I've been going through a lot of Holographic Universe stuff in relation to quantum mechanics recently, and it occurred to me that there is an alternative explanation which covers present quantum theory, the holographic universe and the viewers' interpretation of the death traps. I'm not saying its correct, but it is a viable and moderately interesting interpretation.
Modern quantum theory (well, for pushing 40 years+ now) suggests there is a highly detailed hologram which when observed coalesces or collapses the waveform in to tangible physical reality; with the brain likely acting as the decoding lens. The double slit experiment proves this, but there is a bunch of other decent evidences out there, I won't list everything due to brevity but its all real science.
If we take the viewers perceptions of the "Death Traps" we have to remember, what the death traps do may indeed be accurate but their actual nature, how, where, why they have been constructed has been omitted (The nitty gritty is sadly often lacking in many projects, although I do understand time limitations and limitations of what CRV can do, especially in situations where you can't get decent feedback). It occurred to me, these could in fact be part of a holographic projector which we (And by we, I do not mean everybody) are inside, and the reason most ISBE's can't get past the outer shell on death, is that there is in fact nothing out there, nothing past it - or at least no tangible means of a certain level or type of ISBE to exist outside the projection matrix. When all these UFO's and the rest of the semi-infinite outer universe is seen from our perspective, it can indeed be part of an infinite hologram, but the physical mechanism after death sucks back the "created" participants for new roles as they can't exist outside of a spherical holographic projection screen. They are self aware, but part of the hologram - as we say in the UK, they have "Just enough education to perform".
Bizarre as this sounds, a lot of modern quantum physics leads towards elements of this as being possible. In my experience, there are a lot of "real" player ISBE's in the world, but a lot of "created" players, filling up numbers, doing menial jobs, believing they are sentient when objectively this could perhaps be argued against - they are as real as the holographic universe or human game model can permit, but will never escape as they can only exist within the hologram that creates and uses them as is needed for whatever projection is presently occurring. There are beings inside the hologram which are ISBE's which can exist outside the holographic universe we decode with our brains, maybe we are trapped inside, but I'm fairly certain if the "Death Traps" as advertised by FarSight were magically destroyed, a bunch of us may indeed gain some kind of freedom (I've had contact from the outside per se), but I think a lot of what we perceive as "people" would cease to exist, as they are native to the nature of the hologram / Holographic Universe. The Death traps projects did suggest some people escaped, and some did not - I would suggest that is because some are part of the hologram we reside in, some are trapped ISBE's who can get out under certain circumstances, i.e. if rescued as per Lau Tzu, or when the hologram mechanism is somehow eventually disabled.
What if parts of the hologram, i.e. aliens found out what they were (i.e. part of the programming) and that there were beings / ISBE's who were different (i.e. real) but inside the hologram too, and that they could maintain the illusion and keep those ISBE's trapped inside, by ways discussed in the Death Traps and Escape projects. The interactions between sentient parts of the hologram and real ISBE's could actually explain a lot of conflict.
I know we hear a lot about simulation theory, and this does tie in to that, but simulation aside, there are holographic aspects of our perceived reality which have now been proven and now these created holographic units may be becoming aware of the nature of their reality inside said hologram. Just food for thought, but the basic mechanisms which the universe operates by are all explained by Qaballah, Hermetics, Sacred Geometry etc. and even though these things are mystical, they are ultimately only tools to understand how the reality we perceive fits together and operates, i.e. the internal workings of this hologram. Nobody needs to take this too seriously, I doubt it will affect what is going to happen t you on death, but I do wonder if we remote view what is projected by this hologram, or what exists outside, and if it possible to differentiate between - as I haven't seen an y viewings which are able to tell (or have been tasked to tell) what is going on outside the collapsed waveform of our reality.
Interestingly, you know those nutters in Scientology say Xenu set up a series of soul recycling technologies, as the death traps describe - interesting. Maybe there's a good project there? L. Ron. Hubbard may not have been completely full of shit after all...
You're talking about exactly what I was saying...that there are many NPCs/Organic Portals in this world and they are background characters in this game meant to make it more real than it is. As well, I was talking about on GLP before how humans project the scenery as it were and the Anunnaki project the scripts. Two different sets of trapped spirits, but one game and the predatory Anunnaki became the jailers of this prison planet and simulation with humans becoming their livestock.
There's a good amount of information out there about how the physical was created specifically for the Lyran human spirits to experiment/play in and that's why we only see, on the physical, humans and not the multidimensional aliens...because only the humans are able to manifest down to these dense levels as it is only an experiment. Hence, them being "alone" in the universe is not as far fetched if you think about it in terms of densities.
In terms of what's past the simulation, that would be the true light realms, but before you get to that you would need to go through many densities of this simulation trap which at least two people have said could go up to the 11th dimension and the higher you go the less you notice the trap due the illusions. That was from Ashayana Deane and Wes Penre. At the very least the 4th dimension/astral is still very much controlled.
David Icke was talking about how even the reptilians are just part of the simulation program and aren't actually real. They're only there as gatekeepers so the humans don't leave. That ultimately it's humanity's own trap keeping themselves here due to the belief systems.
I myself have had many weird experiences such as prophetic dreams where I could see the future as well as "coincidences" that definitely seemed much more than a coincidence. Earlier in my life I had a fully functioning third eye and could see past the physical like seeing an orange soul leave a hamsters body when it died etc.
Yes indeed, great pointsm but those other densities may be part of the hologram too. I've gotten out of body many times, is that still hologram or non - where the dividing line is is the complicated bit, I don't have the answers for sure! I was surprised by the present sate of quantum mechanics and how much it leant towards that as a viable theory!
The media has proven itself to be an enemy of the people and, for some time now, I have suspected that all of the trash talk about Scientology is simply meant to dissuade people from looking into it. It might contain an enormous amount of knowledge. From what I've heard, it deals with a lot of topics that I am interested in.
I got ahold of the special scientology high level papers before, if only I could find it.
I'm mixed on Scientology. Amitakh used to say that Scientology was originally a good thing and was exposing the trap here, but from my own point of view, at least nowadays, it looks like just another cult. I'd need to look deeper into it, but their prison trap of the ISBE has been found by so many other people lately that there's some merit to it. Those "characters" in their story easily line up with Anu EnKi and Enlil as always.
Yep, Wes Penre was talking about how everything in the visual part of the universe belongs to the simulation as it's cordoned off and extends upwards in density. So even when you exit the body such as through astral projection you're still within the trap and what you see may not be the actual reality but just what they want you to see. Although, I don't agree with him on everything and go by my own findings and find that the trap here is all pervasive/encompassing and to get past the grid you need more than just to run for the holes in the grid as he said lol.