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All right, everyone. We want to cover the whole issue of Armageddon.
If you look at the dictionary definition of Armageddon, you will see basically sort of a loose interpretation of it. Everything falls apart. So basically what we have here in the world is the following things.
We have war in Europe with Ukraine and everything else.
We have war in the Middle East.
And we have the possibility of tension in Asia.
So let's first start with war in the Middle East. And you can see these are the signs that something is up.
Syria, which has long been supported by Russia, just collapsed. The president of Syria had to make an emergency evacuation, and he's now in Moscow. The rebels that came in, that were supported by apparently both Turkey and Israel, came in and they just walloped everybody. So the government of Syria that has been supported by Russia for a long time is gone. And there's a new government in place. I don't know how that's going to turn out. Some of the people that are running it came from rather crazy groups. Groups that were very strident and very radical in the past, but they're claiming they're not going to be that way now. We'll have to wait and see. But nonetheless, it's changed.
In addition, Israel has sort of conquered some section of the Golan Heights to make a buffer zone. Now how is this going to affect things?
Well, first of all, what does it say to Russia? It says to Russia, now this thing happened as a complete surprise. It took everybody by surprise. Russia had no idea it was coming.
People in the U.S. had no idea it was coming, at least in terms of what's reported in the major news. It took everybody by surprise, despite the fact that it seems to have been rapidly, it was like a blink of an eye.
Now put two and two together.
I'm a political scientist, so I'm telling you from a political science perspective.
What do you think is that going to say to Russia? Like, change can happen. Now, if anything that Israel does is obviously being supported by the United States, and there's nothing that Turkey can do, or anybody else that isn't known by the intelligence services of the United States.
So it may have taken the United States by surprise, but we're just talking mainstream political circles. You can be absolutely guaranteed that the American intelligence agencies knew everything. Trust me, I've actually worked with a lot of these people. The American intelligence agencies are the absolute best in the world, and nothing happens that they don't know about.
Nothing happens that they don't know about.
So what we see here is Russia and Vladimir Putin is saying, holy blankety blank. What?
That means without them having any foreknowledge at all, a major ally that they were supporting simply collapsed in a blink of an eye. And the United States has been involved in other conflicts in Georgia and in former Yugoslavia and Serbia and other things that are very much related to their Russian-European sort of format, forums. And the message to Vladimir Putin is, this is crazy. This is really dangerous.
If Syria can go in the blink of an eye, do they have anything cooked up for Russia?
You see, Vladimir Putin is very aware that he cannot trust stuff coming out of the United States.
Now, TuCKer Carlson went to Russia. He may still be there, but he went to Russia, and he had an interview with Lavrov. And Lavrov is one of the senior diplomats in Russia connected closely with Putin and so on. And TuCKer Carlson went and interviewed him, and it just came out like a couple of days ago. It's really worthwhile watching because you really see that all the stuff that Russia is doing, it has its own internal way of thinking of things. And they're not crazy. They're thinking of things in their own methods, in their own way. And you have to sort of see their side of things when that happens.
And this interview actually was a very useful thing, so you can sort of see the logic that they're actually playing.
What is really important to do is to say that if you can understand how the Russian way of thinking is, then you can predict how the Russian behavior will be. So that's why. So I'm not saying something's good about Russia or bad about Russia. I'm saying, can we predict behavior of Russia? Can we predict how they are going to act? And they are likely going to be freaked out by what happened in Syria.
And they're likely going to be upping the ante with regard to what they see happening in Ukraine. Now, they have now North Korean troops in Russian uniforms actually on the battlefield fighting the Ukrainians.
Apparently, those number of North Korean troops is going to be really increasing.
In addition, the NATO people have that as a red line.
You can't bring in North Korean troops and just say it's OK.
So now we have a situation where British and French and German troops are being considered to go to Ukraine to help the Ukrainians fight.
In addition to weapons, in addition to long range missiles being allowed to be shot by Ukraine deep into Russian territory. So, Vladimir Putin is going to be looking at this and he's going to be saying, this is something that they're cooking up that could turn out to be really bad.
So what I am personally expecting, and I'm not I'm not basing this on anything other than political psychology, looking at it from a psychological perspective, it looks like Vladimir Putin and Russia are likely to increase. They're not going to walk away from Ukraine. And if they don't increase what's going on, then they're going to it'll be turning out bad like what happened with Syria. So it's likely that something much more serious is going on.
So if you look at our remote viewing stuff, we have actually data that suggests that Europe
actually gets involved with the armaments, with the actual like missiles and bombs hitting Europe.
And we have some data that suggests something may be happening in the United States.
You see, the United States has always been insulated because we have the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Now, our enemies, the American enemies are going to be saying, well, look, this is going to this type of interference with other places like Syria, Ukraine and other things that's going to keep on happening unless the United States unless the Americans realize that it can affect them domestically as well. It's just that they just can't create war in other places and other lands and have be totally unaffected themselves. It's causing havoc all over the place.
So from the Russian perspective, you're going to be saying something like if this stuff is going
to turn out badly, somehow, they're going to have to connect domestic United States in this.
That's what Russia is going to be thinking.
So I'm not wanting this. We're sort of pacifists at first.
We don't believe in violence of humans against humans at all. But I'm putting two and two together with psychology.
If something happens to produce weapons that are landing, bombs that are landing, any type of
destruction that are landing in Europe or the United States, that's the end. That's like meltdown for the whole planet.
And then in the Middle East, what you're talking about with Iran, Iran is looking at Syria. And I guarantee you Iran is saying, holy blankety blank. If they could do that to Syria with no foreign knowledge at all, what are they going to do to Iran? Now, Iran is sitting on a powder keg right now because they have high levels of unemployment. They have a youthful population that wants to join the modern world. They like dancing. They like doing normal things like everybody else. And 80 percent of the entire Iranian population doesn't remember anything about the Iranian revolution. It's just like gone. It's like what? And they don't like the idea of having all of this strict Islamic stuff going on with the with the religious hierarchy, controlling what they can do and say and think.
And the unemployment is not good. It's like really, really, really high unemployment. And the chances are that that's going to get way worse under Donald Trump as soon as Donald
Trump becomes president and more sanctions start affecting it. So, Iran is likely going to double down as well because they can. The religious political hierarchy of Iran is probably expecting things to get much worse.
So from them, down a domestic perspective, now Israel is trying to cut off a lot of the stuff
that they're doing in Hezbollah.
And now we know why they did that. The Lebanon stuff, the Hezbollah stuff, the ceasefire is because they wanted to pivot. They wanted to fundamentally shift over to the focus on Syria and to knock Syria out as an enemy and make it at least a neutral country or perhaps even an ally, but something that's different from what it was.
Now, the military stuff that Iran was sending into Lebanon to supply Hezbollah and ultimately
Hamas was going through Syria. Now they won't be able to send their stuff through Syria.
So it's sort of cutting Hezbollah off. So Iran is looking for more desperate measures as well, knowing that they are next. Syria came first and they are next.
So this is all boiling out stuff that's going to be increasingly bad.
So you can expect that Iran has already stated that they're now working with their nuclear centrifuges to produce nuclear weapons-grade uranium. They've turned the centrifuges on again. So, you know, stuff is going to be happening.
So all the elements are in the direction of Armageddon.
It has not happened yet.
It has not happened yet.
So you can say, well, look, Courtney, I don't see any evidence of that.
That's the way it is. That's the way it always is.
And the population of the United States is going to be sitting back enjoying Christmas, coming
along and the holidays and winter break. Everything seems quiet, but things are underfoot. Things are happening.
And the good ETs, the ones that we work with, know that these things are going to be happening.
And that's why they have the sightings that are forming right now in mass numbers so that people can see them without specialized camera equipment. Because when the Armageddon stuff happens, it's going to be happening fast. And then suddenly the ETs are going to have to pop out of nowhere and sort of intervene in order to stop a planetary meltdown.
That's the best that we can see it. That's what we think is going on right now.
So what I want you to do is to be able to go and see our ET board meetings and keep up with
all of the projects that we're having at Farsight Prime. In just a couple of days, we're going to be putting up a new Farsight project in terms of the Omega Mysteries project that is absolutely super big. We're actually investigating the extraterrestrials that were assigned to psychologically manipulate Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Donald Trump during the election campaign. I mean, they're spying on us. Let's spy on them. So we're investigating things like that. So you have to see what type of stuff like that is actually happening.
And then we have another major project, and that's going to be released on Farsightprime.com.
And then we have another major project that's going to be released in the middle of December. And it's huge. I'm going to actually be talking about that in the next Farsight Spotlight, but it's absolutely huge. And those are on Farsightprime.com in addition to the chronicles that you're going to start seeing, Farsight Chronicles, all throughout January.
So anyway, that's it for the spotlight.
That's it for the update of what's actually going on.
So you have the big two messages.
The take-home messages are the UAP or UFO sightings that have happened worldwide. You heard it here first. So when we heard it in it, we announced it first that it was going to start.
And a few days later, it started, and it's ongoing. So this is where you got it. And so that's important to remember.
And then the second thing is the Armageddon thing.
We're trying to connect the dots so that when it actually does start to happen, you can follow along.
Now, remember, if the Armageddon thing doesn't happen, the BAD ETS, those are the ones that
our side is opposed to, they don't want it to happen. They want everything to go away.
They are the ones who cookED UP ALL THESE CRISIS’. (They set up all these crises), but they had them planned out so that they would be staggered over like a 20-year period to constantly keep humanity in a state of low boil, constantly in a state of chaos. The only thing our side did was to take all of the crises and crunch them up all at once, move the timing of them so that the information control systems would boil over and they would not be able to control things.
And why does disclosure have to happen now?
Because the bad ETs and the human collaborators will have full control over social media in two more years.
So those channeling people that you hear saying, two more years, we'll get some beginning of
open disclosure, three more years, four more years, they're lying through their teeth. They're not trying to push open disclosure. In two or three more years, there'll be no disclosure at all.
Now is the last time we finally have the Internet, we have the connectivity, we have social
media that's not fully constrained right now. And this is the only time it can happen. So if it doesn't happen now, it just ain't gonna happen. Or if it does happen, it'll be happening by the baddies, highly controlled, and to keep you and everybody else as a slave.
So this is the time that we're actually having this. This is the struggle. This is the war situation we are in right now. And make no mistake about it, we are in a war.
We are on one side, and you can see the other side. You can actually watch the other side's ships with our methods of giving you how to take video recordings of cloaked ETs. Those are the bad ETs. And then you can also watch the ones that are not cloaking themselves.
And there was a person that was actually at an event happening out the west coast of the United States, western United States. And that was a person that was actually working with the bad ETs, although that person didn't know that. And that person was at a conference and then said, we're gonna show you. And that person called the ETs out, and everybody went outside, and they looked up, and sure enough, there were ships.
So the bad ETs are trying to do a little bit of this as well, to sort of get you to believe that their people, their contact people, are the right ones, the good ones.
There's so much confusion and bad information trying to manipulate you and trap you into thinking things that are just not true.
So this is really tight for you to be able to follow us.
That's why we're having the Farsight Spotlight twice a week on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights.
All right, let me check the chat right now to see if anybody's saying anything, because we're ready to wrap up.
We want to make this short.
By the way, this recording right now is going to come out, half of it's going to come out tonight,
Sunday night, on FarsightPrime.com, as well as Farsight's YouTube channel. Just go to YouTube and go to Farsight. And the other half will come out on Wednesday, okay?