Aziz has been hinting at (well actually not really hinting) the truth of our modern paradigm. A paradigm where almost *no one* official wants to lie to you but almost *everyone* official has a steak in not volunteering too much of certain information. And almost *everyone* circulates internal NDAs.
I am going to recommend a mindset that (a) harnesses a specific talent that will make you or keep you useful to the new society, like remote viewing, or (b) broaden to an open mind while staying in venture capitalism.
All of this was not making much sense to me when Farsight kept talking about these government contracts blablabla. I thought what the hell do "Jedi freedom fighter" types care about some stupid contract between two corrupt entities.
It starts to make more sense when you change your mindset about the galaxy in terms of what you *thought* the galaxy was like based on our stunted astronomers and what it *actually* looks like based on remote viewing data and books like alien interview and walking among us.
And god please stop watching in fact whatever the hell they say use that as an indication for what to stay away from.
Here is what the galaxy looks like based on our loser "astronomer" earth paradigm. PS, I'm not knocking the entire industry of astronomy it's just it's kind of like learning every little detail about the type of mahogany on the piano without ever realizing it's a piano.
So it looks like this "vast, empty space" where there's almost no sign except little signals in the deep intergalactic void
And in fact
It is a *huge* venture capitalism network right above your head full of militaries, corporations, and the occasional spooks. The two "federations" we have been hearing about are on an eon-long standoff and in fact they'll probably never completely get rid of "the other side" in eternity because they serve an interesting purpose.
What would two federations do, if they're on a military standoff for eons? If they have any brains at all, they'll do business with each other. Mind you, a cold calculative business trying to always prevent the other from gaining any real profit. But still business. And yes the occasional skirmish.
It is, like Aziz said, a corporate management take over and asset re-merger.
This is the future I want you to start ogling. And just remember. It's better than the alternative.
"Thank-you for choosing interplanetary trust, can I help you with immigration today?" (Android-chatbot 54 is at the kiosk)
Me: "Yes"
"Thank-you. To better serve you, I can offer you this waiver of release for your personal information"
Me: *Beep boop*
"Thank-you. And would you like my tone of language to by "diplomatic and friendly?" Or "straight goods" today?
Me: "Straight goods please"
"Thank-you" *beep boop* "what do you want?"
Me: "I want to get off this planet."
"Great. Where to?"
Me: "Anywhere but here"
*Looks you up and down*
"Yeah . . . I'm afraid you're not getting any destination because you're too retarded. But I have good news. We have a contract with a local academy that will train you up to standard for a few of these destinations. It comes with a competitive student loan, a few subsidies, a low tax rate, and it will take several life times but given your merits you should do fine."
. . .
"Mind you, you could just book a straight exit but I wouldn't recommend it, you'll probably be immediately abducted by pirates ready to sell you off to the next prison planet . . . you know how those turn out."
. . .
"Anyways you can always think about it. We have a 24-hour bonus sign-up offer. So. What'll it be?"