Having enemies precipitates war.
Having death traps presupposes someone, or something, attempting to control life.
A 'result' is determined by a 'cause', just as 'cause' can't exist without a 'result'.
Consciousness influences how reality is percieved.
What is consciousness?
Humanity may be standing at a 'threshold' of evolution that appears to be locked.
The ETs, as we understand them, may be 'poking their fingers through a key hole'
We see what (we think) we see because we 'interpret' reality based on conditioned experiences and thought patterns.
The only way that the underlying patterns (cycles of trauma) of the future can change is if we change the way we think about the present.
I am reminded of the tale of Baron Münchhausen and the conventionally 'fanciful' image of him rescuing himself and his horse by pulling himself out of a swamp by his own pony tail.
Good luck with that ♡