So when I move to focus three, I get this big visual of a lighter skin, older male subject in formal dress, blue hues attire, and that subject seems to be standing in a very techy environment, very artificial room.
And there are some seated subjects and some standing subjects around him. And of these seated subjects and standing subjects, they seem to be a uniform subjects as well. These are very uniformed individuals. And they seem like they're, they're basically plugging away at this technological stuff that's in front of them. As they're seated down. And then I start doing a collective deep mind probe to find out what's going on in this environment. And it seems that the standing formal attired subject asked a question to the seated subject who responded verbally with a detailed answer.
The vibe here feels very professional and stern and detail oriented, and sort of surrounding a pre set out playbook of actions. Everybody is going through strict procedures and protocols, little to no spontaneous improvisation. And really, this room just really does seem very artificial and packed with technology. I feel like these subjects are on the attack, but mentally, they aren't in a aggressive charge mentality. It's more like they're playing chess at a very far distance by following a strict pre planned directional playbook, where all actions are pre programmed, so that everyone just does their part of a recipe, a big recipe.
And I started getting sort of a deduction to say that this is like a well oiled machine. But I feel like this is I can see a feel that everyone's just doing their part of a recipe. And there, I get a feeling that the data about non surface objects crashing into urban spaces are unleashing these huge massive energetic clouds. But I also feel like there is this a feeling of massive physical distance between the subjects in this technology filled environment and any of the technology that is puppeting this involvement in this form of attack.
So just to recap, there's this techie filled room with subjects, all the subjects in this room feel very focused, very dialed in. And I get this puppetry sense, and there's massive distance between another location, also with some technology, and they're puppeting this other location. And that other location has this visual of the rocketing off of non surface objects, and those non surface objects running into flying down into other locations that are full of structures, urban areas, basically, and then massive energetics pluming out of those areas. And there is a big distance between those two environments, but not as big of a distance as it is between the environment where these uniform subjects are in this techie filled environment, and the other technology filled places that they're puppeting.
Anyway, I continue with the collective DeepMind probe, and I start to perceive these visuals of mountainous terrain, sort of kind of looks like a compound, but I'm getting the sense of this non surface object rising out of an artificial base surface through these opening doors, and this mostly barren landscape with a few low elevation distance structures, I'm deducting a compound or something like that, but that's just what I'm seeing. And then I am continuing the collective DeepMind probe, and I'm starting to perceive stuff like taller distance structures in a very dense and extensive urban environment. And I'm also perceiving this wide structure that's sort of in the foreground, and it's sort of a focus of attention. And then I redrew that in the foreground of my sketch, just to give a better image of what it looked like.
And it seemed like this is another one of those structures that's much bigger underground than it is above ground. I deducted the Pentagon, but the structure doesn't really look like the Pentagon. It seems like this low, wide, and a bit more rectangular looking structure, and it feels very military-esque and very dense with many rooms all over the place, and it's full of subjects. But the structure appears at the top of the base surface quite as this low-level, wide structure, but in the bottom of the base, as it extends underground, there is this room, and within that room, that is that technology-filled room with this sort of array of other subjects that are engaging in this puppetry activity, sort of puppeting technological compounds that are further away, that are involved directly with this sending off of non-surface objects that are causing these plumes of energetics.
But that does conclude all of the data that I have for this session.
COURTNEY: Well, all right. You ready to hear what the target is then? Very much so, yeah. This is not a target where I can sort of make a joke. I'll just have to tell you what it is.
It has three different points in time, December 2024, January 2025, and February 2025, and the target is a level and type of domestic U.S., United States, military engagement within the continental United States.
Yeah, that means the U.S. military fighting within the continental United States in December, January, and February. Focus one is December, focus two is January, and focus three is February. This is post-election, of course. And I was quite surprised by your session, but not too surprised.
Anyway, so this was, I was just curious when I wrote this target up. I said, is the U.S. military going to be fighting anybody within the continental United States? That excludes only Alaska and Hawaii.
AZIZ: Well, that's a pretty shocking reveal. I wonder how much of this is going to be presented as such in the mainstream media. I mean, it's quite common to see that there are events that are surprising, like explosive events or maybe chemical explosions and stuff like that, where people have reported that it was not like an accidental fire or an accidental experience that caused these sort of things and that there was something deeper that happened in those events.
So I wonder if this is going to be portrayed in the way that our target has portrayed it, with the idea of directed projectiles causing violent energetics into urban areas or other environments across great distances being an actual thing. Or if this is going to be presented as isolated, wild instances of quote-unquote accident or terror that they might even try to just pin on a foreigner, like a foreign agent or something like that. I just don't know. I don't trust the mainstream media to actually say what this target is, as what you've said. So if any of those sort of explosive energetics do happen in any sort of urban environment, which explosive energetics happening, I mean, that's just something that happens. You know, fires start, explosive things sort of happen. But if they're happening like this, I wonder if we're going to get mainstream reportings that present it like this.
COURTNEY: You know, that's a good question. There is so much censorship. But if you segue out into our other projects at Farsight, where we deal with our extraterrestrial friends, we've been told point blank that the crises that we're going to be facing both domestically and internationally are designed to completely crash the information control system.
So while there is a tremendous amount of censorship, it'd be hard to censor this. And I think that's what our side of the ETs want. They want something that can't be censored.
AZIZ: You never know. I mean,
COURTNEY: I'm looking at your results. I mean, we have to wait. All remote viewing has to be, you know, checked with reality. So we have to wait until December, January and February. Yeah. But let's also wait to see. You're the first person to complete this. So let's wait to see what the other viewers get. I was not expecting something like this much. So it's going to be very interesting. I thought maybe there might be some movement of military personnel lined up, sort of National Guard type stuff in the cities and things. But this is quite a step above that.
AZIZ: Well, also, I would just say that if this was actually a thing, just to sort of be a devil's advocate for censorship, we've had just historically so many UFO experiences where people have said, oh, this is swamp gas. I mean, swamp gas is a ridiculous statement. But people have just said that. And whether or not the public actually believes that, yeah, this is swamp gas, that's one thing completely different. But I would never test the abilities of the mainstream to try to spin something that's obviously something else into something that is just an excuse they pulled out of a hat. I mean, I can easily see if this was actually something that did happen. God forbid, I hope I'm wrong. But if this was actually something that did happen, if there was an energetics event that happened in an urban area. And that energetics event came from a projectile that was not reported in the media. But we just saw the energetics event. And then say somebody wanted to blame the entire thing. I mean, from the perspective of the target, you're saying this is something that was done domestically within the United States. From the perspective of somebody who wanted to cover something up and sort of prop up a typical narrative that is existing. I would wager, I guess, that somebody might write a news story that said this was Iran. Or something like that. And I'm just, that's my speculation.
COURTNEY: Yeah, we don't know. We don't know how hard. I'm sure that the powers that be are going to try to spin things and censor things as much as possible. But remember what we've been told from our ET friends. This whole period of time is designed to collapse the information control system. It's a forced disclosure. This seems big enough to break down the censorship.
AZIZ: Well, just so I can continue being the devil's advocate, I saw, not too long ago, a couple years ago, Nashville had this bombing explosion that happened. And I saw quite, now I don't know the truth about what happened in Nashville. But I do know that there were quite a few people who said that they had, I saw some videos of people using like maybe infrared cameras or something or another. And they were able to say that, look, this is a directed energy weapon that struck Nashville. And same thing with Hawaii. People were saying that the fires in Hawaii were started by directed energy weapons. Before that, there was the same thing with Paradise, California.
So the idea of energetics exploding into an urban environment, that is a surprising thing. However, the reaction that I would expect from the powers that be to help quell and manipulate and maintain the status quo in the public would be to say stuff that's not admitting that this is a projectile or directed energy weapon. Or at the very least, they would say, they would do everything they could to prevent people from thinking this was an internal attack akin to some sort of civil war.
COURTNEY: Yeah, you can be guaranteed that the powers that be are going to do everything they possibly can to squash this. And the real question is, will they be able to squash this?
AZIZ: Yeah, so I guess the thing to look for, not necessarily is a news story that says, hey, there was a domestic attack from one branch of the military to another.
COURTNEY: Yeah, yeah, you're saying that they might try to blame it on terrorism like Iran or something.
AZIZ: Terrorism or just some radical political affiliation or just even just to say it was a lone person who just let off a bomb, even though it was a projectile from someplace else.
COURTNEY: Actually, we don't have, we don't have any, I have here domestic military engagement. But it doesn't say who they're fighting. So, it technically could be an engagement domestically from abroad.
AZIZ: That could also be the case. But it's, you never know. It's like, the point is, I think the lowest level interpretation of this is within the time span that you have mentioned, there might be an energetics explosion of some sort within the continental United States.
COURTNEY: I mean, heck, it could be North Korea shooting stuff at us.
AZIZ: Maybe, yeah. But anyway, this, I think...
COURTNEY: You're right, it doesn't say what the sides are.
AZIZ: It doesn't say what the sides are and it doesn't say how it'll be presented to the public in terms of the mainstream. We could really end up finding out that this was just some, an energetics event could happen in a sort of small environment inside of an urban area that would totally match the session. And we could end up just seeing a news story that said that this was a lone disgruntled political radical of one of the parties.
COURTNEY: Or something coming from abroad.
AZIZ: Or something coming from abroad.
COURTNEY: A terrorist attack. Yeah.
AZIZ: But we would know from watching the session that the culprit was a bigger, more institutionalized thing. So that's useful information, though. But anyway, that's me playing devil's advocate to quell worry, I guess. Yeah, well, when it happens, we'll... If it happens, we'll be able to see... We'll be able to get some stories about who's actually doing it. Yeah, yeah. I mean, we're definitely...
COURTNEY: We'll find out.
AZIZ: We'll find out and we're definitely in an exciting time for the history of the United States, for sure. COURTNEY: Yeah. All right, Aziz, on to the next one. On to the next one. Great target.