I have a theory. The subspace mind is not a machine. The subspace mind is us, and an extension, or even the core, of our personality. If we are quite rebellious, the subspace mind might be bad at following instructions but good at getting the "good stuff". If we are quite loyal and orderly, the subspace mind will sidestep the missing child but find your missing key because that's what you asked for.
Also: the subspace mind wants to communicate to the real "you". If you are not a kumbaya "ommm shadaadaayummgummugummmmgummmm" then maybe it does not want to communicate to you in this state. If you are a "hold on a second. Why the f*ck am I thinking about hamburgers all of a sudden!??" - maybe this is how your subspace mind works with your body.
Anyways I'm gonna try something. I really sincerely hope one or two people participate. It takes almost none of your time and even if it's a miserable failure it's kind of fun and you can't tell me you never blow your time on random fun.
I want to try some anti-SRV targets. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to try the target with zero meditation, in a noisy chaotic environment, and in some awkward part of your day. Let's see how you do. I will follow this up with some targets.
And if no one does them I will post a photo of me crying and clutching a teddy bear. I guess either outcome is rewarding...
Interesting idea. Here's something to think about:
What if the subspace mind is just an idea of your mind, because in reality, there is nothing but mind? See, why do you call it "subspace" mind? Because you need a concept to understand what you are doing. It's like imagining that inner black space as a canvas where you can paint on. You need that space because you want to paint something, but it doesn't exist, so your mind invents it. And then you realize you can't paint black on it.
In the same way, being rebellious is a canvas, and being orderly is a canvas, and being calm is... and so on.
How do you know what canvas you need to accurately describe the target?
Does the subspace mind know? 🤔