Since it started I have had trouble sleeping. I've been studying non-stop. I started meditation again after years. I feel like I can't do another day of work and have to help defeat the dark fleet. I'm a VP of IT for a web development company. What can I do? I tell everyone I know and my gf is getting sick of me talking about it. My coworkers are about to hear me because its all I can talk about. I have been spreading the word, trying to get video. Tonight I did Hanuman mantras and asked for strength and his divine power and it brought me to tears and intense joy. I can't do my job until this is over. What does a technological monk warrior do? I'm so grateful for you all.
Hi Matt, welcome! First: stay relaxed. Keep a healthy distance. (I know this is more easy to say, than to do) And try to sort out the truth from the BS. Some long walks in the forest might help bringing you down to earth and help to stabilize (at least this worked very well for me). The trees can do this, don't know why, maybe it's the air, the ions or "energy" but it works. - "Forest therapy" -look for it. Don't loose your job or girlfriend on it.
If you want to do something, you may also ask Tazz, he is building a RV network / "business" and needs some web programming, SEO and so on. He is also working on an information campaign about RV, etc., creating music and videos. Maybe you can help him a little bit. I think you will also like him -he has the same "warrior" attitude... Just ask him directly -he won't bite you. You can also join the RV training group. They often meet sundays on Zoom. You'll find the link and time in the RV Practise section of this forum.
Thank you so much Elemi. I am grateful. I am also a musician and artist. I am not sure how to message Tazz because I am new here, but I will look.
Remember: Fear fuels evil—don’t feed it.
You are an eternal being. Your essence cannot die. Embrace the truth that "the death of my body is insignificant because I have lived countless lives." When you can see bodily death as a mere transition, you’ll eventually reach a point where even death threats will seem laughable.
Make pleasure a daily practice—whatever that means for you. Whether it’s hobbies, music, art, exercise, or intimacy, these joys serve as a powerful counterbalance to the negativity around you.
Focus on what you can control, and let go of everything else. Trust that a higher power is guiding and protecting you and your loved ones, always.
This made me cry from joy. Thank you.