So are angels and Archangels real? Or just ETs? Good or Bad?
Various «creatures» DO exist in various «forms» BUT not all of them are necessarily located within the same universe; A.I. Technology does exist which can alter & manipulate thoughts & emotions. And, yes, some can indeed take on the «form» of what are called Angels, Arch-Angels, but, various religions have mis-interpreted a variety of «alien» creatures as being gods, angels, demons, demi-gods, arch-angels, fallen-angels, etc..
And it's too «simplistic» to say that one or another is «good» or «bad» which are rather «subjective» terms; it is better to use less-ambiguous vocabulary, such as Free-Will v/s Authoritarian, for, absolutely everybody in any and all «conflict» thinks that THEY are the «good guys» whilst the «other side» are the «evil ones» to be DESTROYED.
Even the word «God» should be replaced with SOURCE; there is too much «religious-baggage» associated with this term where «religion» has created HUGE «division» (divisive-ideologies) when ALL must recognise that we are ALL «children» of SOURCE.
«God» is simply the English-language word that both incarnate & discarnate people refer to as the Eternal-Creator-of-All; «Allah» is simply the Arabic-language word for the Eternal-Creator-of-All; «Mungu» is the Swahili-language word for the Eternal-Creator-of-All (Aziz Brown speaks Swahili; in the Swahili-language they call their language: Kiswahili; similarly to how Espagñol is how the Spanish call their own language in their own native-tongue).
What I go about doing is «warning» people that IF they go about trying to «destroy» others (which is fruitless in the end because you CANNOT «kill» an ISBE) or «punishing» others (which does NOTHING to «assist» them and results in the «Prison-Industrial-Complex» that can be seen in the U.S. Prison-Statistics which contain more than 24% of the whole entire world's Prison-Population despite the whole entire country itself containing less than 4% of the whole entire world-population; a complete & total «waste» of «productive-time» & resources), then, they are basically in «alignment» with Source-DARK and are on the «authoritarian» side of Source-DARK-Energy (which does NOT «permit» ANY whom are «contaminated» with it to have full use of their Free-Will or Freedom).
The term «angels» and «demons» have also been said by some sources to refer to alien-extra-terrestrials who were either helping humanity or against humanity; the ones who were helping were typically historically called angels (basically something like what the extra-terrestrial aliens with FarSight are attempting) whilst the ones who were waging war against the human-species were typically historically called demons (basically the «authoritarian-controllers» here on earth who are controlling & manipulating all of the governments & religions & financial-institutions & main-stream-media and censoring & shadow-banning content from the Internet, etc.).
All that really matters in terms of objective «good» versus objective «bad» really depends on one's «alignment» with Source-LIGHT or their «alignment» with Source-DARK; the one's who align with Source-LIGHT have a COMPLETE and TOTAL-RESPECT for «free-will» whilst the ones who are aligned with Source-DARK have a COMPLETE and TOTAL-DISDAIN for «permitting» ANY «free-will» for others whom they deem & view to be their chattel offal-slaves;
I call it SOURCE via BOTH the Source-LIGHT as WELL as the Source-DARK as an apparent-necessity to «thwart» the «pissing contests» that people always seem to want to get into about how their «God» is «All Good» whilst the OTHERS' «God» is «Evil» (or a «my fairy tail sky-daddy can beat up your fairy tale sky-daddy» type of dispute) when in fact SOURCE comprises of BOTH the «Light» AND the «Dark» traits of existence. When one kills, murders, operates with the intent to deceive into harm, steals, enslaves, taxes, punishes, abuses, tortures, etc., then one is aligned with Source-DARK; when one ABSTAINS from ANY of the Source-DARK Categories at ALL times and in ALL situations, even when persecuted, abused, punished, tortured, even crucified, etc., then, they could be regarded as a «Saint» who has used NONE of the «traits» of the Source-DARK.
We're talking about the ones here in the closed off prison system, not the spirits outside of that can resemble or have the function of messengers and guardians. Even the Anunnaki fell from one of these positions. They were created as an intermediary between the Orion and Sirius empires to stop war, but then they became corrupted either way without a guide to oversee them. Like wayward children. You could say they need to be spanked.
Thankyou for your time in writing the above
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