I feel deep down that whatever we experienced outside of the veil is worse than what we experience down here. I believe we all wanted to escape the feeling of oneness and experience a more "realer" reality so we manifested this mind wipe prison. ISBEs want to experience new things so that's why we are here. We don't want to remember our past lives because maybe they're not good or to experience separation. Has it occurred to farsight that this prison works offers unique experience not found anywhere and we also get to experience tremendous spiritual growth due to the pressure here?
I wanted to escape this place many times but deep down inside I didn't want to wake up. Maybe reality is a fake illusion and this place makes "reality" more realer.
My two cents on that - those that can build craft to get up the gravity well to the rest of the universe, on a physical level, will do so, have done so, and are doing so.
The trick is doing that without killing off the life support system that is planet Earth in the process.
Farsight calls this world "a prison".
I call it "a starship". Although most of the crew are completely unaware that it's actually one giant object and insist it's split up into lots of little segments called "nation states".
"ISBEs want to experience new things so that's why we are here."
Yes, it boils down to that simple logic.
BUT: Seeing slavery as a wanted experience is a double edged sword. It's alright for ISBEs to want to experience the negative stuff, but in the same way, it's alright to end that experience whenever you want to experience something else. The thing with slavery is: You're not allowed to end it, and that's not right.
So, ending slavery becomes a totally new experience. Yes, we wanted the prison planet. But now we want to end it.
"I wanted to escape this place many times but deep down inside I didn't want to wake up."
Depends on what you experienced before you got here. Could be really dark stuff. Remind yourself: Learning how to cope with that negativity is an experience as well. Do you want to learn that?
"Maybe reality is a fake illusion and this place makes "reality" more realer."
Reality is real wherever you are, because of the simple fact that it happens. Ignorance of reality won't make the dark stuff go away, but get bigger instead. That's why there's war and abuse on this planet all the time.
"Farsight calls this world "a prison"."
There are people who call this whole universe a prison. That's why they want to rule everything. Mark Passio explains the worldview of the rulers in his Fake-Ass Christians presentation at timestamp 2:23:15:
Yeah, right. Like, so many posters have spent time in a real prison and know what a real prison is like.
Anyway, if people want to fantasize about how miserable they are and why, it isn't my problem.
Parents: Do you really want to play that game? It's hard.
Child: Yes.
Child loses game and throws a tantrum.
Key take out - we, humans, are but children learning to cope with fear and uncertainty.
There is this myth that people are all finished growing up when they hit 18 and there is nothing else to learn.
I never want to stop learning. Even when learning is a painful process, it's still worth it.
Want is a relative term. I don't want someone to shovel manure on my head. But if I saw someone breaking another child's leg, I might want the option of shoveling manure on their head as punishment.
Idk I heard everyone signed contracts or chose to be here to help.
If I did, I rescision.
I think we forgot what that contract was about, and evil now wants us to believe that we chose endless suffering. Which doesn't make any sense.
Maybe the contract looked like: Experience how it is to be enslaved and learn how to get out eventually. It's the second part that is important. It's like a maze – you're not going in there to be lost forever, but to understand it and find the right way.
Well lightworkers claim we chose this life to liberate this world so I don't know what to believe anymore.
This was an experiment that wss hijacked. That is all. Those with a spirit are sparks of the Divine Source and we were living out experiences to then take back to the Source/God. There was an error and due to that error the fallen got trapped here with us and they then kept forcing, through trickery, to keep reincarnating the souls back into the hamster wheel endlessly to feed on the energy they exude. We, as humans, are the cattle to these predators. That is the prison system.
@Jon Smith
You're right, that is the setup of the contract. Get trapped and enslaved by sophisticated predators. The goal being to learn through spiritual evolution how to overcome the predators and escape.
But you're wrong about the "error". There are no beings who are not coming from the source.
You're also wrong about going back to the source. The source is everywhere. It's generating the whole universe, including the prison planets, at any moment in time. You don't need to go back to it. You just need to understand how evil works. This includes the knowledge how to not fall into their traps again and again.
The contract is fulfilled when the prison planets don't work anymore.
You understand so little it's not even funny then you try to gaslight me by saying you have all the answers and everyone else is wrong lol. I've seen through your tactics the moment you started trying to antagonize me in the beginning. I'm beyond your level little one you shouldn't waste your energy.
Ad hoiminen response, try actually answering the questions. Please?
In your own time Jon, if you haven't got any answers, OK, you haven't got any answers.
That's allowed. :)
Everyone made a choice to come here. No one was forced weather to learn or help. That's why no ET will help.
Oh I've answered his questions many times. Rather than leaving it at that he twists things and then tries to gaslight me into forcing his views on me which doesn't work. So either the two of you are working together as trolls/shills or you haven't taken the time to read my responses to him and then just assumed something. Assumptions aren't a good thing.
Initially the choice to come here was by choice, but then those same spirits got stuck within the game by having them programmed to stay here. They then "choose" but not by their own volition to stay for another forced reincarnation cycle with a mind wipe. Heaven/Hell/Relatives in the afterlife lol...all an illusion by the fallen 4D Reptilians, Draco, and Anunnaki to keep this prison planet going. By now, the spirits are so hopelessly inured into the system...like Stockholm syndrome...that they refuse to leave the game thinking this is where they're supposed to be. This is why we pushed the Great Awakening so much.
"That's why no ET will help."
Why do you think there are no ETs willing to help? Just put yourself empathetically into their shoes. Would you try to help to free humans and end the prison planet? Even Jon says that his people pushed the Great Awakening. So there's an intention to help.
As far as I'm concerned, the narrative of "nobody will come to help you" is wrong. The truth is: There are ETs who are trying to help, but they can only do it if we help ourselves first. There's work on both sides to do.
... I think there are different expectations of "help" for different people.
Some people expect to be whisked away in a giant mothership just because they stubbed their toe getting out of bed.
There is a difference between a hand out and a hand up, and I've come across many kinds of "spoilt child" who just thinks because life is rotten to them, everybody gets that always.
My experience is, people get what they expect. That's why negative thinking and "feeling doomed" are so corrosive. People end up damning themselves to misery, and this is BAD BAD BAD.
And so preventable. Would people please consider this idea of avoiding negative?
I agree about checking this NEGATIVE vibe. About NOT adding our own "shit" in the soup. We need to come full of light inside and without adding our own personal doom.
But in many topics HERE (not all but so many) we are dealing with CRIMES, CONSPIRACIES, DECEPTION... INVESTIGATIONS... HUNGER FOR KNOWLEDGE... CREEPY ALIENS... GOV SECRETS... things related to death and afterlife... and the FUTURE of HUMANITY.
These topics are not light. It is super heavy. It is like diving into crime scenes involving dark stuff.
I agree with Manuel below: Avoiding the negative IS negative thinking.
To paint you cannot remove the color black. But if you put too much of it and it comes from you, you end up dooming the picture.
This is a kind of deep question.
HISTORY itself is a like a never ending paranoïd police investgation.
"Would people please consider this idea of avoiding negative?"
Wanting to avoid the negative IS negative thinking. See Mark Passio's New Age Bullshit presentation, timestamp 2:15:28: