Farsight Spotlight 18 December 2024 - Secrecy, Censorship, and Farsight TRANSCRIPT
Farsight Spotlight 18 December 2024 - Secrecy, Censorship, and Farsight TRANSCRIPT
Alright, now let's go into the censorship issue, and this is sort of why we're not on the major podcasts or news shows or things like that right now. We are, as I said before, the absolute only remote-viewing group that knows anything about the UAP phenomena authoritatively, in, you know, in any real sense. We have been working with these extraterrestrials, meeting with them. We know exactly what they're doing, and we know exactly how to explain what they're doing, and we are not being interviewed currently, but we hope that will change with regard to the major podcasts.
And you'd think I would be interviewed. I mean, I am a professor at a major university and the leader and the CEO of Farsight, but I'll explain why that hasn't been happening. But we are, for example, and this will give you sort of proof, and I do not use the word proof lightly. Remember, I'm a mathematician, so proof is a very important thing to actually give you significant evidence that you can conclude that, yeah, that's good enough for me.
We're the only remote-viewing group with a huge collection of public, I have my notes here, I want to make sure I can get it just exactly right, with a huge collection of public remote-viewing examples, sessions, video recordings, anywhere on the Internet. They have other people to do remote viewing, but it's not easy to get this stuff, and everything is not, you don't actually see the live sessions taking place in a theoretically interesting way, and there's very few in number and small, at the best, and there's actually only one or two groups that are actually doing anything like that at all, and it's very, very small scale relative to what we're doing. However, so we are really the only group that has large collections of public projects where you see all of the remote-viewing recorded live for literally over a hundred projects going back decades.
So there is a reason why this has happened. Ready? This is our website. This is Farsight.org. Farsight Website It's a totally modern website. It's got all types of fancy things associated with it. It works with the phones as well as everything else, and if you put your cursor, in fact, over the picture, you see it moves a little bit. And this, the newsletter, if you have not subscribed to our newsletter, you really need to subscribe to our newsletter. We never send out spam. We never, ever, ever, ever sell our subscriber list or our newsletter list to anyone else for any purpose, and it's the only way we can actually tell people when these live streams are going on and other things. We always announce our projects, but that's basically it.
Okay, and then we have different things here, including with remote viewing and everything. What is remote viewing? This description of scientific remote viewing, and also we have a link here for how to record UFOs. Now, these UFOs that we record are the bad ETs because they use stealth tech. Our side, the good ETs, are all over the place now, but they're not using stealth tech, so you don't need the fancy equipment.
And then we have a search thing, so you can actually search for anything on the very large Farsight website. And we have things like communication, the different board meetings. You can see them right here. And you also have, for example, publication dates, so people often want to know when are these projects actually published. So, we have that, and each of the projects get linked with the actual date. A lot of people are interested in exactly when these things actually come out. Then we have lists of all the different projects that we have, plus more information on instruction and on resources that are actually out there, and so on. Anyway, Farsight.org is a very useful website to go to, especially with regard to things like getting our newsletter, getting signed up to our newsletter, and so on.
And then we have, of course, Farsightprime.com. Anyway, here's our Farsightprime.com, and the Farsightprime.com has all of our projects on it, all of our major projects. This is the library of everything, including the Spotlight and the Deep News stuff. Deep News is also something we have on YouTube, and if you click on the View All at the top of any one of these rows, you'll see all the entries for the movies and series and political stuff, archaeological stuff, human condition stuff, everything. So anyway, that's that.
All right, so now let's go to Google. All right, now the Firefox browser I just put up here, and I did a search for remote viewing. Remote Viewing Now understand that we are the largest remote viewing venue that exists anywhere. No questions asked. There is no other place that you can learn about remote viewing and actually watch the sessions being placed, being done. Our remote viewers teach remote viewing. We have a ton of instructional videos. You can get that anywhere else, and they're free for people who are subscribers to Farsightprime.com. They can get the instructional videos as well. So there's no bigger place.
Now until June of 2022, whenever you did a search for remote viewing, we were at the top of the, we were at the top. Always we were near in the top five. So here I have the Firefox browser going here, and I just went to Google, and I searched for remote viewing. Now just take a look everybody, and I'm going to scroll down. Google Search You'll see about the CIA involved in viewing. You'll see things on Amazon. You'll see things. This is the list of everything you don't need to know about remote viewing. And then I go to the next page, and there's nothing about Farsight. And I scroll down the next page. Nothing about Farsight, as if we do not exist. Okay, so I can prove to you that we are the only source that you should be getting your information from about remote viewing, because we are the ones that are being banned, shadow banned, and so on. So you can't find us anywhere. It's just we don't exist, as if we don't exist. Yet we are clearly the largest. And until June of 2022, we were always at the top of all the search engines. Okay, I'm on page three now. Let's go to page four. And yeah, you still see, do you see us? Take a look. Do you see us? We're not anywhere. So we've been banned. This is called shadow banning.
Then we say, okay, well, what about YouTube? All right. Okay. Remember, Google and YouTube are the same, right? Here, I am now on YouTube. And so you should be seeing YouTube now. And let me turn around to make sure you're seeing YouTube. Yep, you are seeing YouTube now. And now look, find us on YouTube. You can't find us on YouTube. We don't exist on YouTube. And we exist on YouTube. They don't cancel our account. But if you search for remote viewing, we're nowhere. Okay, so do you want any more proof that you're getting what you're supposed to be getting? Look at this. Look, look, look, I'm scrolling down. We're the only place that you can find out information, extensive information about remote viewing. And there is nothing, nothing about us. And then again, this is all changed. Before June 2022, we were always at the top, a whole bunch of links everywhere.
This is all and it just goes on and on. I'm down and down. And there's not a single link to a video of ours. Bing So and now the by the way, this used to be up until a month or two ago, we we did get ranked in the very top if you search for us on Bing, Bing, B-I-N-G. So they continued to have us listed at the top. And that's just changed. Now you can't find us on Bing either.
So what more proof do you want, folks? Why would they be censoring us if we didn't have something important for you to tell? And who does the censoring? These are the powers that be. The people are in control. The baddies are controlling the people at the top. And that sifts down to the people in Google and YouTube and things like that. And algorithms get chosen and something. Okay, you can sort of say, well, it would make sense that, you know, maybe we're not in the very top five anymore, but we're not to be found anywhere. You can't find this anywhere. If you do a search on remote viewing. Now, if you do a search on Farsight, you will find us. But then you have to look specifically for us. So this is the proof that you need to say that we are being shadow banned, that this is it. So when you search for remote viewing on Google, we're banned, shadow banned. And when you search for remote viewing on YouTube, shadow banned, you don't see any of us at all. And it does not affect any other group. We're the only group that that affects. Do you need any? And this has been extended to being just within the last month. So do you need any more proof that what we're saying is correct? If we were saying garbage, they wouldn't be shadow banning us. All the other sites that you're getting, they're not getting anything that's threatening the powers that be. It's just it's not it's not saying anything relevant. You're not getting anything really important. So the censorship is really, really focused, really right now.
And this is the proof that you need, that if you wait two or three more years, the censorship will be absolutely complete and disclosure won't be able to happen at all. So disclosure has to happen now. It has to happen now. All right. That is why the UAPs, the UFO phenomenon is occurring right now, because if we waited a couple of years, we wouldn't be able to do it.
ET - ‘US’ & ‘WE’
Now, I often say ‘we’ when I refer to the extraterrestrials. And it is true. I refer to ‘us’ as ‘we’. We have been working together. We're as one group. We know them. We can speak authoritatively about them. We meet with them on regular basis and not through channeling, but we meet with them on a regular basis. They give us advice. We are what we are because of what they have helped us do.
And eventually they will be physically visible so that, you know, video recordings of them can be made and things like that. But that can't happen now because, as I mentioned before, we would be our board meetings would be completely invaded that very second. People would rush in. They'd bash in through the doors. The authorities would arrest them and it'd be a it'd be a terrible mess. And we wouldn't be able to even have the board meetings, even if we were at a secret location on the beach. It's sort of fun to go to our secret location on the beach and sort of do this. But they wanted everything to be video recorded. The board meetings now, though, happen actually in Atlanta.
So anyway, that's what I wanted to talk about, the censorship and why the disclosure process has to happen now. The it's getting worse. And in two or three years there will be no chance of disclosure. So now is the time. So there's no such thing as putting it off a couple of years like you hear with a lot of the channeling stuff. You're almost ready for contact disclosure. You're almost ready for open contact. That's crap. That's just bullshit that's being given to you by the channels themselves, the physical human being channels. They're wonderful. They're angels. But the ETs that they're channeling are devils. And they just want to delay everything until all of the controls are set in place and then you can't escape ever. So now is a chance that we have. And that's why the UAPs are coming out in huge numbers right now. And it's going to get much, much, much more.
Now, they haven't told me what they're going to be doing. They told us when the UAPs were going to start. Again, the board meeting, the last board meeting was the 13th of November. The 15th of November, we published the video. The 18th of November is when the swarms actually started right on time. So they haven't told us what they're going to do next as they have to adapt to things that the powers that be and the bad ETs are doing to try to control. chain this situation. But we'll keep you informed. They'll tell us and then we'll tell you. And until then, you're getting the information direct from us.
And eventually, I'm assuming I'd love to be interviewed by Ross Cothart on NewsNation or, you know, Sean Ryan or Lex Friedman or Joe Rogan. I'd love to be on any of those podcasts or Megyn Kelly, Candace Owens. I'd love to have any of those people interview me and people at Farsight with regard to what we're doing. But that hasn't happened yet. So when it does happen, you'll see it.
And anyway, so that's it for this week's spotlight. And again, it's being broken up into two segments. This is when published on YouTube. First comes out Sunday night and second half. First half deals with the UAP UFO phenomena and the second half deals with secrecy and censorship. And that's it. Then again, they'll both be regularly. They'll still stay up on YouTube and Farsightprime.com so you can always revisit them and so on.
Thanks, everybody, for coming by. You've been a really great audience. A lot of people have shown up. Let me actually see how many people. We have over a thousand people showing up. So that's quite a lot. Almost twelve hundred people showing up for a live stream. That's pretty good. So you're getting the real stuff from us. And in terms of news, I think for right now, the best source you can get in mainstream news is Ross Coulthard on News Nation. That's the best you can get so far. I mean, he's not interviewing me, but not yet, at least. But in terms of at least being truthful about what the government is not saying, he's been pretty good so far.
All right, everybody. So I will see you next week again on Sunday where we have our next live stream and be there or be square. Spotlight
He already said this before. At what point will people stop playing the victim and start taking charge. There are ways to get the information out there besides the CIA and NSA created and controlled Google lol.
Also, the whole authoritatively thing is ego based. Do you really need to keep mentioning that when in reality those "meetings" with Harvey are not proof of anything and could easily be mislead by whatever/whoever they're talking to. The US and other military already has technology that can do things like that where they can spoof playing a projected consciousness. The people want to believe so hard and to feel special so much that they will then open themselves up to the fact that any "contact" must be genuine.