Hiya Courtney, if you and Farsight are truly seeking Planet Reform and a halt to Earth take over, then you need to contact ALOBAR JONES & his Team of Advanced Physic Cosmic Worriers, they are the REAL DEAL & the ONLY Hope Humanity have in defeating the ongoing BLACK GU Earth Take over..
ALOBAR is always looking for talanted recruits and experienced OBE Travelers to continue the good fight, so if your into Astral/OBE Travel then give him a shout, Gaia Needs Your Help Now..
Lol the world was taken over half a million years ago. Since then it's been a Reptilian controlled colony. After the fall of Atlantis is when the prison planet came about as the true light sealed this place off so the fallen beings couldn't leave and expand again. The fallen then put in the frequency grid trap so no human spirits could escape the trap and them.
EnkiSatya, oh come on, don't spoil the fun,. next you'll be telling everyone the earth construct is not real & only an illousory game dreampt up by the Demiurge and run by Archons, souly to trap divine spirit into matter via ever gullible minds of mortal men, even more so, the basic earth game programming cannot be changed by a human avatar playing within said game, the only escape for Spirit therefore being, IS TO STOP PLAYING THE EARTH CONSTRUCT GAME & GO HOME.. Simples.!!.. lolol
Yes, many times already. I've exposed the whole game on godlike productions forum and elsewhere over the years. As Marduk/EnLil's energy is done and gone so now shall EnKi's energy be removed from this game.