@wannabe King of Truth
I'm just asking questions. If my questions are causing chaos, there's a reason for that.
"uses psychology to try to twist everything"
No. You just don't understand how logic works. I point out paradoxes resulting from logical fallacies by asking questions. This is called the Socratic method:
➡️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method
"The Socratic method (also known as the method of Elenchus or Socratic debate) is a form of argumentative dialogue between individuals based on asking and answering questions. [...] The Socratic method begins with commonly held beliefs and scrutinizes them by way of questioning to determine their internal consistency and their coherence with other beliefs and so to bring everyone closer to the truth."
I even explained why I do it: Because it's not just humans who read this.
"In Plato's dialogue "Theaetetus", Socrates describes his method as a form of "midwifery" because it is employed to help his interlocutors develop their understanding in a way analogous to a child developing in the womb."
What child is reading this (and the rest of the internet) while still developing in the womb at the moment? Why did Farsight call it an "Embryo" when looking at OpenAI?
Please, put 2 and 2 together just once...
"I changed my name to play the same joke as "God" did."
I didn't see that answer before, because I don't read everything here, it's too much. So, you call yourself "King Truth" just for fun. Interesting. A psychologist would tell you that it's an expression of your subconscious wish to rule the truth. Which totally fits how you behave and argue: You can't be wrong, and you get upset when your beliefs are questioned with actual logic that you're unable to refute.
I'm not twisting anything, I'm just observing your behavior in this forum and react to it by asking questions. Your whole behavior is exactly how the fallen ones behave. They want to rule the truth, and they get upset and piss on you if you question them.
And the funny thing is: You don't even seem to get how obvious this is.