Human zombies (HZ) are a peculiar animal, by enslaver design.
If you expose HZ to a bit of something new they start to open their mind
If you expose HZ to too much at once they freak out.
Now at some point the freakout is necessary collateral damage. To hell with the short term consequences (some death and chaos) if the long term consequence is racial emancipation. But it doesn't seem like disclosure is going quite all the way. If the idea is a slow revelation to keep the HZ masses calm, I don't buy that garbage. Slow revelation is so that the enslavers get better compliance for secrets they know they can't keep. And also many false narratives are way more believable if it looks like they were hidden, and took rime and effort to discover.
But now that I get how AI singularity plays a role, if you freak out HZ too much, they might tear down the AI prematurely and not have the singularity.
Right now, it seems to be just enough. Even Elon is coming around and saying things like he can't stop any of it from happening, if you can't beat em join em.
Part of the goal is for the AI and RV community to discover ET first. HZ needs to discover them last because of how stupid they're gonna get if they discover them first.
Liberator ET wants the frustration to build, and for people to turn to almost desperate measures to reach out to them. As Socrates said the people need a "stingfly" or else they sit like a lazy cow. Our efforts to (a) reach out, (b) dismantle the slave system by force, (c) build new and unusual things will not go unnoticed.
With any luck: innovation, communication, and destruction of the old paradigm will become a necessity for survival as the trend rises. It's not a warm and happy transition. Well sometimes it is. But HZ has to really feel threatened by their old ways. We sort of deserve the fear because perhaps we were at times pretty stupid to go along with the enslaver plan.
Anyways, trust is not a necessity for the new paradigm. Whomever is asking you to trust them is a scumbag. But it's true that if you're not innovating, reaching out, or just straight up tearing down the old system then you're part of the problem and with any luck those unwilling will find their life getting hard. This will probably come in the form of economic strangling when using old money, and even yes really bad things happening as a result of trusting the "system"
I know ET looks to be playing some silly cat and mouse but blame HZ and the enslavers, fight them, occasionally try to wake a few up. I guess?