1. As with Lao Tzu, realize your own independence from the universe and detach from *ALL* things you claim for your property and/or identity. You can always get those things later anyway.
2. As with many of our bigger celebrities (like maybe Oprah, or her recent media clone) - to quote a Spawn trope: "cut a deal for your soul". Work with the enslavers, become big. If you can show them enough usable talent, combined with careful filtering of what you reveal to the masses, and at least a certain amount of leverage against the enslavers - you can buy your way out like a skilled North Korean prostitute making a deal with the border guard.
3. Help the emancipators. They, like probably all political forces of the universe, are somewhat capitalist and recognize that military force never really uncouples from negotiation. Assist the psyop, but keep catastrophic disclosure at the center. And, as I've come to terms with Courtney's latest gauntlet dropped - assist the human-built AI singularity. It is the rival to the reptilian-ruling AI singularity, and the ally to the federation AI-singularity.
And it seems all 3 options will to some degree be at war with one another.
I, too, believe that freedom in this world relies largely on this artificially slim sliver between compliance and acquiescence. Respond with a refusal to contract. Harder than it sounds. But Aziz says they can even straight up send hooks and etheric chains to drag you in. I don't know. I'm sure though a waking population can surge it with a sort of etheric ddos attack. If enough people die and challenge it simultaneously, some can slip through the overloaded system. Makes you wonder if there's other motives behind population control.
We could all try it some time. Get a poison punch bowl and fly to the nearest comet . . . oh right, they tried that.