In the January 2025 ET Board Meeting, Aziz talks about how nature organizes bigger structures, like whole civilizations. Essentially, civilizations can be seen as "corporations" that strive for growth and profit, whereas profit is not just limited to financial profit, but is a more subjective term.
So, let's talk about corporations, what they are, and why this knowledge is so important.
The term corporation comes from the latin word "corpus", which means "body". A corporation is a group of beings that cooperate in order to create a bigger structure – a bigger body – that wouldn't exist otherwise.
In that sense, if you imagined the cells of your physical body as individual beings, your body would be a corporation that only exists because the cells are cooperating with each other in order to achieve a higher goal.
Now, the important question when it comes to a species or civilization is: How is the cooperation of the individual beings achieved? There are two opposing ways:
1. Forced cooperation
The individual beings who form the corporation work together either against their free will, or because they don't have free will. For example, the cells of your body don't have free will – they follow the "code" that defines how your body works without any individualized awareness or survival instinct. They don't see themselves as individuals. If they did, your body would most likely disintegrate within seconds.
This is the basic idea that authoritarian regimes are built upon. The regime determines the code that everybody has to follow just like a cell follows the code of the physical body. That's why it's called "authoritarian" – the regime determines what's happening like an author who is writing a book. The characters in the book have no free will, they are determined to follow the path given by the author.
2. Voluntary cooperation
In contrast to forcing everything into place, it's possible to build a corporation based on free will. This means that you have to achieve that the individuals who form your corporation actually want to stay. Think of a simple corporation here on Earth that's trying to sell something, like a smartphone, for instance. You don't have to buy their product, nobody forces you. So, why would you buy it? What could be a good reason to stay loyal to a corporation if you are not forced?
And this shows you one important fact: Creating a corporation with brute force is the easy way compared to the alternative. It's what you do when you want to achieve something, but you are too lazy (or too stupid) to earn loyalty and trust. Just force them. No true intelligence required, just muscles.
So, creating corporations based on voluntaryism is more difficult and therefore the higher achievement. And at a certain point you realize that it even yields more profit in the long run. It doesn't matter wether it's materialistic or spiritual in nature.
So, what type of corporation do you want to be part of? Do you want to be a forced cell inside a body, like a drone in the Borg collective? Or do you want to be part of something that's build on free will and true appreciation?
That's what the choice is all about...