Ever since time-immemorial, man has always lived in such a manner to where there have always been those who falsely believed in their «right» to «fight» for obtaining & controlling what is not actually theirs, whether be it population-control, enslavement of others, taxation upon others, etc.
Amongst one of the biggest CULT-beliefs that still proliferate today is the idea that some land-mass or continent or even perhaps whole entire «blankety-blank» planets belong to some particular group or other such people, when in fact, such «locations» were actually STOLEN in the first instance !
I hereby «expose» the «insanity» that still continues to proliferate amongst «mortals» who FALSELY believe that they have a RIGHT to restrict MOVEMENT of others (whether in the form of «Papers, please» license-renewal-requirements, border-patrols, etc.). For, ever since a long time ago, multitudes are always being «genocided» where the following ACT declares Land-Ownership:
1) Destroying the lives of multitudes of people who were ALREADY LIVING upon the Continent
2) Tying a dirty rag or cloth to the end of a stick and poking it into the ground of said Continent
3) Declaring that said «ACT» has caused THEM to become the «new owners» over said land-mass
From the mortal-perspective, blinded by authoritarian-ideology, and, thus, the MIASMA of the Source-Dark, they called it «Conquering» a «land» of «Barbarians» and/or «Savages» (whilst IRONICALLY IGNORING their OWN «barbarianism» and «savagery» of SLAUGHTERING MULTITUDES).
The dirty rag or cloth at the end of their stick ? Well... they call those things...: Flags
They «revere» and «worship» their False-God «idol» the Flag-Symbol such to the point that if someone were to burn or «piss» upon it then they become deluded «religious-fanatics» who INSIST that the «blasphemer» or «heretic» be burned at the stake, tried for treason, etc., etc.
I now «quote» from a bit of The Testament of Truth for good measure...:
«I can now and here categorically state that if you believe that there are any sacred material objects that you revere or adore then you will die in your sin [i.e.: MIASMA] because you will defend these objects against 'desecrators' and, some of you will even kill any that burn your sacred teachings or 'piss' in your holy place or on your holy objects. This applies to every race, colour, creed, or religious group or State government department. For their 'officers' also 'revere' their unholy rulebooks.»
-Quoted from http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/other2.htm#page%2029