Maybe February and a few more months will pass. ETs won't show up. The world carries on with our usual behaviors. Possible.
Consider Courtney is right though. What if this time...the universe gets expanded? Disclosure actually happens. The ET ships are accepted by the mainstream?! We realize we are a lot more than what we thought we are?!
A lot of us take glee in this prospect. Maybe we feel it would give more meaning to our daily lives. It'd be exciting to talk about. It'd be thrilling to anticipate a wider universe.
But I've been thinking this is a very deep thing...disclosure. It changes everything. Our spiritual outlook. Our way of life. Everything.
It's not just some cool stuff to look at on Instagram, X, Bluesky, Facebook or whatever media and talk about for a while.
This changes our knowledge. It makes us realize we are eternal beings with memories that go back and experiences that go on...forever.
It forces us to confront our place in the universe again. With no beginning or do we ascribe our identity? What do possessions mean? What does "self" mean? Now the bad guys, good guys and everyone in between are actually immortal. The idea of rewards and punishment take on a new context. Do we join in the fight over the scraps for our universe? Or do we ascribe to a higher ideal?
The search for meaning won't be resolved with disclosure. It will continue and will result in complications.
Richard Feynman said doubt is necessary for learning. I enjoy learning. If some things are cleared up with disclosure, there are going to be other things we still question. That will be ok and probably good. But it will be an adjustment.
I'm glad I had January to think about this and the ETs haven't shown up yet. It might have been a little selfish but I, like all of us, need to process changes if they occur.
February could different. Are you ready if things happen?