So if you're a self proclaimed Psy-op and in your video claim that any Psy-op is either political or military...which one is Farsight...political influence over the masses or military. So far it seems to point more towards the CIA than either of those other two. Other than the constant Trump perhaps political, but coming from an agency control. Everything ties into each other and We, who can see the threads and themes in this world, can see how one event affects the other. Already the Trump administration is calling for a regime change in the UK. We know that the CIA has done tons of regime changes in the world and still continue to do so. They're probably the most notorious agency that has ever been.
Haven't seen the video yet, but my guess is it's military. But I still see the possibility that it's ET military.
Regime change is long overdue, no matter where you look. The question is: What do they want us to become?
Transhumanism with hive mind control. We would be souls trapped within the body unable to leave as the body wouldn't die. Both Musk and the WEF openly call for a path towards this.
But they can only achieve that if they force you to accept the technology inside your body, for example by making a law that dictates it. If that's the case, there was no regime change at all.
This is the reason why people need to let go of the false belief that they can make law. Evil uses the law against them, until it says that you have to join the borg collective. But even then there's still a way out, namely by removing that technology from the body or getting a new body.
The laws here are only there for their own benefit. It's to protect the system. This is why they're pushing everyone to the brink to make sure they accept all these as miracle "cures". They poisoned the water, air, and food so everyone is sick.
Hey y'all. Would y'all consider RVing Barbara Marciniak who channels a Pleiadian collective? I have been listening to these channelings since the late 80s and I've always had the feeling that they were legit 'good guys', HOWEVER it would be nice to know that the Reptilians are not behind it all through this channel. Would you all consider taking a look, especially as how she (Barbara) has been a preeminent Pleiadian channel for 35 years? Thanks so much for considering it.
Nibiruan Council - A Mission Remembered book
After getting settled, I made my way to the meeting hall. Gathering up all of my courage,
I spoke to Standing Elk, giving him the message as Zephrin had instructed. He was
immediately receptive and offered me the 45-minute speaking slot on Saturday at 9:45
a.m. I nearly cried from relief! Zephrin’s second prediction had come true.
On Friday night, Barbara Marciniak, author of Bringers of the Dawn and the
conference’s opening speaker, gave her presentation. She spoke of the Reptilians. About
halfway through her presentation, I suddenly found that I could not keep my eyes open
and decided to leave and go to bed.
Over breakfast the next morning, I learned that something major had occurred during
Barbara’s talk. It appeared that, after revealing that the Pleiadians she had channeled for
many years were, in fact, Reptilian, she did a ceremony to open a portal at the conference
location to admit them. People were freaked out! Of course, they were already freaked
out from the previous night because of some of the information she revealed, such as her
comment that the Reptilians can take your soul when you are having sex and that they
can trick and deceive you. So letting them into the area was not considered a good thing.
Many people were upset and angry. They felt that Barbara had betrayed them. What she
and I had no way of knowing at the time was that, by letting them in, she had opened the
required portal and, in so doing, created the set-up for the template and the zero point
Later in the morning, I gave my presentation. I had no idea what I was going to say. Try
as I might, I could not prepare anything. I just had to wing it. I needn’t have been
worried because, no sooner had I begun, than I felt Devin’s presence. I let him guide me,
speaking his words as they flowed into my mind. We began by talking about Avalon and
Camelot, tying it to the timeline of Avyon Two where, I am told, the events of that time
period originally occurred. Something about the words Camelot, Avalon, Avyon, and the
phrase, “the blue planet with two suns”, struck a chord in the hearts of the audience.
When I asked for a show of hands as to whether they felt a connection to these words,
almost every hand in the room shot up.
Explaining how the two sides destroyed their world through war, I used this knowledge
as a lead-in to the issue that was on everyone’s mind--the Reptilians in our midst.
Following Devin’s guidance as it came to me moment by moment, I led the audience
through the Formula of Compassion so that they could see the higher perspective and
release the Reptilians and Barbara Marciniak from their roles. Barbara, the previous
evening’s speaker, had opened the door for the Reptilians, and. By the time we reached
step five of the Formula, the step where one finally sees the gift, the audience’s sense of
relief was almost palpable. Tension drained from their faces and their shoulders relaxed.
I was nearly in tears as I watched this group of nearly 400 people change in a matter of
By the time we reached the ninth step, smiles had replaced frowns and the energy had
shifted. By recognizing the gift of Barbara’s actions, the audience had stepped beyond
polarity into compassion. In doing so, they created a zero point. A zero point is the mid-
point between the two polarities where the frequency of compassion, the great equalizer,
voids all polarity, thus zeroing it out. By creating a zero-point, they had created a
template for doing it. This template would allow all of humanity to solve their conflicts
with compassion. The new template and the Zero Point moment at Estes Park provided