There are some stark realities about M.A.I.D. (Medical Assistance in Dying).
It is horrific.
In Canada in Quebec - 4.3% of their population are gone due to the promotion of M.A.I.D.
There are changes coming in the laws to make it easier to be eligible, to drop the age to 1year old, to get it 'done' in under 24 hours.
MAID is the symptom of a sick medical system which needs culling completely until it can be worked out for those in a last resort situation. There give no alternatives like natural medicine, change in diet and lifestyle, assisted support. The devaluation of the human is in full swing by a bunch of reptilian brained money hungry - death hungry - psychopaths and lobbyists.
They are ramping this up.
Healthcare Serial Killers. Maybe the traps need more ISBEs.
This video is informative and eye opening.
MAID: Why the Government Wants You to Kill Yourself - Kelsi Sheren
Her personality is addictive. This video could be broken into a thousand memes.