im going to tell you my view on it from a shamanic perspective, there is a sacred ceremony we do called the sacred shakanan, the sacred 4 pillars of this world! is what we call the ceremony of the tobacco that indigenous tribes do, however the ceremony uses what we call the sacred Mary, which is Cannabis.. The ceremony consist of a shaman that helps introducing the sacred plant with the purpose of the work that each individual wants or needs to work on, intention, like everything else plays a huge roll in this. the shaman with his prayers creates a collective bubble, that magnifies the energy of the room so that energy can help with the conscious process of each one as an individual and a collective. while in that process you only get to smoke the sacred pipe no more than 3 times before passing to another or "share the wisdom", and only that, you don't smoke it till the end, it is just one pipe for the collective 3 smokes for the individual. Although it is not an hallucinogenic medicine it is, nevertheless, the most powerful and hard medicine work i've been to, so much so, that you can travel to what we call "the 3 worlds" that the shamans talk about. It is a huge work subconsciously, but there is something about the collective energy in the ceremony that also helps with that level of meditation and alter state. Meanwhile those who simply smoke cannabis even if with the intention of doing for conscious work, don't have good results and becomes for the most part that i have engage with, destructive.
Nowadays unless the group is well balanced or grounded, meaning the bubble is amp up we simply don't do that ceremony due to what many shamans now believe that this sacred medicine has become disrupted, we use the term poisoned, which means there is a dark energy and oppressive energy around this plant, it has been misused, abused by the general collective. these are shamans from central america and Peru that told us. in fact every space of medicine work is being "attack" by negative people and entitites.