When it comes to positive and negative thinking, many people think that positivity means to be nice or do what feels good. In contrast, negativity must be what's rude or doesn't feel good.
This notion is WRONG.
Let me explain how to understand what positivity and negativity actually are by examples:
1. Violence
Violence is force that is used in an aggressive manner in order to initiate harm.
Negative expression: Ignoring violence.
Positive expression: Ending violence.
2. Abuse
Abuse is violence against weaker beings that are not able to defend themselves.
Negative expression: Ignoring abuse.
Positive expression: Ending abuse.
3. Slavery
Slavery is owning another being such that the being does not own itself.
Negative expression: Ignoring slavery.
Positive expression: Ending slavery.
You get the idea...
Looking at this list at first glance, some people will certainly view/interpret it as being less about Expressing Positivity and more about Preventing Negativity, but, yes, even throughout Terence's writings, many examples were given about how the government-officials are essentially taking two steps backwards for every one step forwards... verbose-details here...
Condensing some of his examples, throughout his attempts to bring about judicial-reform & convert the police-forces from their currently punitive & extortionist-role instead into that of benign peace-officers (rather than police-officers), who ONLY haul in _real_ «offender» (rather than «innocents» due to greedy politicians), one of the «Positives» that he mentioned was in fact, arresting _real_ «offenders» but, that «God» sees it as a «negative» when people are brought-in for «punishment» rather than their «rehabilitation» back into a «sane» mind... what needs to be done is for the «People» to essentially «take control» over the «role» of the «governing systems» (and its systems-workers) and make it so that the «expressions» are ONLY «positive» IF anybody ever hopes to become free of all of the slavery & oppression...