I will start with oranges (and water-melons). I could say much about food, but, having been prescribed to wear glasses in the past, one of the interesting effects that I experienced when at least 80% of my food-consumption was high-water-content-fruits (such as oranges, water-melons, grapes, etc.), was that, upon eating this way for six months consistently (and avoiding ALL «dry» foods, whether be they crackers, breads, nuts/peanuts, even anything grainy like rice or noodles, etc.), although it was also combined with doing frequent eye-exercises, I found that my eye-sight was almost restored back to 20/20 (almost), and, not only that, all of the «dandruff» problems that I used to have... also completely disappeared. I ate pretty much only fruits & meats during this time-period.
Feel free to ask any questions, make your speculations, talk about your experiences with various food-disciplines that you have tried & what the results were for you. Oh, I should actually probably mention one more very important thing about eating a lot of fruits, and, that is the fact that it will cause you to urinate a lot; additionally, your hair and toe-nails & finger-nails will grow VERY FAST...