So, I watched the recent interview at WatchMojo and again stumpled upon the question why the so called good ETs are shot down at all. According to Courtney, their ships are lured into a vulnerable position and then shot down by human secret space program weapons.
What strikes me as odd is that highly intelligent ETs – who are capable of flying through the whole galaxy – are stupid enough to being lured into vulnerable positions to begin with. I mean, they know it's a prison planet run by their enemies, right? They should know it's a trap. This begs the question: Why does the trap work at all?
So I thought about this and came up with the following theory:
They are not stupid, but instead, want to be shot down for a specific reason. Remember the egg uap? If it's real, and if it was shot down, it means that the egg uap belongs to the good ETs (or at least not to the side that's running the prison planet).
Think about that. Could it be that they want to be shot down so we can know what type of ships belong to their side? Because, human military will keep track of everything they find, so there's at least one database full of information of crashed ships, which means: full of information about the good ETs.
And there's the pilots as well. So, human military already knows a lot about the so called good ETs, their technology and their biologicals. But the bad ETs wouldn't give away their knowledge, so our databases wouldn't tell us a lot about them.
Could it be a way to tell us humans how to distinguish the two sides? 🤔