Last night heading north on the interstate in southern NH, I noticed a blue-white light. First it seemed to shine differently than a plane. I see planes all the time along the I-93 corridor at night. This looked different. The international airport is less than 10 miles away, so I figured a plane at first but there was something about it. It also wasn't moving as fast as a plane. It only moved ahead of me slightly for several minutes. Then, when I got off at my exit...I noticed there was a second similarly lighted one...tracking alongside of it. I tried to telepathically say hi or pick up what it actually was.
My feeling is it wasn't a pair of planes, but I can't rule it out. However, it seemed odd that two things would be in airspace that close to each other traveling at the same speed. I figured they were about a mile away from me and within several hundred feet of each other.