So, let's use logic again to examine two basic premises:
Premise #1: An ISBE can never be killed.
Premise #2: Everything is a mix of frequencies.
First things first:
An ISBE is a being that IS for the purpose of BEing. It's the being "inside" the body, some call it soul or spirit or life essence or whatever. The fundamental idea is that you are not the body, but instead, you own the body and control it. If the body dies, the ISBE lives on and can own another body.
A frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. Frequency is an important parameter used in science and engineering to specify the rate of oscillatory and vibratory phenomena, such as mechanical vibrations, audio signals (sound), radio waves, and light.
So, let's look into what happens when both premises are true:
If everything consists of frequencies – in other words everything (every thing) is a "frequency mix" – it's because something fundamental is vibrating and so called constructive interference leads to a... let's call it physical manifestation. Constructive interference is what happens when waves are "in phase".
If an ISBE cannot be killed ever, it means that the opposite of constructive interference, namely destructive interference, doesn't result in the destruction of the being. Destructive interference happens when two or more waves overlay each other such that the result is a lower amplitude. In other words, waves are cancelling each other out.
So, when destructive interference is not capable of killing an ISBE, it means that the ISBE is not a "frequency mix".
The "frequency mix" is just the representation of the ISBE, also called body. A body is a waveform. It's the effect of what's causing the vibration, which is the ISBE.
This would explain why an ISBE cannot be killed. Think of a person that's causing waves in water. The waves will be there as long as the person is moving inside the water. If an ISBE cannot be killed, it means that nobody knows how to remove the ISBE from the "water" or how to force an ISBE to not cause any movement anymore.
Essays are better when they don't quote from Wikipedia.
Yes, ISBEs (Beings, Spirits, Spirit-People, Quantum-People, etc.), cannot be killed;
Well, a «form» can, but, then they just shift/transition into a different existence-type;
If they take on another «form» that is «physical» then said «form» can be disrupted.
Good, now, how would you explain «infinite» frequency vibration ?
And I mean in terms of the phenomena where calculators cannot represent the #.
Such as the Divide-by-Zero Errors and of course the Infinity Symbol...
Is there something on the Wikipedia page that is incorrect when compared to a science book?
"how would you explain «infinite» frequency vibration ?"
As a frequency is a repeating event, it's totally possible that the event can repeat forever. It's also possible that the period between the repeats can be infinitely small or big, given that time itself is infinite.
"Such as the Divide-by-Zero Errors and of course the Infinity Symbol..."
What do you mean? Divide-by-Zero is a logical contradiction, because a division results in at least one part and dividing by zero means you don't divide. So, if you divide by zero, you're telling the calculator to divide and not divide at the same time, which it cannot do.
The infinity symbol is just a representation of infinity. It's on the other side of zero, so to speak, leading to the same logical contradictions. Mathematicians think that infinity is a set, which it is not. A set is defined as having a border, and infinity doesn't have a border by definition. So when calculating with infinity as if it was a number, the result is paradoxical, because infinity isn't a number, just like zero isn't a number.