If you believe the Farsight Narrative, then you’re going to be forced to at least consider a few of the other premises-
We’re in a war about free will vs “levels of acceptable slavery” or “perpetual slavery, for those we think are too stupid”
We’re called upon to try and make peace amongst ourselves and unify, Human and non-human alike, against those against free will.
The only problem is: Does that happen . . . worth shit . . . ever? I mean the whole unification thing.
I think it’s crucial to acknowledge that our “peace” is not a “peace peace” . . . First off, we know it’s not the “love love love” cabal pedaled trash. We know it’s not pacifist. We want to be armed, and ET armed . . . hopefully . . . not too long away.
But there’s another factor that has to be challenged, that I think is sort of a technology developed over time, having everyone of our assortment trapped for 70,000 odd years or more.
This was developed with all of the little unofficial protocols that have fomented over those years. The times you asked the other asshole at the bar if he wants to “take it outside” because you don’t want to spill drinks everywhere. The kind where you stepped out of your car because the loser who cut you off while trying to merge in the freeway, you have no idea how bad you’re gonna fight and you’re a good distance from the family. The kind in the wild west (I’m telling you it was a thing, it’s not make believe) the guys could try shoot each other in front of the saloon at high noon because at least they’ll settle their differences with no one in the crossfire.
The typical modern military, unfortunately, is also largely cabal-pedaled “unification.” Sure, there are some starry eyed soldiers ready to shoot any warm body for their “ ‘MERICA” or insert whatever redneck contraction of a name for any country you want to fit in there. But that is still regulated largely by the scam known as “federal reserve notes” and other types of “District of Columbia” bureaucracy from a foreign invader that was intended to be destroyed in 1776. True “americans” know their state is their nation, and “america” is just a loosely governed federation that really has no business telling anyone anything. They’re just the nations that . . . roughly . . . agree with stuff.
So there needs to be another kind of “peace” that is not the loser trash “galactic federation of light coming with blessings upon you from the star people that are happy and loving and love everyone and love you and love each other and love on each other” and start vomiting at any moment please.
Nor does there need to be another “peace” that is “the federation but not really, actually the foreign corporation that pretends to own all your land and says you can’t feed yourself if you don’t go fight and shoot kids for us, and look at this flag! It’s not your original flag but bow down and beg because it’s the best flag on Earth!”
Nor does there need to be another “peace” that is the . . . “forgive everyone because they’ll do bad things to you but at least when you die a miserable wreck from all the abuse you just sat and took in, you’ll be forgiven and you can go to heaven while they burn in eternal hell. Whoops too late, actually you’re all fucked”
Nor does there need to be the “peace” common to the older galaxy which was: “we’re happy together because we’re exactly the fuck the same,” and here I need to give an example with my wife. They have this little cluster where everybody speaks Japanese and they have the same brand lunch-boxes and the same backpacks and the same style picnic blankets and even lot of the same annoying white husbands and same same same same same “we’re same, so we’re sane, let’s be same, bitch, everybody same because oh my god if you’re different go fucking die”
So then what kind of peace is there???
Well . . . a bit of all shit broke loose lately because I’m inviting people into an email group when I have no idea if they even get along. In fact there’s a bit of deliberate “oh fuck I think they hate each other. Meh. Let’s invite.”
So here’s the deal.
Don’t hear me gel some god damn “let’s all get along and love each other and love and peace and unity and love and we love” shit garbage cow sucking loser trash idiocy.
BUT . . .
Without unification, we are indeed fucked.
And if you think that “unification” is “let’s go fragment into our tiny little hobby groups and language groups and ethnicities, and gender, and political party lines” . . .
Then you’re still fucked.
SO . . .
When I say PEACE . . . . .
I DO NOT mean . . .
“Hi . . . I’m a little happy sounding little pooky bear and I love you and could we work together a little bit please, if that doesn’t bother you too much. Oh, was it ok I emailed you? Oh, is it ok I have your information? Oh, is it ok I call you by your name, do you have a preferred name / pronoun / age / race / vegetable you’d like to identify as?”
I mean . . .
“Hey bitch. Do you feel bothered by me emailing you? Awwwww . . . you wanna cry a little bitch, you feeling harassed? You feel hurt now, I started using swears? You wanna file a lawsuit, cause I sent you a little email.”
This is the tone of an email I get from a guy I’m obsessed with. I’d sleep with him if I was gay, but I’m not and I told him that, because eww, but still fuck this guy is awesome. I want to give you a sample of his email.
Yes, I am gonna include you. Fuck you if you don’t like it. It’s not “oh, can I have your permission” and it’s not “don’t talk to me. I feel hurt because you said mean things.”
It’s more like . . . if you want to get away from me . . . you’re gonna have to go a long god damn way, bitch, because I intend on taking up space in the galaxy and including those who want to be pissy with me, fuck you too. So , we really gonna have this? You done?
And do correct me if you don’t feel an ounce of entertainment when two or more folks banter at each other in giant wars over podcasts and forums and other stupid mediums and the whole thing looks pathetic but if it’s really so pathetic, why did you sit and read the whole thing? I bet you did, I bet you read especially the pissy banter more than anything. Why? Because I think some deep part of us recognizes that there’s a necessary process there.
The conclusion to me is that there cannot be “Peace” peace. There can only be the unifying peace. And that unifying peace doesn’t look like this shitty “peace” peace like the other examples I conveyed, but a kind of moralistic machiavellianism that’s sort of modernized like with the Star Trek “klingons” . . . it’s fiction who cares, anyways they’re large and unified because they don’t constantly walk on egg shells trying to be happy and avoid encounters with conflict.
I hope you hated this whole post, and thought it was pointless, and I used up a shitload of your time. Fuck you too. And thank you. Blessings upon you. Namaste.
I am proud to f'cking disappoint you. - I actually liked it, even when it was a huge waste of my lifetime.