Non-Sponsored Message: AdGuard blocks most of the annoying stuff...
Alas, not entirely free, has a Trial-Period; I have also found that it uses WoT (Web of Trust) which is complete garbage, but, other than its use of WoT to interfere with accessing one of my favourite software web-sites (Spy-Zooka), blocking most excessive-ads (also makes the Disqus-Notifications Pages look better & easier to navigate & read through for those who use Disqus).
Spy-Zooka is amazing, but, keep it mind that it will auto-update ALL software when it does its Scan & Tune-Up, so if one is using an e-mail programme like Mail-Bird 2.0, with a Mail-Bird 2.0 License-Key, Mail-Bird 2.0 will end up becoming Mail-Bird 3.0 (automatically), and end up requiring an upgrade to the 3.0 License-Key, but, Spy-Zooka does an excellent job of update absolutely every software-programme on the system (and cleaning the Registry) without doing that annoying : «Your mouse has moved; you must re-start your computer for these changes to take effect» stuff so you can still work on your stuff without needing to constantly re-start your computer. Anyway... onto my actual message/response now after linking
The comment by the MD is interesting and sounds like it might be why there is such a push to make people stop eating meat and blame global-warming on cow-farts like as-if cows are going to turn the earth into some sort of frying pan that results in California-style forest-fires; can't «genocide» such a high-percentage of the world with «died suddenly» or «sudden death-syndrome» after all l which NEVER USED TO EXIST prior to the CONvid break-out and roll-out of the CONvid-Vee-Aye-Double-Ex; now, whether people are dying because of CONvid, or because they Drank the Tea. Drinking the Tea (or Taking the Tea) is of course Code-Word used by this guy who makes daily videos & uploads them to both Y-T & B-T such as the one at the following video-link. You could say it's like a modern-day version of Drinking the Kool-Aid, but, because the word is banned, censored, monitored, detected by authoritarian-oriented A.I. Algorithms, well, you know what happens...
Vitamin-D is also very important, 90% of Americans (not just America but all of both North & South America) are also apparently said to be Vitamin D Deficient; K₂ is of course a necessity for Vitamin D Absorption, Vitamin A for Vitamin D Activation, and, for even more absorption, Bile-Salts, Zinc, Magnesium (depends on the type of Magnesium which also apparently helps to determine Sleep-Quality), then there were supposed to be some others that I don't remember off the top of my mind at the moment; may also help health to immerse in far-infra-red-light.