For those who may be wondering, the reason I am creating this NON-Target Thread is in order to by-pass the censorship, and, I encourage the rest of you who wish to bring this information out and bring the attention of Far-Sight to the «major names» who have an audience-reach; the way it's going to work is that, when you are on a social-media platform (many of you are still on Y-T), especially when your comments are being censored/suppressed/deleted/etc., instead of actually writing your message in the comments-section, you simply write: «Doing it this way in order to bypass the you-know-what-that-begins-with-the-letter-C: 304F-A824-1B09-D3E3» or something simple like that...
Then, when people do an on-line search of this particular Hexa-Decimal, they will end up here at this very thread, because, search-engines aren't currently made to filter out very specific very unique rather nonsense & meaningless strings of hexa-decimals; if you're one of those people who've come here from a comment-section, such as under a video on Y-T, you can try to find the message that who-ever dropped the message there if they posted here... I will be starting with a «Test-Message» to the recent Caspersight-video that I am currently viewing here...
Alright, cool, hope you're reading this, Ben (Caspersight). The reason I am drawing you here is because the FarSight-Institute are in fact... insiders as to the «sightings» that are showing up all over the world (or at least at many parts; I've yet to see stuff up in the skies at my local-area; although maybe I should still go outside more, but, regardless). You will hear the «True News» regarding the UFO/UAP/Drone-Phenomena if you listen to the semi-weekly «briefings» being published by FarSight where Dr. Courtney Brown, the Director of the Far-Sight Institute, will explain things.
Now, for my «compilation» of «potentially significant-audience» sources, I hereby dump a list in the format of : Name / Category / Operator(s)...
Redacted / Couple / Clayton Morris & Natalie Morris
News Nation / Group / Michael Corn, Cherie Grzech, Joe Ruffolo, Tim Wolff
Sky News / Group / Dana Strong, Jonathan Levy, David Rhodes, John Ryley.
Avi Loeb / Individual
Brian Young (HighImpactFlix) / Individual
Brother Nathaniel / Individual
Bryan Kofron (Not Active) / Individual
Candace Owens / Individual
Clif High / Individual ( )
David Icke / Individual
Dick Allgire / Individual
Dr. Dean Radin / Individual
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake / Individual
Dr. Simone Gold / Individual ( )
Edward Snowden (Inaccessible?) / Individual
Elon Musk / Individual
Ezra Cohen / Individual
Fiona Broome / Individual
Gonzalo Lira (Deceased) / Individual
Ian Currie (Deceased) / Individual
Inessa S ( and also another that requires her personal-invite) / Individual
James O’Keefe / Individual
Jesse Enkamp (Martial Artist) / Individual
Jimmy Dore (Very Active) / Individual
Joe Rogan (Well-Known) / Individual
Jon Michael Turner (Iraq-Veteran) / Individual
Jordan B. Peterson / Individual
Jordan Maxwell / Individual
Julian Assange (Inaccessible?) / Individual
Kristi Noam (S.D. Governor) / Individual
Laura Aboli / Individual
Lew Rockwell / Individual
Louis Rossman (Not UFO-Themed) / Individual
Max Spiers (Deceased) / Individual
Michael Jackson (Unknown-Status) / Individual
Mike Prysner (Iraq-Veteran) / Individual
Mr. Pool / Individual
Nikola Tesla (Deceased) / Individual
Noam Chomsky / Individual
Patrick Bet-David (High-Reach) / Individual
Patrick Lancaster (American in Russian-Army) / Individual
Phil Schneider (Deceased) / Individual
Piers Morgan (High-Audience-Reach) / Individual
Reiner Fuellmich (German-English Researcher) / Individual ( )
Robert Kennedy Jr. / Individual
Scott McKay (PatriotStreetFighter) / Individual
Scott Ritter / Individual
Smedley Butler (Deceased) / Individual
Stefan Molyneux / Individual
Stew Peters (High-Audience-Reach) / Individual ( )
StormCloudsGathering (Less Active) / Individual
Tatiana Pop (Very High Audience-Reach For Russian-Speakers) / Individual ( )
Tom Bilyeu (Entrepreneur like Patrick Bet-David) / Individual
Tucker Carlson (Well-Known) / Individual
Vladimir Putin (Playing a «Role» of the Bad Guy for Q) / Individual
Angry Astronaut (Griff) / Individual
GradeAUnderA (Ram Karavadra) / Individual
Info-Science / Group
ManInAmerica (Seth Rich) / Individual
ODD-TV (Mr. Doseman) / Individual
RichieFromBoston / Individual
SGT-Report (Sarge) / Individual
Theoria Apophasis (Super-Genius Intellectual) / Individual
Paul Anthony Wallis / Individual
George Orwell (Deceased) / Individual
Aldous Huxley (Deceased) / Individual
Jesse Ventura / Individual
David Sorenson (Web-Site: StopWorldControl) / Individual
Dr. Judy Mikovits / Individual
Mark Sleboda / Individual
Assad / Individual
Gadaffi / Individual
General Wesley Clark / Individual
Alex Jones / Individual
Dr. Steven Greer / Individual
Ben Shapiro / Individual
Alan Watts / Individual
Graham Hancock / Individual
Brian Josephsen / Individual
Sabine Hossenfelder (Scientist) / Individual
Andrew Kaufman / Individual
Bill Cooper / Individual
Amitakh Stanford / Individual
Paul Joseph Watson / Individual
Jordan Sathers / Individual
World Alternative Media / Group / Josh Sigurdson, Derrick Broze, Luke Rudkowski, Brandon Smith, and others.
Maria Zakharova (Russian-Diplomat) / Individual
Sergei Lavrov (Russian-Diplomat) / Individual
Xi-Jing Ping (China) / Individual
Kim Jong-Un (North-Korea) / Individual
Daniel Mackler (also highly suppressed) / Individual
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Deceased) / Individual
Lysander Spooner (Deceased) / Individual
Terence de Malahèrre (Retired) / Individual
Royal Raymond Rife (Deceased) / Individual
William Wilhelm Reich (Deceased) / Individual
John F. Kennedy (Assassinated) / Individual
Frederick William-Henry Myers (Deceased but Conscious) / Individual
Marcello Truzzi (Deceased & Also Conscious) / Individual
Mike Signorelli / Individual
Lex Friedman / Individual
Megan Kelly / Individual
Caspersight (Ben) / Individual (sorry for adding you last on this list but you're still the first mention towards the beginning of this thread-message)
Anything else to be added to this thread will typically be a link to which-ever video that I or others may have commented on in order to bring you to this thread & ultimately the FarSight-Arvhives.
Edit & Addendum: Here is the most-recent FarSight-Briefing on YouTube...