Alright, so let's talk about forecasting future events because there's a lot of misunderstandings about forecasting future events that people really need to understand. First of all, it's clear if you watch anything that we do at Farsight that remote viewing, our process that we mastered, it really works. And we have advanced tech in terms of how we do the remote viewing that's not done by anybody else.
And it really is obvious. We show you our data. We show you how we collect our data. We present our data. Everything's done totally blind under very scientifically, scientific defensible conditions. And then we show you the target reveals. So you're absolutely certain that the remote viewer didn't know the target because you see the reactions when they actually get told what the target is and during the target reveals.
So the remote viewing process itself should be, if you look at any of our stuff, it's very convincing that it does work. So information can be conveyed across time and space. And in a method that does not use physical means like radio or television or things like that or the internet. So it doesn't use any of the five physical senses. It's clear that the remote viewing process is not limited by the five senses.
So there are two aspects about predicting the future that I want to talk about. One is timing and one is the idea of changing the future. Now, if you can remote view anything across time and space, the real question is, what are you looking at?
I was talking to a physicist a while back, really well known. I won't drop any names, but a really well known physicist. And he was saying, Courtney, the big problem is if you have a situation of remote viewing the future and you're actually watching it or even a situation of the remote viewing the past and
nobody in my audience and our audience should question whether remote viewing can work in the past. There are so many obvious examples. If you haven't watched any of our projects on, please subscribe to You really need to look at the library. We have recompiled the entire history of humanity with all of those projects. And at, you can be convinced that remote viewing clearly works in the past, going to past events. Well, if it works in the past, it can work in the future.
…So the scientist, the physicist was saying, well, if you're watching something that happened
in the past, where is that past? I mean, like it would bump into you. Like you can't have a real physical past and a real physical present in the same space because the molecules would bump into one another. There's no room for them. And that's the big thing about remote viewing alternate timelines as well. So the idea of remote viewing the past and the future as well as multiple timelines, it's all connected.
So what you need to understand is that physical matter, see this staple, this stapler, physical
matter as physical matter doesn't really exist as we think of it. This staple looks made of metal. It looks really solid. So you can sort of say, how can we have multiple timelines with multiple staplers? Like the molecules that bump into one another, they can't occupy the same space.
But if you look at, say, a television, you're looking at a picture, and it's only a matter of a few years before televisions are 3D hologram-based stuff, and it's going to look exactly real like you're watching it in real.
The issue is that the physicality of anything is an illusion. You see, we live in a universe that's fundamentally an energy-based frequency universe. And as a frequency-based universe, this is not in dispute in physics circles. Things manifest in the physical realm when energy, which has certain frequencies, interact in a process known as constructive and destructive interference to produce something called a superposition and, pop, something physical appears. Now, physicists study this in terms of looking at spots. In the old days, it was photographic plates, but now it's photographic detectors where you get evidence that a particle was registered on a photographic detector. When the waves interact in such a way that the particle manifests. Now, in traditional understanding of physics, they use something called the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. And people like Hugh Everett correctly said, that's garbage, that's ridiculous. But it still is the dominant interpretation of quantum mechanics to this day. And that is basically that none of the physical stuff actually happens except one version of us.
And so everything exists in sort of waves all over the place. The whole universe is just waves. But then something happens in the concept of a superposition to manifest one version of reality out of all of the potential probabilistic versions of reality that exist in the waves.
Now, Hugh Everett, the physicist who got his degree, he studied under John Wheeler at Princeton, and he got his degree in 1957. He came up with the other world's theory of quantum mechanics, and he was widely laughed at. And he got so disgusted by the whole thing, he left physics and went to work in the defense department, where he was one of the architects of the principle of mutually assured destruction, MAD, in order to prevent people from actually thinking about firing nuclear weapons. They were actually thinking about firing nuclear weapons back in the day, and he said, that's crazy, folks.
Nobody's going to survive that. So he was a guy who helped come up with the idea that we'll build our weapons and aim them at those guys, and those guys can build their weapons and aim them at us, and nobody will ever shoot because everyone's going to die.Anyway, but Hugh Everett was the one who actually first started this type of thing, this type of thinking.
And the idea is, you can't say that one reality pops out and all the others don't exist. Like what? So basically, all realities coexist at the same time, and they're all manifesting at the same time, but they're all manifesting as frequencies, energy waves that are interacting, but you can only see them if your particular energy sort of signature is at the same frequency as those things. So it's like, if something is on the radio dial, and you're listening to your favorite station, well, obviously there are other stations that are broadcasting and you're not listening to them. The radio is not tuning them in. The radio isolates that particular frequency unless you hear those frequencies on that station, and only those and all the others don't get in there. Same thing with television, same thing with the internet, isolation of frequencies so you only see one. Well, that's basically it.
We are receivers, and our physical bodies and everything, we are receivers, and essentially we see things that are compatible with, on the level of frequency, the frequency that we happen to have. All those other things also exist, all those other realities, and so you don't have a situation of multiple staplers that would bump into one another because there are no physical multiple staplers. It's all just energy. The stapler looks physical, it seems physical, but that only looks and feels that way when they're all in a similar frequency mix, in that state of superposition. And so, because I'm in a mix with that stapler, I can see that stapler, but other staplers or other versions of that stapler, I simply cannot see.
So, that's how everything can work together and actually exist at the same time. So the future can exist, the past can exist, the present can exist all at the same time, but it also means that multiple versions of everything can exist. And not talking about one or two timelines, we're talking about an infinite collection of timelines, futures, pasts, everything. And you sort of sink into one of them depending on your frequency mix.
So, when we're predicting the future, we're looking at what we consider to be a most probable
future based on current conditions. Now, here's the thing. When you look into the past, there's not an ambiguity about what you're going to see. When you look with remote viewing into the past, and obviously this means that the, we call it the is-being. Now, we don't use the word soul or spirit, but consciousness clearly extends beyond time and space. And so, when we use consciousness or remote viewing to look into the past, we know exactly what we're looking for because our past events we remember in our memories or in written books or whatever. So, we're looking for that exact past event. Our intent is for that exact past event. But obviously, other past events must happen that we just don't look for because it's not in our memory.
So, when we're looking into the future, we don't have that. We don't have the memory because the things haven't happened yet. So, when you're looking into the future, you have to look at the most probable future. Now, on a technical level, this is the same as the most probable past, the most probable future, but we know exactly what we're looking for in the past. So, we get exactly that. In the future, we don't know exactly what we're looking for. So, we get more of a spread. Everything that exists exists as a probabilistic smear, you might call it. And we have a basic idea. So, based on current conditions, this is what we're seeing. So, when we predict something is going to happen in the future, the intelligence service is know damn well that they better look for it. So, they look at everything, but they know it's not a certainty. They know that it's something that could happen with a significant probability because that's how we're presenting it to them.
Now, if you take the information that you get with remote viewing and bring it back into the past, meaning back into the present, like you take future information and bring it back to the present, well, obviously, you're taking information from a different time point, bringing it to the current time point. You can change what you do now based on what you see. So, if you see something that you don't like, you can do something and that changes the most probable future because you've changed things. That's exactly why the military is interested in remote viewing. That's exactly why.
You're not looking at a future and then it's set. And then you get snarky comments on the internet saying it didn't turn out, so I'm going to unsubscribe. But that's not what's going on. Those snarky comments are just misunderstandings of what's actually going on. Whenever you predict the future, you bring information from the future back to the present, and then that thing can change. So, if we predicted things that were going to start unraveling in December, the U.S. military is going to take that seriously and drones are going to go flying up. People are going to start scouring the entire eastern coast of the United States, which is where we said the things are going to be predominantly dominated. They're going to look for it. And you can only assume that that wasn't a coincidence. At least I can assume that that wasn't a coincidence.
So, there is no one single reality. And when you look at predictions of the future, you have to keep in mind what we just said, that the future is probabilistic based on current conditions. And those current conditions change as soon as you take future events and bring them back to the present. Okay, that means events can be prevented.
Now, this is very similar to the movie starring Tom Cruise called Minority Report. So, if you haven't seen the Tom Cruise movie of Minority Report, it's a great movie, and it helps explain sort of the problems that you're dealing with.
Now, if you haven't seen the movie, it's a great movie. Now, if you haven't seen the movie, it's a great movie. This is my book, Remote Viewing the Science and Theory of Non-Physical Perception. Now, this book is a science book. It's not like a book on ET stuff, like remote viewing, you know, extraterrestrials and stuff. It's a science book, but it does explain the physics behind all of this. And it is available on Amazon as a Kindle, but it's also available on paperback, as you can see.
There is a paperback and there's a hardback version, and there's also a Kindle, a Kindle version for those people who like reading Kindle.
I've been starting to read on tablets as well a lot.
So, timing is also an issue. So, I've just covered the multiple timelines, multiple futures part of things but let me also talk about timing. Sometimes with remote viewing, and I'm not saying this is a reason to disbelieve remote viewing, I'm just telling you this is a fact of remote viewing and just accept it as part of the understanding of this is the nature of the phenomenon. With remote viewing, the remote viewers are attracted to things. They're attracted to events. They're not attracted to a date on the calendar. You can't say, what's going to happen on this date at this time? You can't say, and say it's fixed because something may happen the day after or the day before or the week after the week before that is around that sort of time, and that becomes the interest, and they go after the events around that time. So, it becomes sort of a condition for the remote viewing, but it's a general ballpark type of condition.
So, when we say certain events are going to happen at a certain time period, it's an approximation, and what you should be doing is expanding it. That's why, in my interpretation, when the drones started to show up before December in large numbers, the flood of drones actually started to show up, and I'm using drones because I don't think all of them were drones. Obviously, some of them were E.T. ships, but I'm just using the drones because that's what people use. They use that word, but when they started to show up two weeks before December, that's part of the understanding, and the intelligence community knows that. So, if things are going to start till this, if we're viewing something that's happening in the ballpark region from December through March, actually, it was December through February, but we always extend it to March. If it's that, they're not going to sit around and say, well, it's not December 1st yet, so we're not going to do anything. We're just going to do, yeah, let's have another cup of tea. No, they're not going to do that. They're going to send the things up before that.
So, when it started to happen mid-November, that's when the E.T. ships started to really come out in large numbers as well. That makes sense. You want to bookend it. The events are like a probabilistic smear. You want to encapsulate that probabilistic smear with boundaries that are bigger than just with
the minimal amount that you see.
So, the dates for all remote viewing predictions should be considered approximate. They should not be considered fixed. And then, for example, if our data goes from like December to February, end of February, you should probably be thinking it's more reasonable to say mid-November through March or April or even May. And so, when we're actually forecasting the events of 2025 and we look at it with a ballpark time period, you should probably be thinking of that as including all of 2025 with the higher probabilities being in the beginning of 2025. And then, with lesser probabilities, the farther you get near the end of 2025. Think of it as a probability curve. And you have the most dominant probability of something happening at a certain time period. But the curve extends nonetheless quite far away from the dominant element to the dominant place. And so, you want to be able to say these are 2025 predictions. Probably we should start looking for them in the last quarter of 2024 and extending all the way to the end of 2025.
2025 is going to be a very unusual year. You should be able to see that already. I mean, the tea leaves are already very clear. Things are starting off the year with an absolute bang. So, if the authorities do not do things to prevent the events that we're seeing, you should expect to see those events. In a most probable future, you should expect a very high probability that those events, exactly as we described them, show up. That they actually manifest. But if the authorities do do things that are based on our remote viewing results, does that everyone get that? That's the key. If the authorities do things that are based on what we have with remote viewing, then the future can change entirely. That's the whole purpose. That's someone saying, I got this information from the future. I don't want that to happen. So, we're going to do XYZ so that doesn't happen. And that is entirely okay. That is what happens. And you, as the audience, has to be able to put two and two together.
So, in terms of the tumult that we predicted to happen starting in December and extending through March, I mean, extending through the end of February, you should then put two and two together and say, well, the government's not going to be idle sitting on that. They're going to do something. Whatever you think about politics, whether you're on the conservative side or the liberal side or whatever, the intelligence people stay in those jobs independent of who's in the political administration. The intelligence people act on these things. Trust me about that. The intelligence people, they're smart. I have interacted with them enough to know they are really good at what they do. So, they're going to start doing things. They're going to send up all types of flares. They're going to figure out what's going on. They'll use their own intelligence networks to be able to figure these things out. But once they know what they're looking for, they're going to find that type of thing.
However, guys, listen up. One prediction is clear, and this one should turn out no matter what. One prediction is based on the idea that the good ETs, that's our side, the ETs that we work with, and it's not like they just work with us. We know them on a personal basis. So, our side, those ETs, they are absolutely trying to force the disclosure process to happen this year. Listen to that. I'm going to say it one more time. Our side of the ETs is absolutely trying to force the disclosure process to happen this year. Why this year? Because censorship, the elements of the bad ETs that want to delay that because they can control you. They can control you only by controlling the information that you know.
The bad ETs work from a top-down perspective. They control the people at the top, and the populace gets controlled like puppets on a string. The good ETs, the ones that we work with, are very different. They have been totally shut out. They tried, but they've been totally shut out of contact with the political elite. The bad ETs have them totally locked up. So, the good ETs have been working from the perspective of the masses, changed the masses, revolution from below. That's why you're seeing all these drones coming out. They're not drones or ET ships, but that's part of the phenomenon you're actually seeing. They're trying to get—and that's happening worldwide. Now, the U.S. military stuff, you can clearly see, would be a lot happening on the eastern coast of the United States. But the stuff that's happening worldwide, everywhere, all over the world, and all over Asia, all over Australia, every place, that's not U.S. military ships that are looking at our remote viewing stuff. Those are ET ships that are coming out. There could also be some ships that are coming out based on China, but China wouldn't be popping them up all over the world like that. So, a lot of them are very clearly ET ships, and it's a worldwide phenomenon. So, if anyone says this is an eastern United States phenomenon, that's just totally garbage. It's not eastern United States. So, the worldwide stuff is clearly ET. They are trying to produce a worldwide full disclosure process. That's what they're trying to do.
So, one prediction I can make that I don't think can be affected or would not normally be affected by the idea of taking information from the future and bringing it back to the past, and then the events change. Because the good ETs, our side, they know that. They know the physics. There's nothing about the physics that they don't understand.
They are trying to force disclosure across a huge swath of timelines. They're trying to fundamentally change the way a whole bunch of, don't think of the future as one story that's going out. It's a multiple collection of an infinite number of futures going out. They're trying to change the whole body. It's like thinking of it as a huge river, a wide river that has a huge amount of water in it, and each timeline you can think of as one molecule of the water going down the river. They're trying to affect the whole river, the way the whole thing is going. And so, they're trying to affect the way the future evolves across zillions of timelines. One can assume that those future events that they're trying to affect are relevant or impactful to their agenda, and thus, they're most likely going to happen.
So, if I was going to be predicting the future, oh, and by the way, I do that. So, if I was going to be predicting the future, one prediction I would make is that this full disclosure process is going to continue, and it's going to be big this year, and that's going to be producing some of the huge chaos that you see because the authorities, which are trying to resist it because they're being puppeteered by the baddies, they're going to be resisting, resisting, resisting, and that's got to break down. That's the whole purpose. The only thing my side wants is just for everybody to know the truth. Is that such a big deal? They just want everybody to know the truth. Well, if you're in authority, if you're one of the elite that's being puppeteered by the baddies, it is a big deal because then it shows the world what you've been doing and what the baddies have been doing, and you've been working with those people. So, for them, it's a big deal. Telling the truth is a big deal.
Now, someone was telling me, how come we sometimes say that farsight is a psyops? Everything is a psyops. Every group that's trying to affect the psychology, the thoughts, the thinking process of the masses is a psyops. One of the biggest tools of psyops is the truth. One of the absolute biggest tools of psyops is the truth. The truth is the most powerful psyops that you can ever have. So, if my side is using the truth as the psyops, yeah, we confess we're a psyops. We're trying to force the full disclosure process. We're trying to force it so that everyone sees what's really been going on. Every psyop is not a negative psyop. The good side has psyops, and the bad side has psyops. And what you have to ask is, what kind of psyops is going on? Every time you have a political campaign, it's a psyops. Every organization that's trying to affect the public in any way is a psyops. Good, bad, they use lies for psyops. They use truth for psyops. We are absolutely fundamentally bonded to the truth because if we use any types of lies in talking about our activities, you'll disregard. If someone lies about XYZ, well, how do you know they're telling the truth about ABC? So, we have to really stick to the truth. Everything is absolutely the truth. There's no ambiguity about that. It's got to be pure, or we could lose the entire house of cards. We could lose everything. We could lose the entire deck. We could lose the whole shebang, whatever you want to call it, the big stuff. We could lose everything. So we have to say that our PSYOPs is a truth-based PSYOPs, and other people have PSYOPs that are the opposite, that are lying-based PSYOPs because they're trying to manipulate you to get a certain agenda, to get a certain result from you. They're trying to control you for their own benefit.
We are saying we just want full disclosure because my side is absolutely addicted to the concept of free will. I call them fanatical in that sense. They're my friends, but it is true. My side is totally locked in with the idea of free will. They don't do anything unless you agree to it, and they will go along with you agreeing to let yourself be a slave. But they can say that the masses are enslaved in an unfair way because they're not being given information. So if they can force the disclosure process to happen, then you are given the information, and then you can make a free will choice of which side of the ETs you want to actually involve yourself with. And that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to force disclosure so that you can make a free will choice, because right now you're being prevented from making a free will choice.
Let me end on something that's comical. You should really be enjoying this whole disclosure thing that's going on in the world, because you can clearly see that the government is panicking, and you can clearly see that they're coming up with all types of crazy explanations to explain things that they're obviously not controlling. One of the funniest was when the drone thing first started, and they said it was—I have trouble not laughing when I repeat it, but I'll try my best—when they said it was an Iranian mothership. I'm sorry. I'm not laughing on purpose. It's just that it was really quite comical. It was an Iranian mothership. The Iranians were given tech from China, and they built a mothership, and the mothership was releasing the drones. Now, that lasted for about two hours, and then the Pentagon had to officially say, no, that's not happening. But they did release it through a congressman. They told the congressman, a high-level person, and he got it from high-level sources, and he said, that's what's going on, and he said it with authority on the news, and it was just so obvious. It was like what happened when people were asking about UFOs in old days, and authority came out and said it was swamp gas. People just laughed. They thought it was crazy. So that swamp gas explanation didn't last very long, but the Iranian mothership took it to another level.
So you should be looking at some of the frantic sort of stuff that the authorities are doing to try to explain away these things, and having a smile. Don't get all upset about it. It's really quite comical, and it's going to get more comical as time goes on. As they get more and more desperate, they're going to do more and more crazy things, and it's sort of funny. I can't tell you how much we laughed at it.
Oh, one last thing, and then I'm going to end. My son and I are having, it's not an argument, but it's a serious conversation that he's not going to budge on. We call the ETs, the good ETs and the bad ETs, because I always wanted to posit in terms of the good and the bad so that it makes it a simple thing so that people can understand that there are two sides. And in the channeling community, you get so much of an overwhelming dominance of all the ETs are good, and they're waiting for you to embrace. They're waiting to embrace you as the happy brothers and sisters in the galaxy to all in peace and happiness, and we're just waiting for humanity to wake up and stuff, and that's just such garbage. So I tried to try to help position it in terms of good ETs and bad ETs so that you can see how much of ridiculous psyops that's lying that side is.
But my son doesn't like it. Aziz, he doesn't like it at all. He says, Dad, I'm going to put my foot down. We have to talk about the complexity on both sides. It's not just good ETs and bad ETs. Each side is very complex. The good side has an enormous complexity of the different groups, the different species. Their politics is incredibly complicated. On the bad side, it's similar. It's a bad side. It's an authoritarian organization, but it's still complicated. And on the good side, it's a free will organization, but it's still complicated. So he really wants to emphasize the complexity of the situation, and I have been hesitating for that. However, my son has won the argument. So we're going to start explaining more of the complexity of the situation. Almost always my son wins because he's got really good ideas. If you listen to the stuff he talks about on the target reveals and things like that, Farsight wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for him making decisions. So I like to take credit for it, but the reality is he's a good thinker.
So we're going to be talking more about the complexity of the extraterrestrial situation. I'm going to still talk about the good ETs and the bad ETs because it makes it a simple explanation, but we're also going to start talking about the complexity on both sides. And we're going to be asking the good ETs, the ones that we work with, to help explain that as well. And they seem to be really happy about talking about that. So my son has won the argument not just because he was adamant about it, but also the good ETs said that's a good idea. So we're going to be doing that in the future.
All right, everybody, you had a great audience. We had a great, wow, what a turnout. We had a super turnout today, and it's well over 1,500. So I want to thank you all for tuning in again. The first half of this spotlight is going up as an official recording on our YouTube channel and on And then the second half, which deals with the forecasting of future events, that shows up on Wednesday night. And it takes us like some hours to edit it and get it just right, sometimes like four hours just for one part to actually get it up and get it published and so on. So it's not an insignificant amount of time. So breaking it in half makes it a little bit more manageable.
Anyway, so you've been really great. That wraps up the live stream. And as always, I will be back with you next week on Sunday for the next live stream of Farsight Spotlight. In the meantime, go out there and look for the bigger ships. Now, again, we're not talking about the ships the size of California or the continental U.S. They do exist, but we're talking about just larger ships, larger than like SUVs and ones that you can clearly see that's a biggie.
So start looking for those types of things and try to start following some Instagram feeds that deal with UFOs. Do some search for different sites that are that are follow those Instagram sites. Let me actually, as I close up here, let me go to my Instagram feed because they always pop up. I can just actually, you know, that there's a ton of those things actually popping up. So let me do a search on UFO. UFO. And we have things like UFO secrecy. That's one Instagram feed. I follow that. UFO life. They have a bunch of UFO. You might actually try searching for UAP because that's becoming a biggie these days. There's also UAP in New Jersey or UFO in New Jersey. UAP underscore files. Anyway, just start going through those and see if you can. And often you'll see other people linking other other Instagram feeds that way you can get a a better sort of worldwide survey of these UFO ships, UAP ships that are showing up.
Anyway, I'll see you next week on Sunday. Same time, same place. And you have a good week and stay tuned. All right. Okay, everybody.