A year ago I died for a moment.
I was in a dark place surronded by light black box-like things quite tightly.
I was not afraid, just curious and very very alert, like questioning where am I now.
I woke up in my hospital bed. Starting to think how could I feel that I was in a thight place unable to move since I had no body there. How could I not realize it? I want to be more prepared for the next time, want to go there one more time for practice and being better prepared this time. Ok, without body where would I want go then? And how - just with wanting to go there, using my willpower?
Are there others with similar kind of experiences? Please, share your own experiences with me.
The black boxes are mentioned often in relation to the grey aliens and how they store and move souls in black cubes that can trap them on the astral as they forcefully take the soul to the next area where they implant them into a new host.
Read through the near death experiences on www.Trickedbythelight.com it has many experiences some of it similar to yours. You can also look into this experience by trying to do out of body/astral projection which is far deeper than RVing and will get you more information.