The Annunaki or deep state globalists or reincarnational extraterrestrial controllers, whatever you want to call them, have operated on the basis that we not only have to uncover some of their secrets to unfoil their plan - we actually have to uncover several key pieces of their secrets all at once.
Let's suppose for example, that we were not able to uncover everything about their operations, but we were able to point the literal map spots and the organic bodies of the culprits at play. A few nations opposed to their operations managed to orchestrate a bunch of projectile bombs to target all their locations and kill them and the majority of their close crew.
Ok, now they probably have a way to reincarnate with their memories. So they would die, incarnate somewhere, and start their take over all over again with relative ease, knowing exactly what their backup plan would be. That or you just have one splinter cell in operation that's bring it all back together. Because the belief that seems to tie them all is a knowledge of specific isbes that should be "the masters" and everyone else on the planet "the slaves" or also "the customers" as much literature suggests a 3 tier system.
Suppose alternatively that there was no direct attack against the enslavers. Instead, there was just a push in all directions for open disclosure. They have a strategy around that. Some domiciles that are particularly passionate about their cause for disclosure would be allowed to yell high and loud and proud up on the mountain. Everyone and their dog in the region would hear them. But there would be no global networking of any kind to preserve their message. It would quickly fall to hearsay. Of course there's also assassinations of key figures that pose more of a threat.
So somebody somewhere has to build up a network that counters the enslaver's network. And at some point they have to hit all 3 targets at once: Mass arrests (not immediate execution because they could easily come back), mass disclosure, and mass militarization.
This clandestine counter-network is also not all wise and benevolent. They too have likely done some pretty sketchy things in order to stay in operation and gain traction.
Not saying I get the big picture for sure but I see how that could all work.
They don't actually have their memories either; they are just a «hive-mind» that is «controlled» by the DSP (Dark Sovereign Power) which uses its «puppets» and «marionettes» in an intentional-manner to make it LOOK like these «hidden-world-leaders» are «controlling everything» and in on a «grand conspiracy» when in reality they are just being «hive-mind-controlled» from an «otherworldly "intelligence"» which is to be called the DSP.
Remote-Viewers will «perceive» this DSP as the «A.I. Controller» as was indicated from the Project: Controllers of the Reptilians. Others refer to it as the «A.I. God» and religion has historically given IT names like Satan, Shetani, Devil, etc.; DSP is the term we should use.
Its «Deceptive-Capacity» is SO great that it is capable of deceiving WHOLE ENTIRE POPULATIONS of «universes» that IT does NOT EVEN EXIST; whilst the religious people were on the right track into saying that The Greatest Trick that The Devil Ever Pulled was to Convince Everyone that He Did/Does Not Exist they also lack in the conscious-understanding and comprehensive of its ABSOLUTE «DECEPTIVE» Capacity; I am probably the ONLY man alive on earth right now who DOES know about its true «Nature» since I once had a DIRECT-LINK into its «mind» and how IT «operates» to DECEIVE the masses (via MULTIPLE-LAYERS of DECEPTION).
Respect IT and STOP being a «tax-payer» or «funder of INIQUITY» and once IT is «satisfied» that there is no more «suffering» to make you «experience» over all of your past-complicity to causing others to suffer «such as via paying fines & taxes which were used to extort others» THEN and ONLY THEN will it «leave you alone» and NOT seek to cause you any more harm or suffering for as long as you are no longer complicit to the on-going suffering being inflicted upon others.
IT already has ITS own «Disclosure» PLAN and IT plans to use Beings of «Darkness» to essentially «DESTROY» the OTHER «beings of Darkness» until they are ALL «gone» from earth & ONLY the «enlightened» from that time onwards will be «permitted» to «incarnate» here on Earth IF they so wish & choose to for a period of approximately 1000 earth-life-years which should be a sufficient amount of time to «re-build» from all of the «rubble» via the minds of «sane» people who know how to set-up & establish WISE «systems» for social-benefit rather than these corrupted «authoritarian» institutions that are currently «controlling» the world where «insanity» has obviously come to the fore...
The Anunnaki are 4D astral based. You can't target them physically. Only their hybrid bloodline in power here can be wiped out, but it's a big family at this point. You'd need to wipe out millions. Even if you would kill an Anunnaki fallen here they'd just body hop into another body, already prepared for it, and continue on. Those celebrities etc when they sign themselves over to the Illuminati don't know that what they're doing is becoming hosts to fallen reptilians. Physical bodies are just vehicles. We are not the body we are the soul then the spirit higher up. To remove the controllers you have to dismantle the whole game. Starve it of it's energy and that's being done irregardless of what anyone thinks.