The farsight team and Courtney, stated we will get physical contact with aliens, i consider its kind double edge sword, first we would know who is on our side, but then all beats are off, i dont belive that good aliens can save the Earth and humanity neither , what i see that they dont want us influenced by the bad ETs and that we become a part of other star empire.
In regards to my past life , i can only say the battle will come, wether it make sense or not, but the battle for Earth will happen.
That's only a script. The physical level was never going to be saved. It's a trap for the spirit and was never meant to be this dense and predatory. The Anunnaki lowered the vibrational frequency of humans and it's the human spirit that projects this scenery/playground here for the souls. The physical won't be the battleground...a person's soul is.