I didn't really see much discussion on the war of humanity. I did hear Courtney talk about videos on Instagram where different ufo's are shooting each other. If anyone can attach links of this, I would like to see that.
Let's talk a little about the anti-aging, I'm pretty well versed in this area. I've made it a lifestyle but not to the extreme Courtney has. We can start with testosterone; to truly understand your levels of testosterone, you need a total testosterone level, and a free testosterone level. The free testosterone is what your body has available and what's not attached to proteins in the body. One could have a total testosterone of Courtney's level and yet still be low depending on the free testosterone levels. Also, good to see progesterone, pregnenolone, estrogen panel, dhea, and cortisol. Regular medical doctors aren't testing these, you have to see a function physician. As far as the anti-aging, most people will not do the extreme caloric restriction. To those that still want benefits without going that extreme intermittent fasting is an excellent alternative or time restricted eating. Eat all your meals in 8 hours and fast the other 16, that's why I do. Several times a year I will also do a 5 day fast. The goal is to increase autophagy which gives you the anti-aging component. There are pollutants in our water, air, food, etc. which mimic estrogen and these endocrine and hormone disruptors are a big cause of hormone imbalances today. In these cases, getting lab work done and seeing a function physician for hormone replacement therapy is a good idea. The point is even caloric restriction doesn't necessarily fix this. Furthermore, many people are stressed whether that is emotional, physical, mental, etc. This chronic state will cause cortisol to spike. When this happens cortisol will "steal" testosterone and or other hormones. So, for those of you that are stressed think mediation, adaptogen herbs, yoga etc. to first reduce cortisol. Then target the rest. I haven't found testosterone to be a great way to measure aging. I would recommend measuring biological age through lab tests that assess how your body ages at the cellular and molecular levels. For example, trudiagnostic dna methylation test. Ant-aging is great, but many people are addicted to sugar and live unhealthy emotional lives. These need to be addressed prior to starting any type of fasting.
I found the spotlight interesting today and just wanted to add some points that may or may not be beneficial to others. Courtney sighted the art of war and beating your opponent psychologically. If we aren't stressed and are in control of our emotions and understand the bigger picture, the enemy has limited resources.
Dr. Joe Dispenza has some meditations available on his website and has had several major universities and physicians study participants with several biomarkers. Particularly his blessing of the energy centers medication and walking meditation had increased telomeres, decreased cortisol, reduced effects of long term covid, etc. Light beings appear has his retreats and assist in healing people of end stage diseases. What are these light beings? where do they reside? Are all beings physical? Courtney said the ET's cant heal or do any work on his body, why? How are light beings doing this?