Hey Farsight,
im hoping Dr. Brown, or at least one of the viewers sees this and helps clear up some confusion for the audience.
If the crisis doesnt happen and the good ETs loose what will that mean for everyone who knows about the death traps–including you all– will we still escape at death simply by not going into the light? and what will we do?
And if im understanding this correctly, all three or at least most of the crisises need to happen within the next 7 months for the good ETs to be "winning" ?
To escape the death traps, you have to not fall for what I call the "body fallacy", in which you confuse your true self with the form you are expressing. So here's what is happening, as far as I know:
If you don't fall for the bribery and the "council of elders" deception, the next step is a threat of loneliness, meaning you will be told that you will never see your loved ones again. If you don't fall for that, the next step is a threat of violence, in general in the form of your conviction of hell. If you don't fall for that, the next step is open violence, and at that point the body fallacy comes into play.
Open violence means they are inflicting a painful force on your body, which they will do anyways. You can avoid that pain by remembering that you are not your body and pulling your awareness back into yourself, into the singularity of all being, which is the source of everything. That way, your energetic body, which is a projection of the mind, will collapse.
The body fallacy works because the collapse of the body is feared to be the end of existence, which it is not.
Farsight describes how Lao Tzu did exactly that. He essentially became a singularity. In that state, nobody can grab you, because there is nothing to take hold of. You are literally 1D – which is just the awareness – and are able to move freely.
What I'd keep in mind with Lao Tzu, at least as Aziz RVd, he also had what seems like direct coordinates and a body ready for him. It seems like a two-prong strategy. First you have to find contentment as a singular simple awareness, and a life of chaos and overstimulation could highly compromise that ability. Lao Tzu spent much time meditating, contemplating, and communicating with the "friendly star people" I'll just call them. They had a body, a ship, and coordinates all ready for him.
I guess what I'm saying is you need to put quite a bit of lifelong dedication to setting your exit if you want out. And without meditation and remote viewing as that initial step . . . probably not much chance.
Plus, at this stage, they might not be eager to help one solitary person if you're not looking to help pop the whole prison bubble