Farsight - would you be willing to make an official Discord channel?
They'd be better off making an OnlyFans.
Yes, or that one.
Some of the girls of FS were already posting skimpy clothing pictures online calling it "modeling" lol.
On Onlyfans?
Where's the link???
Not that I have any interest in girls with skimpy clothes...
Lol no. On regular google search. I was just wondering if the girls do RVing etc on the side and most/all do, but I remember seeing at least 2 girls doing some interesting modeling. I'd start with basic google images search and go from there. From what I saw it was in the whole "female empowerment" crap.
Intysam didn't. Although her luscious lips are always a distraction when I watch the projects :D
This entire thread just turned into some weirdest shit ever.
Cheers Exodus aka EnkiSatya aka Jon, Pat aka God aka probably other Pat.
I'll focus on targets maybe.
Nope. Only ever had one account. JS/ES and now back to my GLP forum username of Exodus lol. This way it's easier for those coming over from there to here to possibly recognize me. I noticed there's an uptick in new members so decided to change the screen name.
If I wanted to insult you I'd do so very directly not how the other person does it. I don't play games and if you're stupid enough not to know me by now that's your own problem not mine.
Looks like Pat - the Real Pat,God,Tazz the Perv got himself banned lol. I was like why are there so many deleted postings and remembered he went on an attack against you. Although, I have no idea why you specifically and why now.
I've warmed up to your glowing happy charm, Exodus 😉
Oh I get it now. "Exodus" that's the plan you're saying.
Oh I could be far nicer. I'm a friendly guy overall. It's just that I've dealt with idiots online for decades already and know how to deal with them...which is direct and straight to the point. No energy wasted on my part. Look at Aeius typing pages and pages of comments back to Manuel in their recent disagreement/argument like 2-3 days ago lol. It was fun to watch the drama.
I actually don't "dislike" you. For the most part I feel we got along. The only reason I posted that one thread, which I deleted after, was due to the inconsistencies in how some people COULD be playing multiple roles here and the other guy who sent the screen cap of you guys having that group chat showed Manuel, pic of Adam, and then you having the Tazz username. When you played into it you only pushed it into another level by trying to "mock" it. It could've been much more easily handled, but then again you have nothing to prove to me. I basically told everyone to make up their mind and when that thread spiraled out of control I deleted it.
Too bad you deleted, was epic, had you convinced I was 5 ppl
No. Only one other. Adam. That's all. The Manuel Illioc or whatever names seems to not correlate to the asshole Manuel here.