Just to pan back and I know it's preaching to the choir. If you already believe this is a prison planet than this post is a waste of your time (I'm sure many of mine are). But here it is anyways. Makes no sense we don't use these ideas in modern day.
*Independent power sources. After the discovery of solar paneling and wind-farming, the legalese behind trying to install and produce your own power is still like a god damn religious desecration. And so a "government" that ought to be centralized authority to help benefit the masses is stamping out anything that looks like independent manufacture of power.
*Growing. Everyone complains about the high prices at the market, and charities scream about the starving impoverished of the inner city and abroad. And we surround ourselves with lawns, and football fields, and parks, and huuuuuuge surface areas of concrete that could practically all be dedicated to food growth. We know how to make enormous vertical farms powered by a single nuclear plant. One of the last things we should be worrying about in the modern era is where do we get our food.
*Money doesn't exist. It's been criminalized since the 30s. Money is a very simple asset. You take a fairly stable asset, easy to measure and transport, and turn into some sort of valuable goods (like metal) and you exchange it. If you find something that you think is more efficient, all the power to you. But there's nothing criminal or damaging about just trading the commodity. There is no money. The soaring prices of commodities have absolutely zilch to do with the overuse of resources. It's all because money is deemed criminal. One interesting fact here is you can easily swap the use of coins for bullets.
*Canning goods. Related to food again. Have you ever looked at how modern technology can preserve food to centuries-long stability? I'm not saying it's the healthiest, and of course if it fails the canning process the result is food poisoning (but it becomes obvious fairly quickly because the can starts to bulge). This also turns food into an easily trade able good that doesn't need any central hub of authority. Independent canning and trading has been criminalized, because imagine the independence generated when people control their own food.
*Mobile living. You don't even need to depend on the stability of your neighborhood. There is no reason why you can't live quite securely in a unit that is easy to pick up and move on. But imagine how much harder people would be to control if they were mobile this way.
*Flight. Flying vehicles are actually simpler than cars in a way. It's chasseys and rotors. the fact that this is held off again and again, and I'm not even talking ion propulsion, is obviously a sign of a prison system.
*Quantum entanglement: This is a weirder one, but quantum entanglement makes all cell phone towers and communication wires obsolete. At least the ones spanning across oceans and continents. They should no longer exist in a decade. But that also means that there will be no central authority controlling information exchange. I don't think they'll be encouraging that shift.
*Education of basic contracts. Like children as young as 5 can start to understand the difference of sound vs unsound contracts. They can make agreements with each other that are at least good practice in law if not binding. But imagine the independence if they were not stricken to being stupefied without some bigger, dumber, legalese authority. No wonder that is completely unheard of in schools.
*The remote viewing stuff is a given. But now I bet that psychic ability was common practice in basically *all* societies that were not stamped out by a savage conquering empire. The formula was pretty simple. 1. Find people that are a bit dumber and angrier, 2. breed those qualities and encourage them. 3. Release their dumb rage onto any society making peaceful quiet realizations, 4. Project the accusation of qualities of these designed societies onto those outward societies as "dumb savages", 5. Enforce belief systems (doesn't matter the icons and styles) that *everywhere* must be converted without exception. Even if you come out with a few large societies that were designed this way that disagree with one another, it doesn't matter, they can fight it out amongst each other in the end.
Everyone influencing the media. And I mean everyone. Trump, Q, farsight, etc. You have the "mainstream" which is flooded with useless debates of empty policies, and then you have "alternative" which is flooded with AI bots and aliens, and ancient civilizations. But the common sense ideas are still unheard of. Even the DIY stuff is often some weird useless garbage like how to make coat hangers out of hockey sticks.
But just saying this is some of the "emproror's new clothes" more obvious stuff that's often missed. If I can't convince everyone of aliens, then I should at least get them to look at these examples and ask why the hell it's not common place.