I was asked to test my memories on the following website:
➡️ https://testmandelaeffect.com
and then explain why it is logical that I got the answers that I did. Okay, here we go. I will skip the Bible test because I never read the english version.
Kit-Kat or KitKat?
I remember KitKat, which is correct.
Pikachu Yellow Tail or Black Tipped Tail?
I never watched Pokémon. My guess is that people remember the black tipped tail because of the black tipped ears, so I chose the yellow tail, which is correct.
Looney Toons or Looney Tunes?
I remember Looney Tunes, which is correct. My guess is that people with English as their first language remember Looney Toons because of the word cartoon. Here in Germany, this is not a thing, because we don't call them toons.
STAPLES with a regular "L" or a staple "L"?
I have no idea what Staples is, so I chose the weird looking "L", which is correct. My rationale was that companies tend to use unique features to get their logos copyrighted.
Monopoly Guy with or without a monocle?
With a monocle, which is not correct. I know that most people remember the monocle. But that's not surprising, because the combination of tophat, monocle and that mustache was very common.
Froot Loops or Fruit Loops?
Froot Loops, which is correct. Same explanation as for Looney Toons.
Berenstein Bears or Berenstain Bears?
I don't know what that is. I chose Berenstein because it could be a name. Incorrect.
Ford logo straight or with a loop?
With a loop, which is correct. The straight one looks weird.
VW logo seperated or connected?
Seperated, which is correct. I'm from Germany. We know how that logo looks. The connected looks very wrong.
I don't know what that is. I chose BRAGG, which is correct. My rationale was that most people will remember BRAGGS as if it's a possessive noun with an added s, which is very common in the english language.
Oreo Double Stuf or Double Stuff?
No idea. I chose stuf, which is correct. My rationale was the copyright logic – stuf is not a word, so it can be copyrighted.
Depend or Depends?
I don't know, we don't have that in Germany. I chose Depend, which is correct. My rationale was the possessive noun logic.
Skittles with or without a dot over the "i"?
Skittles were not a thing in Germany when I was growing up. I chose without the dot, which is correct. My rationale was the copyright logic.
Is C3PO from Star Wars completely gold or gold with a silver leg?
I remember completely gold, but it could be that the leg was always silver and people just don't saw it. It's a golden robot. Why should the leg be silver? The brain completes the picture on autopilot. In addition, VHS quality wasn't that good in the 80's, and that's the time most people saw the movies.
Oscar Mayer or Oscar Meyer?
No idea what that is. I chose Meyer because it's a german name. Not correct.
JCPenny or JCPenney?
No idea what that is. I chose JCPenney, which is correct. My rationale was that most people will remember Penny because it's a common name and a monetary unit.
Cheez-It or Cheez-Its?
No idea. I chose Cheez-It because of the possessive noun logic, which is correct. Will this be a pattern?
No idea, I don't even know if we have that in Germany. I chose JIF, which is correct. My rationale was that the Jiffy image looks photoshopped.
Chic-A-Fila or Chick-A-Fila?
I don't know this. I chose Chick because the C looks like a chicken. Correct.
Mona Lisa slight smirk or noticable smirk?
I don't remember. I chose slight smirk. Incorrect. To be honest, both images look nearly the same.