Has Courtney or Farsight performed a remote view of Bigfoot or its habitat? where do they live, do they open portals, can we access their habitats, are they in contact with the Ets visiting our realm? Do they plan to reveal themselves to the public soon with more and more physical sightings happening globally? Please do RV on the bigfoot topic! thank you! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Doesn't look like they will.
Bigfoot, Yetti and interdimensional beings
by Shannon M Sullivan · Suggestions for New Projects · over 4 years ago · 651 views
by Mark Moody · Suggestions for New Projects · about 3 years ago · 735 views
Mothman, Philadelphia Expirament, Bigfoot
by jack m savage · Suggestions for New Projects · over 2 years ago · 224 views
by NJ · Suggestions for New Projects · over 1 year ago · 171 views
The Cryptid Huntress: RV, Bigfoot, UFO, paranormal
by Barbara Gale Spencer · General · over 1 year ago · 126 views
Bigfoot Remote Viewing
by Petta Parker 13 · General · 2 minutes ago · 2 views
maybe they don’t believe they exist!? Mike Patterson has some really good information of Nefatia and his clan in Canada. Love his videos on Youtube.
Amitakh Stanford was talking about them on her Xee-a Twelve website before she stopped posting. She had some interesting information, but I couldn't save all the articles.
This is what's left of her main site info online https://xeeatwelve.blogspot.com/
She had a picture or two attached to go with it.
Dassta-ma-kha #1
Yeti, Yowie Everywhere
Amitakh Stanford
12th July 2012
Almost a decade ago, I warned that:
. . . The road to Damascus will lead to many places.
Bloodshed everywhere will cover the whole earth, streaming far and long . . .
As foretold, the upheaval in the Middle East will stir in strange ways . . .
There are many species that exist near, but not on, the Earth plane. One of them is the elusive humanoid species known variously as bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti or yowie.
When my family and I were residing in New England, USA, near the Quebec border, we saw a yeti-like species on our property on more than one occasion. Surprisingly, since our temporary re-location to Australia near the Queensland-New South Wales border, sightings of yeti (known in Australia as yowie) have intensified.
The yeti we saw in America were similar in appearance to those we have seen in Australia, but were taller and slightly darker in colour. The species on both continents walk upright like humans and have very long strides, but they do drop down into crouching positions to hide or in preparation to leap incredible distances and heights.
The yeti seem to be able to use mental power to direct people to do things against their will. On one occasion, after the discovery of reverse crop circles (where the grass grows up to form the circles rather than being crushed down) that appeared overnight in our front yard, I saw a yeti appear in the middle of one of those irregular rings of grass in broad daylight. The yeti tried using mental power on a family member whose back was turned to it while picking up the dog's droppings with a trowel. The yeti tried to mentally force him to eat the dog's droppings. I yelled at the yeti and it disappeared instantly. Later, the family member said that he could feel a presence, and he was resisting the mental attacks aimed at him.
This sighting showed that the yeti are not what most people think they are. Most of the yeti trackers are of the opinion that yeti are intelligent, elusive, sometimes aggressive, ape-like ancestors of humans. But, yeti are much more than that, and they appear to have technology available to them that is far superior to that of humans. I will relate a few of my own experiences with yeti, and readers can form their own conclusions.
Since March, 2012, we have had regular visits from yeti on our Australian property. We did not mind them coming as long as they were peaceable, which, at first, they appeared to be. However, as time went on, they became annoying and bold. They started peeping in our windows at night and in the early hours of the morning, leaving footprints near our windows and around the house.
We have dogs housed outside in kennels, and the footprints started appearing very close to their quarters. The dogs were frightened by the yeti and would bark and growl. Some of them began retreating into their kennels before sunset out of fear, so we knew the yeti were coming. Two of the dogs showed us mental pictures of what they called monsters. They were images of the same yeti we had seen ourselves. At first, it was hard to believe that the yeti could be physically around the property, because, while rural, it is very close to the town, and the surrounding land is largely cleared, with only our property being densely wooded in some areas. There is a school, a major highway, and a railway line nearby. It is not that remote.
On one occasion, about 50 metres from the house, we came face-to-face with one of the creatures at dusk. It was standing upright, and was about 2.4 metres high, or just under 8 feet tall. It stared in amazement and remained still, as if hoping it had not been seen. We retreated quickly without taking our eyes off it, and went into the house to get a camera. By the time we returned however, it was gone. It left no footprints on that occasion. However, a distinct odour remained where it had stood.
In the past, we had often encountered a strong, swampy/septic odour. However, we did not put two and two together until after that close encounter, when we realised that it came from a yeti.
We have heard yeti calling and howling over the months. Sometimes the howling sounds have been aggressive, other times they have been more of a mournful wail. The footprints that have been left on different occasions do not resemble the majority that have been reported around the world. These footprints look like a mixture of pachyderm and ape. They have rounded bases and at least two pairs of long, separated toes on each foot. They vary in size from small, medium to large prints. The largest were about 30 centimetres (10-11 inches) across the rounded portion of the print. Some of the prints were deep, indicating they are heavy beings.
When yeti walk upright, they take very long strides. There can be nearly 3 metres (10 feet) between steps. Also, the spread of the stance is wide. They seem frightened of light from a bright torch (flashlight) and flee rapidly when such lights are swept around their vicinity. One time, we thought there was one behind our car. We shined a torch, but could not see anything. The next morning, we walked around the car and found prints very close to it. It was pretty obvious that the yeti was hiding from us the night before. I have seen yeti crouch on all fours before taking tremendous leaps into the trees or woods.
One night, when following a yeti, there was a loud splash from one of the dams on our property. This was followed by a second splash. The first sounded as if something big had entered the water, and the second sounded like something emerging from it. The next day, there were large yeti prints near the dam.
I can sense when they are around, even in the daytime. Sometimes I can see a silhouette of them or smell them. They have an ability to mesmerise people and animals, and can also mimic sounds and voices. They can also communicate telepathically. When they are around, sometimes a rise or drop in temperature can be felt.
One afternoon, sensing their presence, I sent a telepathic message asking why they were here so regularly. One of them answered that humans had kidnapped one of their young ones. They asked for help to retrieve the baby.
Since March, there have been numerous sightings all around Australia, particularly around the Queensland and New South Wales forested border areas. The yeti community is out looking for the stolen child. According to the yeti, the kidnapping seems to be linked with military personnel.
Soon after my communication with the yeti, very strange things started happening. We had very aggressive screeching eagles on our property, which is a very rare occurrence. Our property has been left partially wooded as a sanctuary for native wildlife, especially kangaroos. For several days, there were no kangaroos spotted on the property, which is strange, to say the least. We did a search, and, to our horror, discovered the remains of several kangaroos that had been recently eaten. The bones were stripped clean, with the vertebrae and ribs still intact and attached to one another. It was a gruesome sight. From the remains, it could be seen that all of them were big kangaroos. A large femur from the biggest carcass was snapped in two. It looked like a camp site where the yeti had been feeding, with bones strewn everywhere. It was horrible. Nothing in this area could eat a whole eastern grey kangaroo, let alone so many of them in one feed. Eastern greys are large kangaroos and the males can stand 6 feet tall.
Three days after our gruesome discovery, I returned to the scene, which is no more than 100 metres from our house. It appeared that they had returned to finish eating the rest of the bones, as they were scattered everywhere.
Subsequently, other things began to happen, so I sent out a telepathic protest warning to the yeti. I told them not to touch the animals on the property. Since then, the kangaroos have returned and there have been no new killings.
About 300 metres from our house, we found droppings that we assume to be yeti faeces. The finding coincided with a sighting of one in the trees near where the droppings were found. There were about four, odourless piles joined together, with undigested bones sticking out. They look like droppings of a small elephant or rhinoceros.
More strange things followed. We began smelling them around in the daytime, but could not see them. We have caught them emitting streams of energy that manifest like mist outlining their form. These look a bit like heat waves, rising about 3 metres high. To most observers, they would have been completely invisible. We ourselves would not have tied these occurrences to the yeti had we not caught them materialising and disappearing in America.
We have a high-voltage power line that terminates on our Australian property. We also had power lines crossing our New England residence. The yeti are attracted to power lines, and their ability to use invisibility technology seems to intensify the closer they are to them. They also seem to be able to transport themselves down the power lines instantaneously. Further, there were strong magnetic fields around where we lived in America, as there are in Australia. The yeti seem to congregate around these areas, which are detrimental to human bodies and can make them sick and weak.
Two weeks ago, we started hearing amplified broadcasts of voices, both male and female, stemming from the power lines. At first, we assumed someone was having a party with a live band. But, it went on and off for hours on end, from midnight to midday. Then the broadcasts changed to the sound of a fair, and eventually to our own voices. When I started hearing my own voice talking to others, it was pretty obvious that someone was mimicking me. We heard the voice of a person known to trespass on our property and a neighbour's voice, too. At times, the broadcasts were almost hilarious, with famous lines from blockbuster movies played back over the pseudo-public address system. We have since discovered that there is a force field near the broadcast area, which can make people very sick and zap them of energy.
The species that I have seen are not like earthly animals at all. They resemble short-haired Chewbaccas (of Star Wars fame), but with less facial hair. They are between a light beige and a light ginger colour. They are intelligent and crafty. They hide and imitate other species when they suspect they are being observed. Just like human beings, some of the yeti are reasonable and others are hot-headed.
There is a lot more to the yeti issue than just tracking them down and proving their existence. We do not need sceptics to confirm their existence any more than we need them to tell us about the Middle East crisis.
Angry Yeti are among us.
Yeti dropping with bone sticking out of lower right pile
Yeti dropping with bone protruding from lower right pile
Foot print Foot print Foot print Foot print
© 2012 Amitakh Stanford
@Petta Parker,
Yes, the Farsight RV Zoom Group has done 2 Remote Viewing Projects which involved Bigfoot - one for Cecil County, and a larger Project which viewed BF in Alabama (the Alabama Project is an ongoing investigation).
One is published here on FS -
YowieHunters has many fascinating sightings reports from Australia. There is considerably more physical diversity among the creatures encountered....and lot of "High Strangeness"....and a darker vibe all around.
From my perspective I've never seen bigfoot be portrayed in a good light so far. Every encounter was left with a negative feeling. I tend to believe Amitakh and her writing above, even if her writing seems a bit corny.