Correct me if I am wrong...
Courtney said that Farsight is working with a group at the Pentagone. They are the "good" guys he has commited himself to. This group in the US military is staging a "secret coup" against another faction (the people now in charge.)
(Both factions include ET's and both are about a NEW WORLD ORDER. So this is not very relevent. All politics is exo-politics. As above so below. We can still call it politics.)
We know the US military has advanced classifed tech. Advanced AI, hologram and everything to stage something very special and impressive (for us).
We are told - by a one-eyed old captain with a big heart but a history of serious cognitive flaws in his past and with very limited knowledge about the whole wide world - that there are only TWO SIDES in this narrative.
This part of the narrative is imposed at the beginning to the audience. People are asked (urged) to chose one side. This is very important for the operation to work.
One is the good side motivated by "free will" with much more advanced tech... and the other (the old school now in charge) is the bad side and is "authoritarian"... based on first level censorship or a will to reduce free will everyday a little more.
This is very interesting.
Have you heard about PROJECT BLUE BEAM?
Farsight is obvioulsy part of this project.
Parents use Santa (positive psyop) and the Boogie man (negative psyop). All psyops are not bad or morbid. Some can be happy... and intended to make things better.
Courntey is selling this operation/project as a GREAT LEAP FORWARD.
He says FS was chosen specifically for this job... with regular contact with the US Intel.
It seems to me that Farsight is part of BLUE BEAM.
The good news would be that it is a positive political evolution: better than what we had until now.
Another good news (if I understand well) is that project Blue Beam is mostly a SHOW... intended to abolish religions and move "forward."
Let us see.
NOTE: I remember the "crucifixion ruse"... I had this feeling of insatisfaction. In contradiction with the feeling of satisfaction of Courtney (he seems so happy in the video). I was thinking: why just shoot at the crucifixion and run away like a thief? Why not probe the Jesus character - how he probably died in India - and remote view Mary his "companion" who moved to South of France and so on.
Most of Farsight's project seems to lead there. They follow an agenda that is visible and fascinating. The destruction of all (previous) religions... and the coming of a New Age religion (a new one) that would be closer to the truth.
Something less "religious"... a philosophy closer to Buddhism or Scientology.