So after the eyefloaters thingies or machines, I don´t know yet,
I´ve discovered that the psychiatry kinda forgot that people with psychosises devolop spiritual powers. Or they didn´t forget only the ones that write the Bible of diagnosises, we call the DSM series.
It is like the shamans of the past and present.
When having a place within society and being accepted, we can do great things.
so I figured out that antipsychotics block a specific part of the brain so it is eisier to remote control for a group of beingsµ
I tested it, Im stil ´bad ass´ communicating, crazzy,... But crazy good on the highest dossage.
I still communicate.
You're just Pat - The RVer using an alt lol. Both just as loonie.
I can't really complain in Belgium. Most of my free will is thanks to the fact that the government pays and cares for psychiatry people. I have a lot of free time. I could research stuff outside of the normal belief systems. When a patient says something bizarre there is a whole silence ready to be discovered. I notice it a lot in the hospital. The knowledge is with the being. Psychiatry should aknowledge that instead of labeling it as a bad disease, it could be a wonderfull gift one is ready to develop. But not the crazy crazy stuff. Just the good stuff. When a patient says for example, I've changed my DNA, the patient probably worked on that without using scientific method. But we feel it in our bones so to speak. I know it because of examples of this one wise woman
She knew an important book arrived in the hospital. She sensed it. Or patients that talk with beings telepathically. I'll try to write a book about my adventures.