The ideas of good and bad are subjective. Love and Evil are fundamental truths. Love is the glue that connects everything together. This is your connection to the divinity within all of us. It is irrelevant if someone denies this, the fact is there has been scientific studies that show this over and over again. Evil, is the absence of this. To say, they don't exist or there is no good or bad is really a primitive belief and a lack of understanding the nature of reality and your divinity. I'm not referring to anything religious here just an FYI. We do live in a dualistic universe but the idea of an omniverse seems to be more prevalent. The idea isn't to deny dualism but to transcend it. Reptilians that torture people, eat them, take their blood, and who knows what else isn't evil?
The ET psyop proved what? Validated a project that was done months ago regarding Bashar. Validated their ideas of the reptilian controllers and feeding misinformation, ok so. Bashar's youtube channel still has less followers than Elena Danaan and Michael Salla both who have called out Farsight. The subscribers here have been stating for months to do a project on this.
Why is this important? Respectively, Courtney has flip flopped from time to time. There was a time he was showing Elena Danaan's book on a video. Next, Elena has been stating Trump has been working with white hats from the beginning to remove the bad actors. Courtney early on clearly wasn't a big fan of Trump but recently stated his side can meet with Trump. Future forecasting group did a project on JP who is Michael Salla's whistleblower and verified his experience on the space ARKS that are buried beneath the ground. Farsight did a project on Tony Rodrigues, who recently in an interview claims everything Elena states is accurate.
Lisa Royale, never even heard of her and can't even find a youtube channel. Not sure why she's relevant but whatever.
There is much to be investigated. Space Arks, different agendas. I've never seen remote viewing on Trump regarding "what is Trumps awareness regarding ET's", anything on Melania (she has no earlobes, is that normal?) Baron, etc. What do other countries know? Sightings for many years in Brazil and Peru, worth investigating. How about Pat Price's 4 bases, worth investigating? Hybrids are here, worth investigating.
Farsight believes David Jacobs theory. I can't disagree or agree. But Mary Rodwell, Barbara Lamb, and Yvonne Smith are just as well experience as Jacobs in this therapy and they have different views. Who do you believe? How about QHHT (Quantum healing hypnosis therapy), which Aziz has praised. Elena used this and cited the person in her book. How about Sarah Breskman Cosme whose one of the best QHHT practitioners whose written books, she's a level 3, and worked under Dr. Brian Weiss, another well known and respected professional who has a different take.
With all of this. We are told that Farsight is the only ambassadors of the good ETs. Respectively, that sounds like a cult. Farsight isn't any more special than me or any of you members. Anyone can make contact. Anyone can be an ambassador. Anyone can awaken. We were told last week there wouldn't be much more time to talk about Courtney's health because shit's about to hit the fan and he wouldn't have time to talk about it. Criminal migrants are being removed, Trump destroyed the WEF to their face, we are going to end Ukraine/Russia conflict. You think China will try something with Taiwan when this guys in office? nah. We are told the good ETs want to make all of these things happen once and if the world doesn't implode, they are packing up their suitcases and leaving and we are all screwed. Come on man, really? Time for farsight to put up or shut up!
How many factions of ETs are out there? Probably billions. Everyone thinks they are on the "right" side. One faction is in contact with Courtney and they will feed him whatever information they need to in order to get what they want. To date, it is not clear what they REALLY want. Everyone wants something in exchange for their efforts.