Transcript of the 40 minute mark dialogue for clarity and those who don't want to watch the full video. Interesting!
Depending on the death circumstance, trauma etc, it might be difficult at the time to remember the 45 degree angle of departure and look for a rope. It could happen so quick we have no time to think about anything, eg accident victims, heart attack, etc. Thoughts?
And so based off some other work which I'll be sharing in the future, I believe it's very important for people in this, in their lifetime to be thinking about this type of thing, to be thinking about how do they attain moksha, how do they attain, I mean first.
Is it in their highest good to do so right now is a very important aspect.
You know, being able to have a dialogue with your higher self is very important to, you know, is this the life where you know attaining mocha or pursuing it is important.
But I think that knowing that there is an outside group that while they may not be in charge of this particular space is there and waiting for people that.
Figure out how to exit the body at the right angle. (45 degrees)
Figure out how to avoid the specific snares that exist for souls as they exit the body. (Not mentioned)
This will be a topic for another remote viewing video on YouTube, which I'll talk about that there are those outside waiting, and they're there to drop a rope down into the cage to help you the rest of the way out, if you do the first part.
So that's moksha.
That's remote viewing work that's describing.
The freedom from the cycle of reincarnation, contextual information about why it's occurring, how it's occurring, and who's doing this.
And I think it gives a little bit of perspective that there's a much larger game that's being played here, and Earth is just one tiny part of it, and we're not the center of the universe.
We're just one tiny aspect on a very large board that seems to go back and be.
Funneling into a system of fight, if you will, on the cosmic scale of the fight between good and evil.
And our pocket of the universe is one that appears to be controlled by the negative side.
It's authority.
It has its system, exerts power and control over this specific pocket in a way that keeps people entrapped here, enslaved here.
And so these ideas that you may have read about in the past of Prison Planet seem to fit, is that it fits. Now the reasons for it don't seem to match up a lot of the other things that I've read about why this has occurred, or who's doing it.
The remote viewing data very clearly kind of points to that idea that souls become entrapped here and then they are harvested here again and again like bees for honey.
And until the individual figures out how to escape the system, which the out-of-body experience being able to determine where you exit from after death is a key role.
And then also overcoming the fear of exiting, it seems to be a key role.
And then looking for that rope that's dropped down for you and really using a discerning eye, I think in that that state of life after death and that soul state afterwards, seems to to be important as well.
So that'll conclude the remote viewing video on Moksha.