In the Spotlight "Recognizing Deception and Control", Courtney says the following at timestamp 9:47:
"So my guess is that this is leading up to a situation where there will be very visible larger ships. Very visible larger ships that will hang out in the sky for long periods of time. Because, remember when you're seing this so called drones, they're hanging out there, like for seven hours at a time. So, you can expect, I would think, the larger ships that's hanging out there for a long period of time."
But what about the enemy? The narrative always was that when the good ETs show up, a hot war will break out. Now the good ETs are presented as being able to hang out in the sky for hours without any danger of a hot war.
I see three possibilities here:
1. The so called good ETs have already won the battle for Earth. I speculated some time ago that if they are dominant within the solar system, which has been claimed multiple times, Earth should be under a siege or blockage. I see the possibility that the siege has been successful and the enemy hoisted a white flag. Of course Earth population wouldn't know anything about this, so human governments are still running their everyday business as if nothing has changed. Making Earth's population aware of the change is now implemented in a staged disclosure process to reduce the cultural shock.
2. There are no good ETs and the staged disclosure process is part of a program to convert humanity into a spacefaring civilization within the ranks of the bad ETs. We are becoming an official part of the Empire, because we are becoming technologically advanced enough to fight as "starship troopers", just like the reptilians.
3. Project Bluebeam: There are no ETs and it's a psy-op to trick us into a fascistic one world government. The problem with this possibility is: If there are ETs, which I believe to be true, a holographic light show doesn't make any sense unless it's conducted as a false flag operation to smear an ET enemy, which means there must be at least two sides who are still fighting. But in that case, there would be no larger ships sitting peacefully in the sky.
We'll see...