do we do it now? Why don't we wait in four years? Because censorship is getting worse. Now is the best window of opportunity. The further you go out in time, the more YouTube is cutting off people's channels, demonetizing, kicking people off, deleting videos. Facebook is deleting posts. TikTok has started to delete things. So the further we go out in time, the more the censorship is going to get worse. So we didn't have the option to go later. So we have to take advantage of this particular time that coincides with this particular American election, which is going to be tumultuous. So we had to do it now. If we waited, there'll be greater levels of control.
So you will have access to the internet. You will have stuff happening. They're not going to shut that off entirely. Four or five years from now, the censorship stuff will be deeply entrenched. Okay. Mike is asking (in Chat), yeah, but if nothing happens, then it's actually worse, right? Yes. If nothing happens, then my side lost and you're back exactly where you are now. No change. Everything's stable. And all those people that say you're getting good gradual open disclosure, open conflict. I mean, I'm not an open conflict open, uh, Open contact. They're just lying to you. And you're stuck. And we lost. That's what happens. But we think we have a very good shot at winning this, of doing this.
CONFLICT RADIO: So you just said in five years, the censorship is going to be completely entrenched.
COURTNEY BROWN: It's going to be worse than it is now. And ten years from now…
CONFLICT RADIO: But if we win, if we win, then that won't happen.
COURTNEY BROWN: Oh, if my side wins and everything is open, then all the censorship breaks down.
CONFLICT RADIO: So what happens if we win?
COURTNEY BROWN: If we win, it'll be a new age of open disclosure, of people talking, people knowing the truth. And then the leaders will then... Oh, and at that point, let me bring up Elena Danaan’s crazy stuff. Her Valiant Thor isn't chasing anybody off the planet. They can't get rid of the bad ETs. But if my side wins over the next few months... There will be a shift from the Cold War between the two E.T. factions and the Hot War. And there will be a battle. And at that point, the bad E.T.s will be chased off. And Valiant Thor will have nothing to do with it.
It will be a battle. It will be a shootout. And everybody will see it. You will see it. I will see it. You just have to go out. You'll watch it. It'll be the two sides facing off. And then with full disclosure, the controlling, the bad ETs are gonna be in a situation where their normal tricks for controlling a planet, which is all based on secrecy and lies and deception, that won't work anymore, so they can't use those tricks to control planet earth anymore and then what will happen is they'll say ‘we have a planet that we can't control it's a write-off’ and we have a possible major hot war with the what I call the good ET’s and at that point the bad ET’s will withdraw because they don't want to they're not stupid they They're not going to want to lose personnel, ships, and resources to fight for a planet they can't control anymore anyway. So you can't rescue the planet unless you have disclosure. So the crises that we're facing over the next three or four months have to happen or the bad ETs continue to control everything. And at that point, if the crises don't happen, I was told that the good ETs will withdraw. We'll say we defeated. We'll try again some other time and place on another planet somewhere else in the galaxy. We'll try to come up with another plan. But we're not going to leave you guys. We're not going to abandon you guys. But it may take thousands of years before we can figure out what to do next.
But this is the best shot we've ever had. And it's using a different type of release mechanism. Rather than controlling the leadership, which is what the bad ETs do, We're liberating the masses and having a mass uprising. And to do that, you have to have crises boil out of control.
CONFLICT RADIO: Well, I mean, that kind of, you know, it takes a thousand years to figure out what they're going to do next. I mean…
COURTNEY BROWN: maybe longer.
CONFLICT RADIO: Can't they see through various timelines and stuff how exactly things are going?
COURTNEY BROWN: Yeah, and after doing all of that, this is the best plan they came to. And one of the reasons of seeing through other timelines, if this is not stopped here on this planet right now, then the bad ETs, you know, with the battalions being on top of the food chain, The bad ETs are gonna use all these people, eight billion human souls and many, many billions more in the wings that don't currently have bodies to expand across the galaxy. And you're gonna see a Holocaust in the galaxy that dwarfs the previous Holocaust that we had in this galaxy. This is a war-torn galaxy. This is a very, very badly damaged galaxy. And if we can stop it here on this planet, Holocaust 2.0 can be prevented. That's why we're doing it here now.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right. You've got some time for some questions.
COURTNEY BROWN: Of course, I have time for questions. I love questions.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right. Why don't you, before we get started on the questions, why don't you tell everybody where they could find you? And all the links will be down in the box below. Okay.
COURTNEY BROWN: Our big thing is That's our streaming service. And that's where we have all of our major projects. All the information that has been denied you for... for literally thousands of years, the answers to all these questions about what's really been going on is on We had to have our own streaming service because we couldn't post this stuff on YouTube or other places. We had to own our own service to be able to do it. It's run by Vimeo. It's top of the line. It's technologically equivalent to Hulu, Netflix, Disney, whatever. So it's first class all the way.
Our other website is So is our streaming service where you get everything. is our website where we have a lot of printed materials dealing with the process of remote viewing. And we have a lot of information about what we actually do, including how to take video recordings of UFOs.
So then for those people who want to just see some videos of UFOs and you have your phone, you can go to my Instagram page, Courtney Brown Farsight, all one word, Courtney Brown Farsight, all one word, and look down the list you'll see a whole bunch of video recordings of ufo’s some of which are really unbelievable just but we use we shot them with our own cameras on demand when we wanted and there they were and we edited and we put them up. And what we're trying to do now is get other people to do the exact same thing following our methods. You have to shoot in infrared and you have to shoot at very high frame rates, like a hundred and twenty frames a second in order to see these things. Because these ships typically travel over twenty thousand miles an hour. That's thirty two thousand kilometres an hour. So, if they're flying at that speed, you can't pick them up on a regular camera. So you have to use a fast shutter speed. I mean, sorry, a fast frame rate.
CONFLICT RADIO: yeah all that all that information we covered on the uh on the I believe it was episode uh earlier on at the link three things for the other side
COURTNEY BROWN:,, and my Instagram page: courtneybrownfarsight
CONFLICT RADIO: yeah, and I also have your youtube channel link down in the description box below
COURTNEY BROWN: which is simply the word Farsight
CONFLICT RADIO: yeah, people can go subscribe Okay, so ‘A Little Twisted’ asks, ‘Courtney, are you double blind or single blind in RVs’?
COURTNEY BROWN: Okay, that's a very interesting question because so many people ask about it, but it doesn't relate to us.
That's actually raised a lot by people who come out of RV studies way back in the old days, and they still talk about things, are you double blind or single blind? And for us, it doesn't even relate because... Being double blind means that the people that are in contact with the remote viewers don't know the target either. So, the remote viewers are blind to the target, but also the people working with the remote viewer doesn't know the target either. That's what double blind is. But that doesn't even relate to us. And a lot of people say, oh, you're not doing double blind. I say, that's so stupid. It doesn't relate because we don't have other people interacting with the remote viewers. Our viewers do their work by themselves. So what you have is you have people doing their work on video solo. And when they do, they often start out their sessions solo. They do the work. There's nobody who actually is interacting with them.
Now, we have some situations which we do use where we have not a monitor that has, you know, is guiding the session, but we have what we call an interviewer. Now, that happens, that doesn't happen with all of our sessions, but some of them it does. And what an interviewer is, and we've published this description in our podcast. in our content about the SRV process.
An interviewer is necessary when you need to get a lot of information about a target and you can't get it from the remote viewer in one session without telling them what to do next. Meaning if they go in, like when we did our nine-eleven projects with Dick Algar and Daz Smith, they did all their sessions totally solo, one session at a time. So they would do a session and get some information. Then I'd look at the session and I'd say, okay, now expand upon this that you have on page nine. And I would give them an email, say, expand upon that. And they'd have to do another session. And on the second session, I'd say, okay, expand upon this that you have on page twenty. Okay, and then they'd have to do another session. And then I'd look at the next session, and that went on for like three or four months before we could finish the project. So that takes too long. And we can't do the projects that we have if it takes months and months just to complete a single project because you're doing one session after the next. And then you have, at the end, we had at the 911 stuff, we had like nine or ten sessions for each for Daz and Dick. And it was just they were really getting upset and stuff like that.
So we have what we call an interviewer for some of our situations. And an interviewer is someone who watches a session take place over a Zoom call. So, the video for the person that's watching the session is turned off. So, the remote viewer can't see the person and the audio is often turned off. But when they have gone as far as they can go, they describe what they see there. You know, let's say they have a house in the desert, but they need to go into the house, but they don't know that you're supposed to go into the house. So then, the interviewer can then intervene at the very end and turn on the audio for five seconds and say, okay, move into the house and continue, and then the audio goes off again. It's a way to keep the remote viewer going, one stop after the next until it's all done.
And our movement exercise are typically written in terms of focuses. So we have a target script that's being followed, and they're supposed to go through various focuses, focus one, focus two, focus three. So the interviewer would, in doing a session, watching the session take place, and then the remote viewer can't see the interviewer, can't hear the interviewer, but the remote viewer gets to a dead end. Like, what do I do next? And then the interviewer will turn on the mic and say, move to focus two. And then they turn off the mic. So it's never leading, but it says, okay, you've done focus one, move to focus two. Something like that. Or they may say, they'll turn on the mic and say, okay, now focus on subject B. And they'll turn off the mic.
Now they never say what focus one is. They never say what focus two is. They never say who subject B is and so on. But it's a way to... Keep the session going so we can complete it in one session. We consider that different from double blind because the viewer doesn't have any active contact with the interviewer. The interviewer's video is off. The audio is off. And the interviewer the comments that are given to the interviewer at specific times are non-leading things such as move to focus three and then the audio and the video never is on but then the audio is off. so it's a way to simply instead of so if we have three focuses and they in the session they go to focus one and then the interviewer says go to focus two and then go to go to focus three. that's equivalent to having three remote viewing sessions but they're all done in one sitting as compared with having to string them out in three separate solo sessions where there's, you know, and then it takes forever and we never would have any, nothing would ever get done.
But it has to be done under extremely careful conditions by professionals. And the movement exercises have to be totally, totally non-leading, like move to focus two. Again, they're not told that focus two is, they just say move to focus two. And then they describe whatever they see there. and so on. So see the word double blind and single blind don't really make sense for us because everything is totally blind and there is no other person who knows the target that's interacting.
Now, when people are taught remote viewing, especially back in the old days, they would have someone called a monitor. Now a monitor is not an interviewer. A monitor is someone who does lead the remote viewer and it's done for training purposes so the person can actually figure out how the process works. And then the monitor would actually get more heavily involved. And that is single blind, but it's not double blind because the monitor is actually watching. And in those situations, Monitor is visible. The viewer can see the monitor either on Zoom or in person and things like that. So that's single blind, but that's only done in training. That's never done in actual real projects. And that's the way it's done everywhere. For training purposes, you see the instructor and the instructor gives you advice on what to do and things like that. that's why we call that a monitor but in actual projects with their operational projects we call it an interviewer and a completely different protocol takes place and it's and the other type of session we do we're just playing solo with no interviewer at all. and so the word double blind doesn't even apply because there's nobody in contact with the viewer who knows what's going on The viewers just by themselves.
and always whenever they finish the session, they finish the session on video. And always nobody is in the room when they're doing the video. They're in the studio by themselves. And after they've done this thing, they notify people that they can come back into the thing, but they do everything solo, completely, completely, completely solo. And there's nobody in the room. So that's not that's not double blind. That's beyond the double blind. That's like… it can only be double blind if people are in the studio who are watching it and leading it But if the people don't even exist and the word double blind Doesn't even make sense because double is meaning another person and there's no other person Does that make sense?
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah Okay, um David Gosling wants to know has anyone RV'd Tartaria and if so, where did the population go?
COURTNEY BROWN: No, we have not done that, but it's always been curious. I've always wondered if that's something we should try.
CONFLICT RADIO: Okay. It's a good question. Will Carr says, can someone accidentally see a craft and maybe get downloaded with odd stuff?
COURTNEY BROWN: What do you mean get downloaded? You mean like, can something get into your head?
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Can they put things in your, in your head just from seeing a craft?
COURTNEY BROWN: No, our people are extremely advanced, and if we ever remote view a project, a target, that has malicious people in it, we have protection. The same protection we're talking about that gets past the blocking techniques. So, they can't get anything past us because we've got our own firewalls with regard to that. But it's not something that we do. It's our side. The ETs that work with us, they're the ones who protect us. We can't protect ourselves against the bad ETs. I mean, we're as vulnerable as you are. But we have friends who do that for us.
CONFLICT RADIO: Okay, Six Dreams said, ‘Courtney, last year your ETs were saying if they intervene, the bad ETs would destroy Earth. Now they say it has to happen?’.
COURTNEY BROWN: No, what we were saying, I know what you're talking about, that if the good ETs invaded and tried to invade, then they would have to fight not only the bad ETs, but also the human population. Because the human population... would be siding with the bad ETs. So, the good ETs can't just invade and attack the bad ETs and chase them off the planet. You have to have disclosure. You have to have an uprising from below first. And then the humanity will turn their attention in the direction of the good ETs. And then humanity would then insist on the good ETs winning the day. They would align themselves. And then that's when the bad ETs will withdraw because then, and there's a logic behind it.
The bad ETs will withdraw because they can no longer control the planet. If the good ETs invade, just simply invade, then the bad ETs are still controlling the planet. And, you know, they have a reason to fight. So, the only way we can win this is if humanity rejects the bad ETs and openly sides with the good ETs. And that means we have to have an uprising from below that completely circumvents the control of the powers that be, the national leadership that's totally compromised.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right. Yeah. And, you know, this reminds me of the question here Nick D just posted. He said, ‘why would humans attack the good ETs’? And this is just I can answer this for you. It's because the bad ETs are here and or our deep state will get us to fight them. Right. I mean, isn't that…
COURTNEY BROWN: it's very it's very simple. Our U.S. military is totally divided. I don't know what the exact percentages are, but let's say half. Half of them support what we're doing at Farsight, or we would not exist. Get that straight. We would not exist if we didn't have allies, human allies in the U.S. military.
But let's say the other half is working with the bad ETs. And you can also see this in the congressional hearings. People like David Grush or... Who's the other guy that just came out?
CONFLICT RADIO: Oh, you're talking about the new guy that's just announced?
COURTNEY BROWN: Yeah, Alessandro or something like that. His name is slipping, but I'll remember it in a second. Well, especially let's look at David Grush. Everything that he has said is said with official clearance from the Pentagon. That means his office in the Pentagon has given him clearance to say all about the crash retrieval program, about the non-biologics, as they call it, the extraterrestrials. He has total permission from the Pentagon to do it. Now, there's other office in the Pentagon after David Grush speaks. The other office says, we don't know anything about that. There's no extraterrestrials. We don't know anything about it. There's no evidence of any alien life anywhere in the universe. So obviously, the Pentagon is split. you get half of them saying go ahead David go do some congressional hearings and the other half saying no there's nothing there, and that's coming out of the same building so the military is very split so um what has happened is the side that's aligned with the bad ET’s are getting technology - and you know military people they love tech and they love military tech - and they want Historically, American politicians have wanted that tech as well. They have some crashed UFO ships, and they want to know how to reverse engineer that technology. So, the bad ETs have been helping with that.
So, you have to say, well, who are they shooting down? Well, that's American ships that are shooting down the good ET ships. They obviously don't shoot down the ships of the bad ETs. So, when we show people how to take video recordings of the bad ETs, they're obviously not shooting down those ships. Those ships are just flying all over the place. But the ships of the good ETs are being shot down. And the reason the Americans are doing it is because the good side, the good ETs, can't defend themselves because they don't want to shoot. They could easily knock out the entire American secret space program in a blink of an eye. The technology exists. But they don't want to do that because then they would be seen as an aggressor. And that would throw American military into the hands of the bad ETs even worse. So, they have to sacrifice themselves and wait for the big disclosure moment. Everybody's waiting for the next three to four months, everybody. And we're waiting to see if this happens. If the planet rises up, if the control levers crumble that the powers that be use, and the people rise up and they start hearing disclosure, then we'll win. If the disclosure doesn't happen, then we lose, and that means the strength of the controlling operations of the powers that be, the national leaderships that are being controlled by the bad ETs, that's what perseveres. But our plan is that the law of, it's a science of the law of large numbers. Look, it's like a pyramid. It's a pyramid-type structure.
The operations of the bad ETs are pyramidal. They control the people at the top, and from that, they go down and they control the masses. We're doing an opposite. We're influencing the masses on the bottom and hoping they rise up and blow off the people at the top. What's actually going to happen, it doesn't mean that the president will not be a president anymore, but presidents lead when the masses demand it. It's like the political leaders are saying, show me which way the people are walking so that I can get in front and lead them. So, if the people are demanding disclosure, then the politicians will say to heck with the bad ETAs, we'll go with disclosure.
Anyway, the three major disclosure elements we're looking for is John F. Kennedy's assassination for people to finally hear who actually shot John F. Kennedy. And second is 911 and what actually really happened with and why. And then third, the UFO disclosure stuff. That should be enough to burn the house down and let a new phase take place. And then the good ETs can intervene and chase off the bad ETs. Elena Danaan's story about the Valiant Thor going out there and doing that with his trusty sheriff is just so stupid I can't believe anyone even believes it. The bad ETs have been ruling planets for whole galaxies. Do you actually think two guys can go around and to chase off the bad ETs. This is a planet they control. They can't be chased off without a war, a major war. That's like saying you can go into Russia and chase off all the Putin people just by having somebody go in there and chase them out of the Kremlin. Like you're spraying a house with bug spray. You can't do that.
CONFLICT RADIO: So, the idea that we're cleaning out these dumbs now as we speak, that's not happening?
COURTNEY BROWN: No. No. It's not happening. The bad ETs are entrenched. They have underground bases. They have all types of stuff. This idea that they're being chased out and we're invading the underground tunnels and stuff like that, that's all Elena Danaan crap. Where does she have any evidence that that's happening? The bad ETs are thoroughly entrenched. Just imagine anywhere, if that was actually happening, don't you think you'd see people shooting it out in disguise? Be reasonable. You can't have stuff like that happening and not see it. That would be major conflict.
The bad ETs are using the American Secret Space Program to shoot a few ships down that are run by the good ETs. And when that happens, that's all the shooting that's going on. So, the big shooting between the bad ETs and the good ETs has not even started. That won't even happen unless the disclosure happens. And if the disclosure thing happens with all the chaos, then you'll see it. If that doesn't happen, then you'll never see it. The good ETs are not going to have a military confrontation with the bad ETs unless the disclosure thing becomes real.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right. Okay. Well, you got anything else you want to say before we wrap it up.
COURTNEY BROWN: That was really a lot. So, you know who to blame if the blankety-blank hits the fan. We've been engineering this thing. So, this is new information. I've never actually told people that. that we are responsible for all these things happening all at once. We did not create the crises, but we are manipulating them so that they happen at the same time. We did not create the polarization in the United States. We did not create the Middle East stuff. We did not create the Ukraine stuff, but we are involved in getting them all to happen at the same time to hopefully bring down the house of cards. The only thing we're trying to do is to loosen up the
the powers that the powers that be, have, so that disclosure can happen and people can be told the truth. And again, we're talking about three basic things. You start out with the John F. Kennedy assassination. then you go to the 911, and then you go to UAP, UFO stuff.
CONFLICT RADIO: And it's got to be quick, right? Like all three kinds - boom, boom, boom.
COURTNEY BROWN: They haven't told me exactly, but the idea in the whole thing is the law of large numbers. It's supposed to happen quickly. So, I'm telling people, just save your money for the next three or four months. And if nothing happens, and it may be that nothing will happen, it may be the election will happen and everyone will say, okay, well, that solves that. We'll try again in another four years and everything's calm. So, if that's what happens, then that's what happens. I don't think that's going to happen.
CONFLICT RADIO: So, when we win, that's when we get the med beds, right?
COURTNEY BROWN: That's when we get what? The med beds. Med vets? Med beds. Can you spell that out? I'm not sure. Med bed. Net beds?
COURTNEY BROWN: Oh, I heard you right. What is a med beds?
CONFLICT RADIO: Well, there you go. I guess, you know, for frequency healing and that sort of thing.
COURTNEY BROWN: Oh, no, that's not it. That's just tech stuff. That's just tech stuff. Tech stuff can always be dished out.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right. Okay, well, why don't you tell everybody where they can find you, and will you come back on? Can we get you on?
COURTNEY BROWN: Are you serious? I'd love to come back on. Every time I come back on, I say new stuff, and this is the very first stuff I've actually addressed by name, those people who are attacking me.
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah, I mean, we had to address it because it was, you know.
COURTNEY BROWN: Yeah, they're doing that. And with the Bashar stuff, I felt weird because I didn't really want to get into that because I like Darryl Anka so much. He's really great. He's from heaven. He's a wonderful guy. But the Bashar stuff is very tricky. And I just wanted to say my disagreements with it so that you see from it from another perspective. So, our plan, it doesn't matter who's winning the election. So, the whole Bashar thing of saying, if the lady wins, you get stability and open contact. And if the man wins, World War III and the end of the United States. Well, you know, we don't agree with that, but that's the type of thing that the bad ETs would want you to think. They want stability. The prison warden wants the prison to continue as it is. Stability. And open contact is like a fruit that you're tempting somebody with. You'll have this. But they always kick it down the road. They don't want real contact. So real contact means you have to describe everything that's going on in the galaxy, the good, the bad, the ugly. And they're not talking about anything like that. And so anyway, that's our plan. Our plan is to... Have this window of time be chaos like you've never seen it before. And with that, you'll get disclosure.
And I don't know if it will work. Nobody really knows if it will work. It's based on the law of large numbers. We think it'll work. I think it's a genius plan. It's the only way to do it because the bad ETs control everybody at the top. But this is the way to have the uprising from below. Let's see if it works. And if it doesn't work, the only thing I've told people in terms of practical terms is just save your money. Just don't waste your money over the next three or four months. And is that going to hurt anybody? That's like good housekeeping advice. Just don't waste your money for the next three or four months. And then if nothing happens, just go on vacation and spend the money. But if something does happen, you'll need the money.
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah, I mean, winter's coming. It's time to nest it up anyway, right?
CONFLICT RADIO: Get your nests ready, guys, because, you know, like you said, it doesn't matter who wins.
COURTNEY BROWN: Yeah, our plan is, see, we can't control the individuals at the top, right? So, if you read Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy of Psychohistory, it's all based on the law of large numbers and watching the flow of movements in the galaxy. It's not based on the individuals doing things. So, the individuals are really not completely relevant to what actually happens. So, the law of large numbers basically... states that Bashar is totally wrong about this. It doesn't matter who wins the election. You'll get the same results either way.
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah, it's going to get crazy.
COURTNEY BROWN: That's what we're thinking. No, actually, that's what we're hoping. We've worked for this for hundreds of years. Actually, it goes way past that. It goes back a few thousand years. A lot of ideas that were introduced to humanity way back in the old days, they have their role to play now, and they've percolated through society for hundreds of years and thousands of years. And now we are in a situation where we finally have the internet working and censorship over the internet is not firmly established. So now is the window in time for this to happen.
I mean, can you see the logic behind this?
COURTNEY BROWN: Before this, there was not a sufficient internet presence. Censorship is starting to happen. If we wait much longer, it's to the control. The people at the top can control the information that the people at the bottom get. So, this is the window.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right. And real quick before we go, did you ever look into or ask your friends that you work with where the base exactly is near Huntsville, Alabama?
COURTNEY BROWN: Oh, no, I never did. find out anything about where a specific UFO base is.
CONFLICT RADIO: Yeah, yeah. See if you can't dig into where the base is at around Huntsville, Alabama, because we're really curious out here and we can get eyes on it. If we can get, you know, some even just a general location, we can get real eyes.
COURTNEY BROWN: Yeah, it is interesting. But, you know, we do know that Area 51 has many layers, many, many levels down below. So, if you want to know a specific place, there are bases all over. There's underground stuff everywhere. But under area 51 is one specific place and there's many layers, many levels going down. So that's one area that people know about and that we have done many remote viewing sessions on that particular area. See, the thing about area 51 that's so good is we definitely know its location and we can target it and go down. So that's really good. With the Huntsville, Alabama situation, we don't know the exact spot. So, you're asking us not only to find out what's there, but you're asking us to locate the spot as well.
CONFLICT RADIO: Well, the good ETs should know where it is, right? Yeah, but they want us... The thing about Farsight is we are totally human. We were born human. We were raised in the human educational system. We had human parents. We have to show that we can do this as humans. So, they're not just giving us all that information. We have to make the discoveries ourselves. We have to show all of humanity that we can do it and not just be given it. And so that's what the whole issue of Farsight is. And people are all over the galaxy watching this, and they want to know, can they do it? If we can do it on Earth, then anybody can do it.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right. So, there you go, guys. If anybody has any idea where that base is near Huntsville or the Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee state line, just shoot me an email, info at And let me know where it is.
Courtney, thanks so much for coming on. You hang around for just a second so I can talk to you for a bit. We'll get you scheduled again to come back on.
COURTNEY BROWN: Sure. That sounds great.
CONFLICT RADIO: All right, guys, that's going to do it for us. Make sure you're subscribed, and you like the video. Share it so everybody can watch it. It's important information. I think we all need to get it out there. And just remember, guys, we will be back Thursday. with Lily Nova. We'll be here Thursday with Lily Nova. So, tune in for that one. Check that out on Thursday at seven thirty Eastern. Until next time, everybody batten down the hatches and be safe.