Sorry Alex Jones, you're fighting a losing battle. "Type 1 civilization" and "new world order" are synonymous. We don't control the flow of the trend. It's a boulder rolling down a hill. Moreso, we only control the general output of the trend, Ie: roughly where the boulder lands at the bottom of the hill.
China will absorb Taiwan, Russia will absorb Ukraine, US will absorb Greenland and Canada. And Israel will probably absorb a whole bunch of the middle east (fun fact, these are all corporate mergers,). China will probably come out on top. But there is a question of how these things will come about. And the summary in a few words may be peer-to-peer vs centralized.
Peer-to-peer internet is where everyone's router transfers information, and your signal passes along a cloud of god knows wherever. There are no cell phone towers. This seems very inefficient, since the signal passes through thousands of random devices trying to reach its destination, but quantum entanglement (proven reliable information transfer, just hasn't been fully developed gee I wonder why) makes it completely possible. The signal passes a few devices, jumps from the quantum computer nearest you to the nearest quantum computer closest to its destination and routes through a few more devices.
Peer to peer psi: everybody meets on the "hill" or a "hill". It's already happening.
Peer to peer government: little municipal republics break out, and they all decide for a local territory which contributes to decisions on a bigger territory. Communication is almost instantaneous and algorithms can be programmed to respond to different queries "yay or nay" depending on the tokens of the query. Passing a Bill is essentially just inputting a program into a giant algorithm that counter propose, accept, or deny.
And in all of that you have cyborgs, and androids, and clones, and weird genetically engineered creatures (and occasional boring humans) walking around.
It's not the organic, running through corn fields, non-gmo world we dream about. That ship is sailed, the chance is dead. Rest assured the amish are still gonna be around. Some things just never die.
The alternative that we need to fear is the one that transitions smoothly. The one in which corporations have very little feuds, nobody wants a war, and one single organization arises which makes everything run smooth.
The global culture will be a certain percentage of networking tech, and a certain percentage of rebellion. Convergence and divergence will have a practically eternal flow while technology itself progresses faster than policy.
The enslavers were gonna make our lives very happy and relaxing and somewhat pampering (ok in certain areas) for the next century. But there would be very steep unwritten punishments for asking too many questions. Instead, the liberators are going to make pir lives hell, and many of our lives unalived. If for one sole reason that we maintain a rebellious spirit while big tech smashes through the population with zero compromise.
Are you gonna try to pull everyone into the kid pool? Or help shove us all over the deep end? Either way you're kinda forced to come with us for now. Pretty much the only two choices.