I kind of developed the impression that Advanced SRV was sort of "alien made" and that made it more special. Prudence (AKA Birdie) was sort of fed the information. But now I'm under the impression it's more like in that context she was just given the encouragement to run with her own instincts. What she uses now (TDM) looks almost nothing like SRV, just the initial ideogram. And she's damn good!! Nothing seems intuitively all that ingenious about SRV (or ASRV) to me anyhow. And some of the best RV people out there don't seem to use SRV explicitly. In fact there seems to be a split occuring where some of the old rigid CRV folks are getting good results but it's probably because they're just used to CRV and they don't see much reason to change habits and why fix what isn't broken. But there's another younger generation that is just experimenting with all kinds of things. Eg: Dave2 with Uncontrolled Remote Viewing, and another Dave (Cowboy RV). Some of their results have also seemed very promising although I know they don't seem to have the same consistent internet presence with RV in the same way. They might just be getting started.
Farsight is very good at SRV because, well, that's what they were trained on. I don't think it's explicitly because of SRV though. They've just had lots of practice in whatever one modality they were given.
I start to get this picture where, as many people in the RV community say, there isn't really a "this thing is this thing" and "that thing is that thing" - you have tarot and mediumship and channeling and RV and types of RV, and types of mediumship and basically they're all just variations of the same thing: Psychic ability. (Ok: Channeling is on the end of the spectrum where you're 'giving' your mind instead of reading). Even ITC becomes a part of this. And by experimenting with all kinds of different methods you're much more likely to get a richer experience, and eventually more advanced results.
The moral of the story I want to end with is 2 things. (1) We're still not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Psychic ability, in its useful form, has a duty to try and satisfy the mid-range skeptics (not the pseudoskeptics) - the Dean Radins etc. There should be evidence of a transfer of information by unconventional means and the data from one end to the other should be very consistent, readable stuff. And yes, in some instances that may very well be transferring strings of numbers from the sender to the receiver across space and time. (2) We're also not to assume there's one and only one way, especially in this very early era where humanity is just on the brink of discovering that this is even real let alone how it works.
The real moral of the story is we should just try all kinds of things and ignore Courtney Brown completely, but don't tell him I said that.
Too much philosophizing to make the obvious point that xRV is simply a methodology to harness and employ the psychic ability in a way that can be used for systematic and reproducible data collection. If you would take the initiative to gather a group of psychics to systematically work targets for you, inevitably you would need to set up a framework in order to make the process reproducible, to document it systematically, to collect data in a format that can be quantified statistically, for you to get a clearer picture of the resulting collective data, and to attribute a meaningful degree of confidence to it.
To paraphrase Edward Riordan: "first you learn the remote-viewing method, then you learn how YOU remote-view".