Note that I am using a «Calendar-System» based on when the Testament of Truth was first revealed to the public via its on-line web-site (that being what would be deemed as 1997CE in the current Gregorian-Calendar-System). Many people think of B.C. as «Before Christ» and A.D. as «After Death» (although it's : Anno Domini). Then there is BCE & CE which I typically use in order to avoid confusion. The author of The Testament of Truth didn't want to cause confusion by changing up the whole entire Calendar-System so he opted to keep the same structure, but, instead of B.C. and A.D., the «mile-stone marker» would & should be TL for True-Light (and I guess it would be BTL for Before True-Light).
This wasn't the first nor only instance of Alternative Calendar-Designations I had ever come across; the first major significant one was from an anonymous intellectual who used to own the domain before it expired & was claimed by some other company (but you can at least access some of the old archives via WayBackMachine or something). His idea was that «Jesus» never actually existed, so, rather than base a Calendar-System on a Fictitious-Figure, his web-site was marked with PL (Post-Lunar), marking a real event that actually happened... supposedly : The Lunar-Landing
Okay, now that I have that «side-note» out of the way, I will get started, leaving out anything NSFW or anything that looks to be so «cringe» after I re-read my journal as to be too embarrassing to post...
028TL02m24d: Quest/Mission Initiated. Option to move to Kansas where I received a response from an enthusiastic resident who offerred to help transport all of my stuff to Kansas and would like for me to come immediately. The man even mentioned that there was also an abundance of lovely ladies who would love and benefit from my presence. I already had paid several months ahead of rent and considered responding & explaining the situation, but, that I would certainly be receptive to moving since I could use the space to get some work done & systems established...
028TL02m25d: Air-Port visit. Coin-Tagged Carts with extra coins that I did not notice until later on that I inquired with Air-Port Employee about why the coins were left; coins were supposed to be left on the carts. Some-how ended up on a boat along the ocean, mother-type figure operating our boat, very large waves potentially cap-sizing us until we manage to return back to the shore towards the Air-Port.
Went shopping at some sort of grocery store; flew or floated or hovered down a long row of cereal-products... eventually returned to or ended up at the house reminiscent of Ferndale-Washington located on Malloy Road/Drive; some sort of video-game that I had potential access to but was more interested in the food/cereal that I had bought, noticed some «roomantic-activities» within the kitchen from the former step-father & mother figures, who were too busy with each other to really notice me as I intentionally kept out of their awareness whilst going into (teleporting to ?) the back of the kitchen in order to eat the cereal that was prepared for me with its blue-berries even though I had selected & picked out a better brand of blue-berry containing cereal whilst shopping before bringing the cereal back to the house...
028TL02m26d: Gun-Jumping Negotiations by Mother at a Martial-Arts (Karate) School. She talked with its head-instructor, carried around a rather large book that they had been using for notes/schedules, informed me & took me to talk to them; before, I was doing something with security devices, something like surveillance-cameras. Before that, what led up to that, was mother possessing various rank-belts from the school that we would be returning to them and telling me about the school. During the time we were on the way to visit the martial-arts school, I explained & responded to her question about whether I wanted to join (like as a student or something starting out as a white-belt) was not going to look good if I were easily defeating their black-belts (considering that I am already a certified martial arts instructor after all), and, that it would be better for and preferable for me to get established with my own martial arts school, but, whether that school's instructor would be willing to lend assistance to that or not was another question, all depends on their mind-set/mentality, when we then arrived before I could finish explaining. The head-master sitting behind the receptionist-counter asked us for information, three pieces, something like request of some kind of an e-mail address. Mother provided her answer, a couple of other people/students/women there provided theirs which matched each others' domain-names, then I reluctantly provided an e-mail address piece of information at the head-master's insistence, noticing that the vast majority of the students/population seemed to be senior-women; mother thanked head-master for info then we started walking away with book in hand that they said that they had used for quite a bit of time (like since much earlier in the year or longer) and the book went from my hands into mother's hands whom I asked for how long was she going to be keeping that since it seemed kind of important to them that they had been using for quite some time...
028TL02m27d: Information lost but is believed to be related to inter-galactic space-travel and uniform-design...
028TL02m28d: Escape from some insane cannibal-type prison-farm; massive operation to eliminate the hostile zombie-like beings who were kept in some sort of prison-style pen after releasing them and/or freeing hostages; escape then continued with as many sheep as we could gather & re-route up a hill-ish path; follow-up operation had us stay at some new house under/via hidden-identities. Mother was present ? Some sort of maid(s) took care of many of the details. Went exploring on my own for a bit, seemingly roaming around to check out what seemed like abandoned school-ruins, located a men's rest-room where memories of having used it as a hidden sleeping space at certain parts re-surfaced along with the occasional presence and/or showing up of other «homeless» people who also slept there for lack of comfortable sleeping space at any other location(s)...
028TL02m29d: How was this un-event-ful ? Did I forget to log/record the dream-sequence ?
028TL03m01d: Planetary exploration throughout earth; moved from far-east part of planet to the more-familiar America-continent-regions in some sort of gigantic spirit-form, but, also had vibes of vacation-settings; was joined with or joined [name with-held; this was a friend from school-days at a Community College] at some point and explained/described to her my reasonings/plans/history for wanting to have the option to hide-out amongst the mountain-areas if necessary, that the food I stocked up on was from the groceries in order to explain how/ why they were edible-ingredients, rather than random-items from the wild being called food...
I will start with that for now. I believe it is a good practice for Remote-Viewers to learn how to «maintain» their «mental-state» in the mornings (or when-ever you wake up) that allows for re-collection of the «details» about what happened in any of the «dreams» that you had whilst you were sleeping... I believe that practicing & getting into the habit of this will greatly improve the quality of Session-Data when doing «formal» Remote-Viewing as it (probably) becomes easier to know how to put your «mind-set» into that «zone» that is often described by Athletes as being «in the zone» when baseball-players are scoring home-run after home-run or basketball-players are making 3-point-shot after 3-point-shot and other indications of (mental & perhaps even physical) «accuracy» improvement.