Why is it so important to understand what a right is?
Why is it so important to understand that rights come from nature, not other beings?
Because in the world of evil people, they are the ones who make up what rights are in order to create a system of enslavement. The masters have more rights than the slaves. The government has more rights than the citizens. This worldview is literally the operating system of every prison planet. Not knowing how rights work in reality will always create a prison planet, because you will attract evil people who want to have more rights than you so they can own you.
So, knowing how you can define a right without dividing people into masters and slaves would be crucial to get rid of slavery. It's what we need to know to end the prison planet.
So, what are rights?
All you need to understand is that a right is every behavior that does NOT initiate harm to another sentient being.
For example, a predator is initiating harm against another sentient being. Predation is not a right. Because of this, predation will always result in the loss of freedom – predators will either experience a life as an animal in an eat or be eaten world, or they will experience a life where slavery is a crucial part of society and everything is about violence and control.
Predators will never experience a life in freedom.
Humans on this prison planet are predators because we are governed by predators and believe that it's how it has to be. We have the same culture of the ones who are running this prison planet. Our governments create "rights" out of thin air, just like how they create money out of thin air. The natural law consequence is that this planet is a prison planet.
Not understanding rights is the exact reason why we are imprisoned.
➡️ https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/72111-understanding-natural-law