What happened to weekly briefings & monthly intelligence reports? I miss them. They were/are the only news I watched and trusted! Hope they will return soon.
Ditto, verbatim
Maybe they got put on ice because of the election? Chance of being accused of interference?
Courtney is sharp edged when it comes to sticking to rules, I know that much about him.
Personally not my thing anyway, but hey, people got a complaint, I'm all for them bringing them up.
"Free Response" issue, either it's free or it isn't free and is forced choice, and as an RVer naturally I back "Free Response" unless there is a valid reason not to.
They are coming back ASAP. We held off because of the election madness. Now that is over.
Will any of my suggestions for remote viewing possibly be done in the future? I'm waiting around for certain key issues to be looked into and some of those I suggested can help answer a lot of questions for those that have delved deep enough into the game. I know you cant give exact details, as it's supposed to remain as blind RV sessions, just wondering if at all any of those threads I posted on ideas will be taken into account. There are only a few bits and pieces of information left to be filled in for me to complete the puzzle.
Those briefings were the best straight to the point and easy to trust.