I am start with a bit of an excerpt from when the ISBE of Adolph Hitler was «subjected» to «excruciating pain» for the equivalent of two billion earth-life-equivalent years-of-time; his ISBE did in fact, eventually «return» to the Pure-Source-Light-Realm (heaven) because he EVENTUALLY made the CONSCIOUS-CHOICE «decision» to NOT continue on in violation of others' free-will; this «information» comes from my Pre-This-Universe-Life-Memories. Why do I bring up such a perceived «evil man» as an EXAMPLE to start out ? The POINT I am making here is that, REGARDLESS of what one has DONE in their «past» they CAN achieve their «freedom» EVENTUALLY, but, NOBODY gets a «Get-Out-of-Karmic-Debt» FREE Card...
I will now «quote» from The Testament of Truth in regards to «Spirit-Guides» People...:
「~ The "spirit guide" ~
Spirit communication
This "notice" is for every spiritualist and every "medium" and every spirit who resides in any of the multitudes of realms outside heaven.
Be advised that the Spirit of Truth again walks in the flesh of mortal man and his fresh "leaven" being a final message from God does now "span" the very heavens above, being fresh "hope" sent to all God's children with Mother's love.
Let it here be known by all spirits that they have been used by the dark to telepathically interfere with the ways of man as their "thoughts" drew near and they did "direct" man's mind and use man to be "unkind" in many a way.
Let it here be known that many a vain spirit did 'guide' man to the point of "control" and thus there was no "freedom" for many an earthly man who did on this loam "stroll."
Let it here be known that any spirit who now continues to interfere in any way with the "thought processes" of any spirit in other spirit realms or with the mind of man will themselves become "bound" and become "serfs" of the dark force that does now plan to take control of the mind of every spirit who is a "busybody."
Please now read the content of my web site so that as you so do, the spirits linking-in to your mind day and night gain its wisdom so that they can be "uplifted" into God's sight.
Please listen to my audio tapes listed ref: "Spirit communication & spirit possession" that you will find listed at the bottom of my front web index page on the web site below.
Please also note that no spirit guide is "from" the ultimate level, for God is our divine inspiration. It follows that any spirit "posing" as a "guide" is in fact in a lesser than heaven level and thus able to bestow untruth and mis-direction for which they now will pay "under" God's ONE Law: "As you do is done unto you."
All "men" on this level "acting" as mediums need to now "pass-on" to spirits the fresh wisdom given and advise them to now look up to the star of love and to move onwards and upwards and leave the mind of man alone. The "word" men means both "wombed" or otherwise, women & men.
I AM he the risen Messiah」
-Quoted from http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/islam/web/crucify.htm
(Title: The Crucifixion of Religion - Part 1)
For the OTHERS who REFUSE to «repent» as even the Hitler-ISBE eventually did, they CAN and DO end up in a literally FOR-EVER «suffering» FATE; this is NOT a promotion of «fear» but simply a STATEMENT of TRUTH and of FACT; if I do NOT state just how «DIRE» the «situation» is for ALL who «live» OUT-SIDE of the PURE-Light-Source-Realm, then, like so MANY who have found out this «TRUTH» the HARD way, they (and even many of YOU) will NOT take your «salvation» SERIOUSLY as you «go about your way» in the «hopes» that I am some-how WRONG in «warning» the [spiritually] BLIND they they ARE metaphorically about to Walk Off a Cliff...
I am not talking about a mere million years or billion years or trillion years or even several trillions upon trillions of years; when it comes to «FOR-EVER (FOREVER)» then FOR-EVER (FOREVER) really DOES MEAN the LITERAL: FOR-EVER (FOREVER)
This is merely a STATEMENT of FACT, similarly to how if one were to WITNESS a UFO in the Sky, and, REPORT that a UFO was there, is ALSO a STATEMENT of FACT...